Jeanine Mills: Personal Statement

The dietetic internship is the next step on my life path. Emphasizing health promotion and wellness is my personal philosophy of the role nutrition plays in health. Regardless of the where a person is on the continuum of wellness, I believe nutrition can improve people’s quality of life, overall health, and day to day performance. I am looking forward to varied rotations that not only address some of my personal interests (women’s health, pediatrics, diabetes, fitness/wellness), but allow for a well-rounded overall experience. The evidence based whole foods approach to nutrition provided at Bastyr University has fanned the flames of inspiration that lead me to this profession originally. The dietetic internship offers the opportunity to put all I have learned into practice. I am inspired by the possibility of participating in this real world application of a whole foods philosophy that is the basis of my education. The best way to learn is by doing! My path thus far has been varied in experiences. From my first job as a Diet Technician for a retirement home and skilled nursing facility, to being a Peace Corps Health Volunteer in West Africa, to nutrition counseling, to nutrition research at UCSF, I have tested my dedication to this field and broadened my view of the varied roles dietician can play. In turn I have been influenced by each of my experiences. Perhaps most profoundly influential was my experience in the Peace Corps. My primary responsibility as a Rural Health Volunteer was to train two villagers as trainers for their community on health topics ranging from hand washing to HIV/AIDS education. Learning the language (a dialect called Pulaar), navigating village politics, finding culturally sensitive and appropriate ways to convey information as well as creatively presenting to non-literate populations, were some of the challenges I faced. Sustainability was a primary goal in all my work there. I learned the power of influence, teamwork, leadership and focus in my experience. Gaining a level of comfort in the differences between my world view and another culture, and more than that, becoming part of their stories was humbling and transformative.My experience in Senegal presents the most extreme example of challenging communication. Communicating in multiple languages forced me to become a better listener, but also to be more comfortable asking for clarification and asking more questions in general. I think this has served me well since returning to the US. Communication has been the cornerstone of my interactions with clients, research subjects, and patients. Improving my communication skills is a constant goal. In reviews of my work at the Bastyr Center for Natural Health, my supervisor noted that I had a talent for establishing rapport with patients quickly and genuinely. This talent is the result of practice. In my previous position as a nutrition counselor I met with clients one on one. At first the responsibility of doing personal information intakes and providing health education was daunting. I worried that I would say something wrong or be misunderstood resulting in a negative impact on someone’s health. However, with practice I gained confidence of both my own knowledge of the information and in my ability to present it clearly. My comfort in meeting with patients at the Bastyr Clinic has reinforced the communication work I have done so far. I am still improving on this skill as Bastyr has introduced me to motivational interviewing, a method that I am practicing to improve further. The Bastyr Center has also provided opportunity to improve my communication with colleagues through the EPIC electronic health records system that was implemented during my first rotation there. In the very short term I am looking forward to an internship experience where I can continue to grow, learn and perhaps narrow down the best way for me to contribute to the profession of dietetics. In being a registered dietitian I want to promote whole foods, thru education and positive interactions with individuals, the public, and institutions. I have a special personal interest in cultural meanings and traditions around food that I look forward to indulging. In the long term I would like to work collaboratively with other health professionals to provide complete care for patients. This could be as a private practice dietician or through a large health institution or a combination. The bottom line is that I am excited by the possibilities that this profession provides, and am determined to be a competent, capable, and inspirational asset to the field of dietetics. ................

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