Birdville ISD / Overview

HyperboleWrite the definition of a hyperbole in your hyperbole square:Hyperbole: An exaggeration of the truth for emphasis or humorous effect. Example:AppetiteIn a house the size of a postage stamplived a man as big as a barge.His mouth could drink the entire riverYou could say it was rather largeFor dinner he would eat a trillion beansAnd a silo full of grain,Washed it down with a tanker of milkAs if he were a drain.~ Sharon Hendricks2. Read the poem “Mooses” by Ted Hughes and find the hyperbole (between lines 20 and 25). Write it in your hyperbole square:MoosesThe goofy Moose, the walkinghouse frame, Is lost.In the forest. He bumps, he5blunders, he standsWith massy bony thoughts sticking out near his ears –Reaching out palm upwards,to catch whatever might be10falling from heaven –He tries to think,leaning their huge weighton the lectern of his front legs. He can’t find the world!15Where did it go? What doesa world look like? The Moosecrashes on, and crashes intoa lake, and stares at the20mountain and cries:“Where do I belong? This isno place!” He turns and drags half thelake out after him25And charges the cracklingunderbrush – He meets another Moose.He stares, he thinks: “It’sonly a mirror!”30“Where is the world?” hegroans. “O my lost world! And why am I so ugly?And why am I so far awayfrom my feet?’ 35He weeps.Hopeless drops drip from hisdroopy lips.The other Moose just stands there doing the same.40Two dopes of the deep woods.Hyperbole3. Answer the following questions in complete sentences about the hyperbole you found in “Mooses.”A. How does this hyperbole represent a huge exaggeration?B. What image does the author create with this hyperbole?C. Does the author use hyperbole for a humorous effect or to emphasize something? Why do you think so? D. Write 3 hyperboles of your own in three separate sentences. Pre-AP, write five. Personification1. Write the definition of personification in your personification square:Personification: When an author gives human qualities to an animal, object, or idea.Example:Is the Moon Tired?Is the moon tired? She looks so paleWithin her misty veilShe scales the sky from east to west,And takes no rest. Before the coming of the nightThe moon shows papery white; Before the dawning of the dayShe fades away. ~ Christina Rossetti2. Read the poem “Ode to an Artichoke” by Pablo Neruda and find at least five examples of personification. Write them in your personification square.Ode to an ArtichokeThe soft-hearted artichoke put on armor, stood at attention, raised a small turretand kept itself watertight under its scales.Beside it, the fertile plants tangled, turned into tendrils, cattails, moving bulbs. In the subsoil, the red-whiskered carrot slept, the grapevine parched the shoots that wine climbs up, the cabbage busied itself with trying on skirts, the marjoram with making the world smell sweet,and the gentle artichoke in the kitchen garden, equipped like a soldier,burnished like a grenade, was full of itself. And one day, packed with others, in big willow baskets, it marched through the marketto act out its dream – the militia.It was never as martial in rows as at the fair. Among the vegetables, men in white shirts were the artichokes’ marshals, closed ranks, commands, the explosion of a falling crate; But then Maria shows up with her basket, fearlessly chooses an artichoke,studies it, squints at it against the light like an egg, buys it, dumps it into her bag with a pair of shoes, a white cabbage, and a bottle of vinegartill she enters the kitchen and drowns it in the pot. And so this armored vegetable men call an artichoke ends its career in peace.Later, scale by scale, we strip this delight and dine on the peaceful pulpOf its green heart. ~ Pablo NerudaPersonification3. In your personification square, answer the following questions in complete sentences about the examples you found in “Ode to an Artichoke.” What words compare the artichoke to a soldier or suggest the marketplace is like a battlefield? Pablo Neruda gives many of the vegetables in his poem human-like qualities. What is your favorite and why? Describe the line “the soft-hearted artichoke” both figuratively and literally. Write three sentences using personification (Pre-AP write 5). ................

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