Here is an example of a good explanation of how structure ...

Here is an example of a good explanation of how structure is related to function:

A mitochondria has a folded inner membrane. The inner membrane is a structure; the folding is an aspect of that structure. The function of the inner membrane is to serve as a surface for electron transport chain reactions to occur on. The explanation we are looking for is how the structural aspect (folding) is related to the function (surface for reactions). Here’s an example:

The inner mitochondrial membrane is folded into folds called cristae. Embedded in the membrane are molecules which make up what are called electron transport chains. These molecules are involved in a part of cellular respiration during which ATP is produced. The folding of the membrane allows more of it to be located within the mitochondria. The more membrane there is, the more electron transport chains there can be, and the more ATP can be made. The folding of the membrane, therefore, allows a mitochondria to make more ATP than if the membrane wasn’t folded. The structural aspect of folding allows for the function of ATP making to occur more efficiently (more ATP made in a given space).

See the clear connection? Electron transport chains make ATP ( ETC's are embedded in membrane -( the inner membrane of a mitochondria is folded ( folding (the structural aspect) allows more membrane to fit inside the mitochondria ( more membrane = more ETC's = more ATP-making (the function).

Now here's an example of one that falls short of making a clear CONNECTION between the structural ASPECT and the function:

The function of the mitochondria is to make ATP, which happens mostly in a process involving an electron transport chain. The mitochondria has two membranes; the inner membrane is folded into folds called cristae. Because the membrane is folded, the mitochondria can make more ATP.

This answer has not made a clear connection between the folds and making ATP. It has described the structure and function of mitochondria, but not the connection between a structural aspect (folded membrane as opposed to non-folded membrane) and the function. It has left the reader to make that connection. The reader (in your case, someone grading your test) is not the one being tested. It is up to you to make it crystal clear to them what the relationship between structure and function is; they will not assume that you can make the connection unless you make it obvious. Even if they had said that folding creates more surface area they would have fallen short of making the connection of how more surface area relates to the function of ATP making. Make sure you connect all the dots for the reader; they may not be able to read your mind like your parents can.


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