Chemical Reactions

Chemical Reactions

Learning Targets:

I can describe evidence of a chemical reaction from experimental observations. I can balance chemical equations to fulfill the Law of Conservation of Mass I can interpret changes in matter and energy from complete chemical equations I can write chemical reactions by interpreting word equations I can classify reaction types (synthesis, decomposition, single replacement, double replacement, combustion) I can predict the products of chemical reactions in writing complete chemical equations

(synthesis, decomposition, single replacement, double replacement, and combustion)

Chemical Reactions

Chemical Reaction: a process in which one or more substances are converted into new substances with different chemical and physical properties

Reactants Products means "_________"

chemical equation example: Fe(s) + O2(g) Fe2O3(s)

Balanced Equations ? both sides of the equation must have the same _____________________ for each element Law of Conservation of Mass only _________________ may be adjusted to balance an equation NEVER change the _________________ which identify the substance (ex: H2O2 vs. H2O) example: __ C(s) + __ O2(g) __ CO2(g)

__ H2(g) + __ O2(g) __ H2O (l)

Word Equations use the name of the chemical to describe what is happening in the reaction example: Iron and oxygen react to produce iron (III) oxide

Basic Types of Reactions Synthesis/ Combination Decomposition Single Replacement Double Replacement Combustion

examples: 2 Mg + O2 2 MgO CaCO3 CaO + CO2 2 K + 2 H2O 2 KOH + H2 K2CO3 + BaCl2 2 KCl + BaCO3 CH4 + 2 O2 CO2 + 2 H2O

5 signs/evidence of chemical reactions: 1. _______________________________ 2. _______________________________ 3. _______________________________ 4. _______________________________ 5. _______________________________

Honors Chemical Reactions 1

Types of Chemical Reactions

To help make sense of all the different chemical reactions that exist, we classify reactions into several types.

There are five basic types of reactions.





X + Y XY

2H2 + O2 2H2O


AB A + B

H2CO3 H2O + CO2

Single Replacement

XY + A AY + X

Zn + 2HCl H2 + ZnCl2

Double Replacement


2AgNO3 + K2CrO4 Ag2CrO4 + 2KNO3


CxHy + O2 CO2 + H2O

C3H8 + 5 O2 3 CO2 + 4 H2O

Classify each of the following reactions as S, D, SR, DR, or C and then balance the equation.

___ 1. ___ 2. ___ 3. ___ 4. ___ 5.

__ZnS + __HCl __ZnCl2 + __H2S __H2CO3 __H2O + __CO2 __Al + __Fe3O4 __Al2O3 + __Fe __H2 + __Br2 __HBr __NaCl + __I2 __NaI + __Cl2

Evidence of Learning: Complete any 15 problems (page 2, 3, or 4) to practice balancing equations and check your progress

___ 6. __AlCl3 + __Na2CO3 __Al2(CO3)3 + __NaCl

___ 7. __H2O __H2 + __O2

___ 8. __Ca(OH)2 + __H3PO4 __Ca3(PO4)2 + __H2O

___ 9. __NH4OH __H2O + __NH3

___ 10. __NaOH + __(NH4)2SO4 __Na2SO4 + __H2O + __NH3

___ 11. __C4H10 + __O2 __CO2 + __H2O

___ 12. __C7H6O2 + __O2 __CO2 + __H2O

___ 13. __P4O10 + __H2O __H3PO4

___ 14. __Fe + __HCl __H2 + __FeCl2

___ 15. __H2O2 __H2O + __O2

___ 16. __Fe2O3 + __H2SO4 __Fe2(SO4)3 + __H2O

___ 17. __Zn + __HCl __H2 + __ZnCl2

___ 18. __Fe + __CuSO4 __FeSO4 + __Cu

Honors Chemical Reactions 2

Balance the equation and classify each reaction as synthesis, decomposition, singlereplacement, or double-replacement.

Balance the equation... 1. ____ Sb + ____ Cl2 ____SbCl3

...and classify it. ________________________

2. ____ Mg + ____O2 ____MgO


3. ____ CaCl2 ____ Ca + ____ Cl2


4. ____ NaClO3 ____ NaCl + ____ O2


5. ____ Fe + ____ HCl ____ FeCl2 + ____ H2


6. ____ CuO + ____ H2 ____ Cu + ____ H2O


7. ____ Al + ____ H2SO4 ____ Al2(SO4)3 + ____ H2


8. ____ MgBr2 + ____ Cl2 ____ MgCl2 + ____ Br2


9. ____ SnO2 + ____ C ____ Sn + ____ CO


10. ____ Pb(NO3)2 + ____ H2S ____ PbS + ____ HNO3 ________________________

11. ____ HgO ____ Hg + ____ O2


12. ____ KClO3 ____ KCl + ____ O2


13. ____ N2 + ____ H2 ____ NH3


14. ____ NaBr + ____ Cl2 ____ NaCl + ____ Br2


15. ____ Zn + ____ AgNO3 ____ Zn(NO3)2 + ____ Ag ________________________

16. ____ Sn + ____ Cl2 ____ SnCl4


Honors Chemical Reactions 3

Balance the equation... 17. ____ Ba(OH)2 ____ BaO + ____ H2O

...and classify it. ________________________

18. ____ Mg(OH)2 + ____ HCl ____ MgCl2 + ____ H2O ________________________

19. ____ Na2CO3 + ____ HCl ____ NaCl + ____ H2CO3 ________________________

20. ____ NH4NO2 ____ N2 + ____ H2O


21. ____ N2 + ____ O2 ____ N2O5


22. ____ MgCO3 ____ MgO + ____ CO2


23. ____ KBr + ____ Cl2 ____ KCl + ____ Br2


24. ____ Zn + ____ CuSO4 ____ Cu + ____ ZnSO4


25. ____ P + ____ O2 ____ P4O6


26. ____ K + ____ H2O ____ KOH + ____ H2


27. ____ Al + ____ Pb(NO3)2 ____ Al(NO3)3 + ____ Pb ________________________

28. ____ Fe + ____ O2 ____ Fe3O4


29. ____ Li + ____ O2 ____ Li2O


30. ____ ZnCl2 + ____ KOH ____ Zn(OH)2 + ____ KCl ________________________

31. ____ Fe3O4 + ____ H2 ____ Fe + ____ H2O


32. ____ Pb(NO3)2 ____ Pb + ____ NO2 + ____ O2


33. ____ H2O ____ H2 + ____ O2


Honors Chemical Reactions 4

Writing Word Equations

Evidence of Learning:

Complete any 4 problems to practice writing word equations and check your progress

Ionic Formulas

metal + nonmetal

balance the charges

example: aluminum oxide




Covalent Formulas nonmetal + nonmetal covalent prefix system example: nitrogen dioxide


key words: yields or produces or forms combines or combines + decomposes (for decomposition reactions)

look out for "HONClBrIF" elements! They are diatomic in their pure form. pure forms of sulfur and phosphorus are S8 and P4, respectively.

Write the formulas for the chemical reaction, balance, and classify the reaction type: 1. Sulfur dioxide gas combines with oxygen gas to produce sulfur trioxide.

2. When heated, calcium carbonate decomposes to form calcium oxide and carbon dioxide.

3. Barium oxide reacts with water to form barium hydroxide.

4. When heated, calcium sulfite decomposes to form calcium oxide and sulfur dioxide.

5. Iron reacts with sulfuric acid (H2SO4) to form Iron (III) sulfate and hydrogen gas.

6. Dinitrogen pentoxide reacts with water to produce nitric acid (HNO3).

7. Carbon reacts with zinc oxide to produce zinc and carbon dioxide

8. Bromine reacts with sodium iodide to form sodium bromide and iodine.

Honors Chemical Reactions 5


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