Ms - Jericho Public Schools

Ms. Gulitti Name___________________

AP Lang/Comp Period___________________

Examples of Parallelism: How do such uses of parallelism connect to the purposes of these sentences?

Directions: Underline or highlight examples of parallelism in each example listed. Then in the space provided, list the special type of parallelism AND explain its effect on the sentence’s meaning.

1) "… he began to remember...that he was home, that he was safe, that he did not have to brace to protect himself from...the outside world."

2) "He looked suddenly stricken, shrunken, immensely old..."

3) "To find out if frogs in the wild showed hermaphroditism, Hayes dissected juveniles... To see if frogs were vulnerable as adults...he exposed them to atrazine..."

4) "To err is human; to forgive divine."

5) "... [They've]...slogged repeatedly through the manipulative melodramas of Alice Walker and Maya Angelou, through sentimental middlebrow favorites (To Kill a Mockingbird and A Separate Peace),the weaker novels of John Steinbeck, the fantasies of Ray Bradbury."

6) “She broke his car and his heart.”

7) "Many are called, but few are chosen."

8) "Green cloaked the hillsides, crawled up the ivied walls, and was reflected in the river..."

"I thought people talked too much, laughed too loud, asked too many personal questions, and had no respect for privacy."

9) “You stood up for America, now America must stand up for you.”

10) "The nature of the talk was about my writing, my life, and my book."

11) "A clan becomes more of a clan each time it gathers to observe a fixed ritual...grieves at a funeral..., and devises a new rite of its own."

12) "Jay Gatsby has a shady past, but he's also sympathetic.

Huck Finn is a liar, but we come to love him."

13) “Work to live rather than live for work.”

14) “He fished for trout and for compliments.”

15) “Why do I write? I write to communicate my ideas. I write to express my feelings and to share my opinions. I write because I'm human.”


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