Writing Assignment #1 - Descriptive Essay

Writing Assignment #1 - Descriptive Essay

Time to invest: 45 minutes (rough draft)

1. Pick “the most significant day” you experienced this summer.

2. “Brainstorm” the day (on paper) for 15 minutes.

3. Decide what moral, lesson, or biblical principle you want to “teach” through the experience; what made the day significant? The events of the day? The people of the day? God’s workings / your responses on that day? Tell us what you learned!

4. Create a clear, concise topic sentence.

5. Write at least three significant supports (examples, reasons, events, happenings, etc.) to “drive home” your message.

6. Use at least 30 minutes to compose your rough draft. Target length: 200-250 words.

7. Bring all your work to class to be checked; 5 points for the rough draft.

Remember: God-honoring, others-serving stories are desired for this assignment!


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