– MTEM PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 2 –CAREER PLANUse whatever methods you feel appropriate to help you to analyse yourself, where you are and where you would like to go. Having done so, you need to engage in some research to find three jobs you would like to take on over the next 5 years. Complete the following sheets. Expand the boxes if you need more space. Part 1: CAREER RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENTNAME: Lauren HeapsPERSONAL EMPLOYMENT OBJECTIVESLONG-TERM (5+ years)033782000Sony Music – Audience Development ManagerMEDIUM-TERM (1-5 years)Digital Marketing Manager – Universal Music GroupSHORT-TERM (12 months from July 2013) Bido Lito – Social Media ManagerPart 2: External EnvironmentANALYSIS OF EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT Include bullet pointed comments about the general area/s in which you intend to work and practice with regard to the factors which will affect your ability to find paid employment or freelance contracts within that area.List the general area/s of employment as represented in Part 1 (Short, Medium and Long term):Within my three chosen jobs, social media/digital marketing is represented in some form. This is where my passions lie, and the areas in which I particularly enjoy working within. I already have a variation of experience working within the social media field I wouldn’t pass down the opportunity to gain further knowledge and experience from each of the companies through different training outlets. List factors which may affect your ability to find employment in those areas: (If it helps, think PEST)PoliticalBrexit Working hours changing Government Policies Economical RecessionsJob GrowthUnemployment RatesSocial/Technolgical Ever developing social networks Computer based jobs Changes to technology Part 3: Personal AuditSTRENGTHS (Abilities / skills, temperament)Include bullet pointed entries listing your strengths, abilities, skills and temperament along with any relevant comments on the extent to which these have developed since commencing study at LIPA.StrengthsEnthusiasticI have always been a really positive person in all aspects of life, including academically. Whilst at LIPA I’ve had my enthusiasm compromise by an ever-expanding work load and that’s really challenged me. But it’s shown me that there’s always a light at the end of the tunnel and I shouldn’t ever frown upon the work I’m doing.TrustworthyCreativeDuring my time at LIPA, my creative skills are probably one of the things that have changed the most. I’ve been fortunate enough to be thrown head first into some incredible projects and essentially, creativity has been forced out of me in some cases. Nevertheless, it has become one of my strongest attributes thus far.Determined RespectfulHonestyVersatilityPart of the beauty of being a management student at LIPA is how you can be working on a variation of different projects and different roles all at once. From Social Media Manager for the 2ube Xtra, to planning your own events. It makes you more adaptable, and more versatile. Ability to work under pressureTime managementConflict ResolutionI’ve had my fair share of conflict over the past few years at university. And I wouldn’t be human if I didn’t admit that it really got to me, in fact it made me want to throw in the towel completely. It took me quite some time to realise that I shouldn’t be compromising the good person that I know I am, or lowering my standards and letting people get to me. I should always remain true to myself and continue to be the kind, caring person that I am. In the end that always helps to resolve conflict, you can’t dislike someone for being nice can you? LeadershipDuring my role as Social Media Manager for the Music Management Team at LIPA, I have been looking after my own little team of people who have been assisting during The 2ube and 2ube Xtra. They would look to me for guidance and asserting their roles during these periods. AdaptabilityResourceful Punctual PassionateI always do my absolute best with everything I set my mind to and never settle for anything other than the best. Communication SkillsIn my first year at LIPA this was something I really struggled with. But, as mentioned previously, I’ve had my fair share of being thrown into the deep end and just getting on with it both internally at LIPA and externally, and that has really helped in developing my communication skills both physically and written. WEAKNESSES (Abilities / skills, temperament)Include bullet pointed entries listing your weaknesses, along with what you have done to work on your areas of weakness since commencing study at LIPA.ProcrastinationWhen it comes down to completing university work or essays, 75% of the time I would either always procrastinate, or prioritise the work I liked better, over work that was due in sooner without giving that any time. Don’t like conflictAs much as I did manage to resolve any conflict that I may have been a part of, that doesn’t mean I necessarily enjoyed it, no one does really. If I can help it, I will steer as clear of conflict as physically possible.Delegating TasksAs one of the points below suggests I am a perfectionist, and I do take on too much. I believe these few things to go hand in hand when it comes to delegating tasks. Because I am a perfectionist, I like things to be done in a certain way, which therefore leads me onto taking on too much work, and makes me terrible at being able to delegate tasks.Takes on too much PerfectionistRESOURCES (financial, physical, networking contacts)Include bullet pointed entries describing the resources you have or expect to have at your disposal upon graduation.DegreeWork Experience – Majority of which is Social Media Manager basedGood network of Liverpool based contacts – Which I’ve gathered over the past 3 years internally via LIPA and externallyBusiness Cards – Containing all of the relevant information including my social media profilesLinked In – Good network of contacts through my LinkedIn profile.Savings – Should I wish to set up my own business Part 4: GAP ANALYSIS AND ACTION PLANReflect on the answers you gave in Part 1 and use them to develop this part of your plan. Part 4.1: Gap AnalysisSKILLS/EXPERIENCE GAP ANALYSISUse the left hand column to indicate the skills needed, as taken from the person specifications for the roles you are currently aiming for over the next 5 years. Use the centre column to confirm skills you currently have or will have when you have finished your degree (√ ) also highlighting those you need to develop (X). Use the right column to illustrate how you will evidence you have achieved that skill. See the examples belowExamplesSkill/experience requiredHow evidencedExcellent written communication skills√12,000 word research paperAn Honours Degree√BA (Hons) MTEMTwo years box office experienceXExperience SKILLS / EXPERIENCE GAP ANALYSISSkill requiredHow will you evidence this?Excellent written and verbal communication skills √10,000 word dissertationCIAM presentationAn Honours degree√BA (Hons) Management of Music, Theatre, Entertainment and EventsExcellent presentation skills√CIAM presentationExperience of WordpressXNever used WordpressGood team working skills√Music Management TeamAbility to hit deadlines√Never missed a single deadline Experience of managing and delivering social media campaigns√Music Management Team – 2ube Xtra 5 years marketing experienceXExperienceKnowledge within the urban music sceneXExperiencePart 4.1: Action Plan FILLING THE GAPUse this table to show how you will make up the skills /experience gap. Start by putting those skills from the previous chart with an X next to them in the left hand column. In the next column write what action you need to take to fill the gap. In the third write how you are going to do that; in the right hand column write a precise date you are going to do that. See the examples below.ExamplesSkill/experience gapActionHowWhenTwo years box-office experienceApply for box office jobs Buy The Stage / Check Arts Hub and applyWeeklySkill/experience gapActionHowWhenExperience of WordpressStart using WordpressSign up and create a blogDaily5 Years Marketing experienceApply for marketing jobsCheck job search websitesWeeklyKnowledge within the urban music sceneGet involved with the urban music sceneGo to gigs/networking events Weekly ................

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