Ecosystems - Biotic and Abiotic

Ecology Children’s Book

Name & Class_____________________

Be Creative and Have Fun!!!!

******* Due Date: Monday May 30th *******

Subjects – Ecology Children’s Book

Name __________________

1. Ecosystems - Biotic and Abiotic

What is an ecosystem? Give examples what do biotic and abiotic mean? Describe four major abiotic factors and explain why they’re so important to the biotic.

2. Food Chains

What is a food chain? What do the arrows mean? Why is the sun so important in a food chain? What are producers, consumers and decomposers and what part do they play in the food chain? What are the levels of consumers in a food chain?

3. Consumers

What is a consumer? What are the different kinds of consumers (carnivore, herbivore omnivore, scavenger and explain how they’re different) What is the difference between consumers who are predators and consumers that are prey? How can teeth tell us what kind of consumer an animal is?

4. Decomposers

What are decomposers? What do they do? What would happen if there were no decomposers? What are the three kinds of decomposers? What do they need to survive? What are some good and bad decomposers? How can we protect our food from decomposers?

5. Producers

What is a producer? What process do producers use to make food? What are chloroplasts? What do producers need to make their food and what do they produce? What is the formula for photosynthesis?

6. Succession

What is succession? Give an example of how succession can occur in an area? How long does succession take to happen? What is the difference between primary and secondary succession? - give examples of both. Which type of succession happens faster and why?

7. Symbiosis

What is symbiosis? What are the three kinds of symbiosis? Describe each type of symbiosis. Describe relationships between living things that provide examples for each type of symbiosis.

8. Threats to Ecosystems

Describe any one of the five major threats to the ecosystem we discussed in class. What is the threat? Who is causing it? What are some of the possible results of this threat? What are some possible solutions to the threat? What can you do personally to lessen the threat?


Name __________________

Self Evaluation

For each statement below, circle a 3 if you strongly agree, a 2 if you agree, a 1 if you’re not sure, and a 0 if you disagree.

|Reflective Statement |Strongly agree Disagree |

|I followed the guide given in class while doing my work and | 3 2 1 0 |

|completed each step on time. | |

|I used the time I was given in class wisely and did my best each | 3 2 1 0 |

|day. | |

|I worked on this assignment at home over several evenings. | 3 2 1 0 |

|This assignment is a sample of my best work. | 3 2 1 0 |

Evaluation Rubric

|Excelling Plus |Excelling |Meeting

Plus | Meeting |Approaching |Working below | |Preparation

- information gathered is correct

- key point notes

- draft of story


4+ |

4 |

3+ |

3 |

2 |

1 | |Contents

- All information necessary for understanding the concept is included in the story.

- Presented at a child’s level of language. |

4+ |

4 |

3+ |

3 |

2 |

1 | |Format

- cover page

- minimum # of pages met

- pictures/information on each page |

4+ |

4 |

3+ |

3 |

2 |

1 | |Quality

- creativity of story

- care of presentation

-effort in class and on the final product |

4+ |

4 |

3+ |

3 |

2 |

1 | |Self Evaluation | 4+ | 4 | 3+ | 3 | 2 | 1 | |

Total Mark:


Task – Create an interactive children’s story book or pop-up book to demonstrate your understanding of the Ecology Unit.

Steps to Follow

1. Choose one of the subjects from the list on the back that interests you.

2. Find information to help you answer the questions in the topic you’ve chosen.

- You can use information from your notebooks, library books, encyclopedias, the internet resources.

- The majority of your research will be done on your own time. You will be given one period in the library and one period in class to work on your project.

3. Read your information and create a set of key points or ideas – use the questions provided with each topic as headings.

4. Use your key points to write a story about your topic.

- the content of your story and your explanations are very important

- the story should be at a language level that a small child could easily understand

- be sure to include all of your necessary information and explain clearly

5. Divide your story (make a draft)

- Each page must include:

A minimum of 2-3 sentences from your story

A scene with drawings, pop-ups, or some form of interaction

**** Your story must be a minimum of 6 pages in length ****

6. Prepare your good copy

- Your book needs a cover page – include the title of your story, a picture and your name.

The material that you choose to make your book should be durable, so that a child could actually read it without destroying it.

Bright colors, fun characters, interactive pages, texture, etc. This will all help to keep a child’s interest.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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