Persuasive Technique

|Persuasive Technique |Example |Why used (Purposes) |

|Images or figurative language |‘Logging is creating smouldering, |If readers can visualise the problem |

|Painting a word picture of a scene or |air-polluting wastelands.’ |through the writer’s words, they may be |

|action; using similes, metaphors, |‘You can’t ban boxing. The horse has |more likely to support his or her |

|analogies. |bolted.’ |argument. |

|Appeal to history or tradition |‘Boxing has been around too long to be |People are not very willing to change |

|Using evidence from history, shared |banned.’ |something that has existed for a very |

|beliefs and customs, to support argument.|‘Just remember that slavery, child labour|long time. |

| |and whaling were once legal. Times |We are supposed to learn from our |

| |change and logging is now socially |history. |

| |acceptable. | |

|Appeal to patriotism |‘Those who oppose this plan are simply |Label opponents as disloyal to their |

|Referring to Australian or national |un-Australian.’ |country. |

|customs. |‘Australians fought and died in two world|Readers do not like to be thought of as |

|Questioning the loyalty of opponents. |wars to preserve our democracy.’ |unpatriotic or disloyal to their country.|

|Emotive appeals |‘Sensible people know that reading books |If the writer can manipulate the reader |

|Aim to engage people’s feelings not |should come before computers.’ |to feel a certain way, the reader should |

|logic. |‘It is immoral to build a theme park for |be more likely to agree with the writer’s|

| |dogs when we have the starving and the |overall contention. |

| |poor out on the streets.’ | |

|Appeals to logic or reason |‘If a great white shark takes a swimmer, |Readers who regard themselves as logical |

|Using logical-sounding arguments. |do we then kill the entire population?’ |thinkers might be attracted to this |

|Predicting undesirable effects or logical|‘People fall off mountains, are the |argument. |

|consequences. |mountains then guilty of murder?’ | |

|Hyperbole |‘Rugby league’s ample bellied meatloafs |Often expressed in colourful or ‘over the|

|Using language that exaggerates the |with 10 thumbs plod in gangs towards |top’ language. |

|problem or situation. Big statements. |eachother to thump, maul and gouge – for |Makes a dramatic impact on the reader, |

| |a few centimetres of turf.’ |especially where time and space are |

| | |limited. |

|Rhetorical question |‘Do we allow dangerous dogs to roam the |Invites or challenges readers and |

|Using a question to which there is only |streets?’ |listeners to agree with the argument. |

|one answer, or to which no answer is |‘Is there not a risk of serious injury or|Says to readers and listeners: ‘how could|

|needed. |death in all contact sports? Should we |you possibly disagree?’ |

| |therefore ban rugby?’ | |

|Repetition |“The soil erosion problem has been |Emphasises key parts of the argument, |

|Repeating arguments, images, expert |neglected for 200 years…. So the cost of |helps readers remember them, links |

|evidence, appeals, emotive language, big |this neglect is all around us.’ |sections of the argument. |

|statements. | | |

|Humour – ridicule, irony, satire |‘The dog playground should be been |Encourages people to laugh at opponents |

|Mocking opposing views; using humour to |announced on 1 April – April Fool’s Day.”|and their arguments. |

|attack the logic of an argument. |“In the same week that two rich Sydney |Can be an effective way of demonstrating |

| |bosses got bonuses of $7 million 160,000 |the weakness of arguments. |

| |Sydney children went without breakfast.’ | |

|Use of statistics |‘A University of Newcastle survey has |Provides impressive evidence that |

|Using the results of research. |reported that 96 per cent of young women |justifies the point of view or |

| |want to have children but not give up |contention. |

| |their career.’ |Readers are likely to regard statistics |

| | |as objective evidence. |

|Anecdotal evidence |‘I have a small dog that I take for a |Writers use these to make themselves |

|Using evidence from events in one’s own |walk on a lead twice a day and I have |appear more credible. |

|life. |been attacked, knocked over and badly | |

| |shaken several times.’ | |

|Expert opinion |‘My stand on the issue of exposed |Experts are often called on to make one |

|Quote opinions of experts to correspond |underwear is supported by fashion |side seem stronger and more believable. |

|with the writer’s opinion. |designer Ruby Reed, who recently stated | |

| |‘Anyone whose underwear is exposed due to| |

| |low slung jeans should be punished as | |

| |forcefully as possible.’ | |

|Attacks |‘That’s the kind of response I would |Make your opposition seem less credible |

|A version of playing the man not the |expect from a three time loser like Kim |to make the reader more likely to agree |

|ball. |Beasley’ |with your side of the argument. |

|Attacks can belittle, embarrass or insult| | |

|and opponent. | | |

|Alliteration |‘To commit such a crime only shows he is |To draw attention or highlight. |

|Repetition of the first consonant sound |cunning, cruel and calculating.’ | |

|in consecutive words. | | |

|Inclusive language |‘It’s time for us all to stand up and |Aims to directly address the reader |

|Using words such as us, we, you, our. |show our support for our country.’ |personally or as a member of a group. |


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