|Conflict Type |*Background Information (BI) |Quote (EX/CI) |# |Explain how why this would be a conflict for a character in the |

| | | | |play |

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|______ | | | | |


| TS |Need name of story, genre and |In the play, The Diary of Anne Frank, written by Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett, Anne Frank is involved in |

| |author. |several man vs. man conflicts. |

| |Topic/man vs______ | |

| |conflict | |

|SS 1 |First example of man vs ______ |One example of man vs. man conflict is Anne’s bickering with her mother. |

| |conflict | |

|BI |Information needed to understand | Mrs. Frank is a respectful and gentle woman. She expects Anne to behave in a ladylike manner according to Mrs. |

| |quote (characters, who they are, |Frank’s idea of how girls should act. While in the attic, Anne hides Peter’s shoes, which results in an full-fledged |

| |and where the quote takes place). |physical attack by Peter to get his shoes back. As Peter storms off, Anne chases him and begs him to dance with her. |

| |Be thorough! |Irritated by her, he goes into his room to avoid her, and she slams the door. Mrs. Frank reprimands Anne for not |

| | |acting dignified. |

| |Quote (p ) |(Pg. 382) Anne tells her mother that she “does not want to be dignified, but wants some fun…someone to laugh and |

|Example | |clown with” (pg. 382). |

|/ CI |You may need to reword part of | |

| |quote depending on how the quote | |

| |is introduced in your BI | |

| |statement. | |

|EXPLANATI|Explain why this (quote) would be |Anne’s mother wants her to treat others with kindness and respect and tells Anne to act dignified. Anne explains that|

|ON |a conflict for your character. |she wants to laugh and clown with someone and have fun, but she is not the least bit interested in being dignified or |

| | |acting like a lady. There is constant conflict between Anne and her mother because of the expectations Mrs. Frank |

| | |places on Anne, who cannot bring herself to be submissive, quiet, and dignified, as her mother expects her to be. |

| | |Anne does not feel that her mother’s generation’s expectation of women holds true for the new generation. She feels |

| | |her mother’s ideas are old and outdated. |

|Transitio|Second example of man vs ______ |Not only does Anne engage in a man vs. man battle with her mother over the way “ladies” should conduct themselves, but|

|n / |conflict |she also confronts her mother over comparing her to Margot and expecting her to be something she is not. |

|Bridge | | |

|SS2 | | |

|SS2 | | |

|BI |Information needed to understand |After making some disrespectful comments to Mr. VanDaan, Anne’s mother tells her she should not “answer back to |

| |quote (characters, who they are, |adults” (pg. 388). As Mrs. Frank tells Anne how she should act, she compares Anne to Margot, and this causes more |

| |and where the quote takes place). |tension between herself and her daughter. |

| |Be thorough! | |

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|Example |Quote (p ) |After Anne’s mother tells Anne she should act like Margot because Margot does not fight and argue with others but is |

|/ CI | |respected by them, Anne feels that her mother is telling her that “everything she does is right and everything Anne |

| |You may need to reword part of |does is wrong” (pg. 389). She feels that they “are all against her” (pg. 389). |

| |quote depending on how the quote | |

| |is introduced in your BI statement| |

| | | |

|EXPLANATI|Explain why this (quote) would be |Anne wants to be accepted for who she is. However, her mother sees her as an outspoken and rude rebel. Anne feels |

|ON |a conflict for your character. |she must fight for herself and stand up for herself when others try to put her in her place. This causes great |

| | |conflict between Anne and her mother because their ideas of how a thirteen year-old girl should act differ in every |

| | |possible way. Anne can never get away from the eyes of her mother; therefore, she feels like she is under a |

| | |microscope by her mother constantly. |

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| CS |Closing sentence(s) |Anne and her mother see the role of a woman in society in very different ways. Since Mrs. Frank is the matriarch in |

| |Explain how these examples are a |the family, she feels it is her duty to guide Anne in the right direction as she grows and matures. However, because |

| |man vs _____conflict |of Anne’s independent attitude and immature inability to see life from her mother’s perspective, conflict is |

| | |inevitable. |

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Paper must contain:

1 complex sentence – underline in red

1 compound sentence – underline in black

2 different revision techniques – identify the technique above the technique

Pay attention to the chart on your final paper; make sure you have enough background information and that your explanations are complete


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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