Term Paper on Stamp Act - University of La Verne

What Would You Change in Your Country?Have you ever dreamt about the improvement of life in your country? Undoubtedly, our appetites are unlimited. People always want more. There is hardly a person in the world who is completely satisfied with economic, cultural or political situation in her country. Sometimes these dreams have a solid background and reasons, because it is impossible to build a perfect society on the territory of a chosen country. Everyone dislikes something about his native country and wants to change these disadvantages.As I speak about myself, I would rather say that I have a few ideas about this issue. I would change several things that exist in every country. When we speak about education in the USA, the UK, India or Russia, we would say that education is not a strong side of any country. People have not managed to create the ideal system of education that would help children develop their potential. In spite of the fact that such countries as the USA, the UK, Australia, Germany or France have solid material basis for education, the quality of education is still low. Very often students from the developing countries are able to compete with the US student who has graduated from the most expensive college or university.However, the material and financial background of his country is poor. Consequently, the problem is not money but the right approach towards children and education in general. I would like to make education affordable for everyone, because the level of literacy is still low in my country. Of course there are good schools and colleges but very few families are able to afford them. One can say that students receive little attention from their teachers. When a class consists of twenty students, it is impossible to control the level of knowledge of every student. Then, it is bad that our education focuses on weak students and neglects children with potential. Smart students do not have a chance to develop intensively. They have to attend extra classes and hire private teachers. May be, it is a problem of mixed classes that equalize students with different intellectual potential.Another problem is healthcare system. This problem has always been relevant in the USA, the UK, Germany, etc. It is very hard to improve the standards of healthcare services, because medicine costs money. Medication, pills and substances are very expensive. Obviously, it is expensive to analyze the qualities of various chemical elements and define their influence on the human health.Every experiment at a research institute costs money; consequently, medications cost much. I would like to reduce prices on medication and basic healthcare services, because it can save millions of lives. Of course, it is impossible to reduce prices on surgery and other complicated services.However, the state can afford low prices at least on drugs.Finally, I would like to improve ecological situation in my country. People still continue littering and polluting their towns and cities. They do not care about water and air. It is reasonable to introduce solid fines and penalties for such actions. I can say that children should receive knowledge about environmental issues from the earliest years of their life.In conclusion, one can name many problems that exist in his country and he should do his best to solve them.Term Paper on Stamp ActThe Stamp Act of 1765 is a parliamentary act of Great Britain that touched upon the colonies of British America. This document was based on the imposition of the direct tax on the Thirteen Colonies. The main idea of this document was to make British colonies print their books, newspapers, playing cards and other printed materials on the stamped paper that was produced in London. The Crown made this decision to improve its financial condition, because the treasury of Great Britain required gold. Obviously, the Parliament decided to impose taxes on the country’s colonies. It was impossible to print the smallest announcement without the stamp of the Crown. It is natural that this policy was met violently. People were not ready to such unexpected and meaningless taxes and they protested furiously. The Stamp Act of 1765 caused severe protests in all cities of British America.People could not bear the fact that they did not have their own representatives in the Parliament of Great Britain.Consequently, they did not have the opportunity to influence the structure and character of taxation and its usefulness and sensibility. There were spontaneous demonstrations and rallies in all colonies.The biggest rally was in Boston, where furious crowd destroyed a vice governor’s mansion. Naturally, London decided to resolve this conflict and repealed this Act on 1766. It does not worth mentioning that the Parliament imposed many other similar taxes afterwards, but the colonies opposed them in the same manner. It is possible to say that such a united and cohesive attitude towards the pressure of colonists maintained the process of struggle for independence.The Stamp Act of 1765 is a good subject for analysis, because it illustrates the meaningless of colonial policy. One is able to read about this Act in the reliable sources in order to improve his knowledge about this event. Then, it is important to think about the cause of taxation in the context of the financial condition of Great Britain. One should think about the origin of such documents and their influence on the colonies and their people. Students ought to demonstrate the effect of taxation and summarize their research wisely. It is smart to clarify the importance of this event for the history of the USA.If you have problems with term paper writing, it is possible to solve them with the help of the Internet and its free assistance. When you have questions about the right structure of your term paper, you are able to look through a free college term paper example on Stamp Act written by an intelligent and hardworking expert. His ideas will be useful for the quality of your assignment.At writing service you can order a custom term paper on Stamp Act topics. Your academic paper will be written from scratch. We hire top-rated Ph.D. and Master’s writers only to provide students with professional term paper help at affordable rates. Each customer will get a non-plagiarized term paper or essay with timely delivery. Just visit our website and fill in the order form with all paper details:No Child Left Behind Act Term PaperNo Child Left Behind Act is a document adopted on 2001 that is associated with the improvement of elementary and secondary education in the USA. It is obvious that students are different and their potential is different too. It is impossible to create a standard system of education that will satisfy every student. The US Congress decided to invent the best system that would be useful to all students. No Child Left Behind Act is based on the idea that every child has the right to receive education and that it is impossible to treat children with different potential equally.This Act provided states with the right to set the local standards of education. For example, if a school cannot boast of excellent results of its students, it has the right to set its own minimum level of knowledge that is acceptable in this state. Years ago every school paid attention to the smartest students. Weaker students did not have a chance to learn the same information, because of their weaker potential. In simple words, the system of education focused on gifted students, while other students felt neglected.The Act changed this situation and provided schools with a chance to make their own standards of education that will be useful to weaker students too. Gifted students should receive extra homework assignments that are not connected with the ordinary educational process. No Child Left Behind Act is a quite a controversial document, because teachers and experts criticize it severely. They say that this Act does not solve the existing problems of education and it causes harm to gifted students who stay unnoticed and discouraged.No Child Left Behind Act is good topic for discussion. Students are able to research this problem in detail and share their opinion with their teachers. If you need to complete a good term paper about No Child Left Behind Act, you should pay attention to the profound analysis of this document. It is possible to observe it logically and systematically. You should describe every important point and aspect of this Act and explain it to your teacher. Furthermore, you should analyze it objectively demonstrating its advantages and disadvantages. Finally, you should summarize this subject wisely and present your own understanding of its importance.The Internet is the best helper with term paper writing, because it provides students with high-quality articles that can be useful for writing. One is able to look through a free college term paper sample on No Child Left Behind Act and understand how to organize his assignment effectively. He will be able to borrow the style and manner of writing to construct a successful paper professionally.Dead Poets Society Analysis Term Paper:Dead Poets Society is a famous drama film shot in the USA in 1989. This film was directed by Peter Weir and the main role was played by Robin Williams. The action takes place in Welton Academy for aristocratic students in Vermont in 1959. Dead Poets Society is about English language and literature teacher John Keating who decided to inspire his students to change something in their boring everyday lives and encouraged their fascination with poetry and literature. John Keating is a new teacher in a conservative academy. Everyday life and activity of students is controlled strictly by the officials of this academy. He decided to help his students develop their spiritual side and he conducted his lessons in the original manner.The motto of this film is carpe diem or “seize the day”. Mr. Keating stated that students should start changing their lives at this very day, because it is useless to delay your happiness and dreams until a later time. When he was young, he was a member of an unsanctioned Dead Poets Society, a group of students who enjoyed poetry. The main characters of the film, Neil Perry and his classmates, decided to revive this society and got involved into poetry. Neil was the most promising student of the academy and he dreamt of playing at the theatre, though his father opposed him to do it. Neil committed suicide under the pressure of his father who did not understand the real dreams of his son. The film teaches to work hard if you want to achieve your goal. Moreover, it teaches to respect your family and make a compromise for the solution of any important problem.Dead Poets Society is an interesting and thought provoking film that can be useful to every student who is involved into social work or pedagogy. It is useful to watch this film and learn something new about perception of life. When you need to analyze Dead Poets Society in detail, you should watch it attentively, take notes and learn about every main character of the film. Then one should focus on the main idea of this film, observe its motto and say something about its hidden ideas. Finally, you are able to observe Dead Poets Society from technical side and evaluate the director’s work, performance of the camera operator and actors’ play.Students always have troubles with term paper writing, because this assignment consumes time and efforts. Luckily, every student is able to improve his writing skills and prepare a successful paper if he reads a free college term paper sample on Dead Poets Society analysis composed by a multitasking and intelligent writer.At writing service you can order a custom term paper on Dead Poets Society topics. Your academic paper will be written from scratch. We hire top-rated Ph.D. and Master’s writers only to provide students with professional term paper help at affordable rates. Each customer will get a non-plagiarized term paper or essay with timely delivery. 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