Writing a Compare and Contrast Essay: Necessary Steps

Writing a Compare and Contrast Essay: Necessary Steps

(AP World History Format)

The compare/contrast essay on the AP Exam usually addresses how two societies responded to a major development or theme. Besides knowing specific similarities and differences between the societies given in the topic, it is also very important to keep in mind “big-picture” ideas in history. In other words, don’t just concentrate on two societies or geographic regions mentioned in the question. Think of larger global processes that influenced the changes and continuities in the societies you are comparing and contrasting. “The major themes tested on the AP World History Exam comparative essay include the following:

• How different societies responded to each other, other societies, or events

• How different societies changed - or didn’t – in response to some event

• How different societies developed

• How different societies responded to new technologies or new ideas”[1]

Basic Core Rubric for the Compare/Contrast Essay:

|BASIC CORE: (Competence: Historical Skills and Knowledge Required to Show Competence: 1-7) |Point(s) Possible: |

|Has acceptable thesis (Do you compare and contrast the issues or themes specified?). | |

| |1 |

|Addresses all parts of the question though not necessarily evenly or thoroughly. | |

|Addresses most parts of the question (for example, deals with |2 |

|differences but not similarities). | |

| |(1) |

|Substantiates thesis with appropriate historical evidence (this means: do you have specific examples to prove your | |

|thesis and/or your topic sentences) |2 |

|Partially substantiates thesis with appropriate historical evidence | |

| |(1) |

|Makes at least one or two relevant, direct comparisons between or among the societies. | |

| |1 |

|Analyzes at least one reason for a similarity or difference | |

|identified in a direct comparison. (this is where your knowledge |1 |

|of larger historic processes comes in handy!) | |

| | |


Expanded Core Rubric for Compare/Contrast Essay:

|EXPANDED CORE: (excellence – Historical Skills and Knowledge Required to Show Excellence) – A student must earn 7 |Point(s) Possible: |

|points in the basic core area before earning points in the expanded core area. | |

|Examples: | |

|Has a clear, analytical, and comprehensive thesis | |

|Addresses all parts of the question (as relevant): comparisons, chronology, causation, connections, themes, | |

|interactions, content | |

|Provides ample historical evidence to substantiate thesis | |

|Relates comparisons to larger global context |0-2 |

|Makes several direct comparisons consistently between or among societies | |

|Consistently analyzes the causes and effects of relevant similarities and differences | |

| | |


| | |

|TOTAL: |9 |

| | |

|In this class, the grading rubric for Compare/Contrast Essay will be out of 10 points. I will either add a point to | |

|basic core requirement #4 or #5. You will be informed ahead of time where the point is added before writing every |10 |

|essay. | |



TOPIC: Compare and contrast reactions to western European commercial and cultural contacts in two of the following empires between 1500 and 1800.


You must understand what you need to address in your thesis. Circle or underline key words or phrases in the question. The phrase that you should underline in this case is: western European commercial and cultural contacts. Do not forget that your essay (your thesis) must include comparisons as well as contrasts.



| |Society 1: |Society 2: |

|Western commercial and cultural contacts | | |

|and each societies’ reactions: | | |

| | | |


| | | |



| |Society 1: China |Society 2: Russia |

| | | |

|Western commercial and cultural contacts |-Europeans’ trade contact: |- In the 17th cen. surrounded |

|and each societies’ reactions: |seeking Chinese porcelain, |by powerful neighbors. |

| |silk, cotton, lacquer |Unsuccessful at accessing |

| |- Limited exposure of the |warm water ports. (Sweden |

| |Chinese to crops from the |and Poland-Lithuania) |

| |New World |- Econ. contact with the West: |

| |- Chinese court deals with |fur trade! (Siberian expansion) |

| |Euro. Trading companies |- Peter the Great’s Westernization |

| |(VOC and EIC). Trade |(Russian contacts with the West: |

| |regulated/controlled (only |architecture (St.Petersburg), |

| |certain ports can be used, |dress, mingling of sexes, foreign |

| |etc.) |officers, professionals, etc.) |

| |- Jesuits in China (Kangxi) |-Catherine the Great: Russian |

| |(concentrate on upper |exports to the West: gold, |

| |classes; transfer of |timber, iron. |

| |technology and scientific |- Christian Orthodoxy – mostly |

| |knowledge) |strong (state religion), but not in |

| |- Importance of the Chinese tea |Western Russia (Poland, |

| |to Europeans – unfavorable |Western Ukraine) |

| |balance of trade for Europeans |- Western companies had to obtain special privileges to |

| | |trade |

| | | |

|SIMILARITIES: |State regulation of economies |State regulation of economies |

| |18th cen. ruler’s interest in the West (Kangxi) |18th cen. ruler’s interest in the West (Peter and |

| | |Catherine) |

| |Chinese econ. more diverse – more powerful | |

|DIFFERENCES: |-Jesuit Influences |- Peter the Great’s Westernization |

| | |- Exports: primarily raw materials |

STEP 4: Direct comparisons/contrast

• You want to make sure that your comparisons/contrasts are about the same issue. For example:

“The quantity and variety of the Chinese products allowed China to enjoy more benefits from its contacts with the West in contrast to Russia’s limited contacts. The Chinese economy flourished from its interactions with Western Europe because of high demand for such highly valuable products as silk, porcelain, tea, and lacquered furniture. On the other hand, only a few products from Russia were in high demand in the West. Furs from Siberia was one of them, and, though Russian exports to Western Europe expanded toward the end of the 18th century, they were still mostly raw materials, such as timber and iron.“

STEP 5: Larger global context / processes

For this step you are basically addressing this question: What larger historic global processes of that time period explain the differences/similarities mentioned in the essay?

Example: Advantageous position of the Chinese in comparison to Russia’s standing with the West can be attributed to the fact that the majority of Chinese products were finished goods that did not encounter serious competition from other regions in the world. Increases in contact and volume of trade between Russia and the West as well as China and the West, especially in the 18th century, were partially due to a more interconnected world economic system, incorporating goods, services, precious metals, and societies of Asia, Europe, Africa, and the Americas.”



• A solid thesis statement clearly states a claim (you must take a position). It identifies/defines the terms, context, chronology of the events under discussion, and, when needed, describes why your claim is true. When writing a compare and contrast essay your thesis MUST INCLUDE COMPARISONS (similarities) as well as CONTRASTS (differences)

From this point on, let’s look at the following example and then you can practice writing a thesis for your topic.

TOPIC: Compare and contrast reactions to western European commercial and cultural contacts in two of the following empires between 1500 and 1800.


THESIS: Even though both empires’ economies benefited from trade with Western Europe, the variety, quality, and high demand for the Chinese products gave China more advantageous terms of trade compared to the Russian commercial interactions with the West. The governments of both countries attempted to control and regulate economic exchanges with western Europeans. On the other hand, Russian culture underwent more dramatic changes as a result of opening and expanding the country, especially in the 18th century. Chinese high society, though influenced by Jesuits, remained more traditional.


• Each body paragraph should start with a topic sentence that will state either a similarity or a difference previewed in your thesis statement.

• Then, you must provide evidence to support your topic sentence. Preferably, the evidence in your body paragraph will directly compare/contrast the two societies.

• Follow evidence with analysis when appropriate.


(topic sentence) The quantity and variety of the Chinese products allowed China to enjoy more benefits from its contacts with the West in contrast to Russia’s limited contacts.

(evidence) The Chinese economy flourished from its interactions with Western Europe because of high demand for such highly valuable products as silk, porcelain, tea, and lacquered furniture. On the other hand, only a few products from Russia were in high demand in the West. Furs from Siberia was one of them, and, though Russian exports to Western Europe expanded toward the end of the 18th century, they were still mostly raw materials, such as timber and iron. (analysis) Advantageous position of the Chinese in comparison to Russia’s standing with the West can be attributed to the fact that the majority of Chinese products were finished goods that did not encounter serious competition from other regions in the world. Increases in contact and volume of trade between Russia and the West as well as China and the West, especially in the 18th century, were partially due to a more interconnected world economic system, incorporating goods, services, precious metals, and societies of Asia, Europe, Africa, and the Americas.


• Your opening paragraph should start with a broad sentence(s) that will “set the stage.” For my topic, it might look something like this:

Period between 1500 and 1800 witnessed the emergence of western European countries as the most technologically and economically dominant world powers on a global scale. China and Russia, two greatest land empires of that time period, reacted to these contacts in a variety of ways.

• Mention both sides (Byzantine, Islamic, or Indian Empires in your essay)in your topic sentence(s). If you only write about one of them in your topic sentence, you may forget to compare/contrast it with the other one in your body paragraph.

• To make your body paragraphs flow, use transitional words and phrases, such as furthermore, in addition, even though, in contrast to, similarly to, etc.

• Summarize main points of your essay in your conclusion.


[1] Adapted from Cracking the AP World History Exam: 2006-2007., p.75.


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