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(1441 Hijri/5780 Jewish/2019 Christian/2076 Hindu/2563 Buddhist etc.)AN ARGUMENT FOR THE BRAND NEW BIBLE AND PEOPLE’S CAPITALISMDavid A. PardoAbstractThe philosophical paper, to be followed by an empirical sequel, lays out the sophistry of social scientists. It argues that, if social science is based on perceived self-interest such as the individual’s pleasure/pain calculus, then those governing must also, leading to the transitory nature of any political, economic, and social system. If we must accept this position, people’s capitalism aims at prolonging a democracy within free market capitalism and limited government, for example, in the case of the United States through reform of education and social security. In concert with the newly emerging religious/spiritual paradigm, strategic implementation necessarily could invade every corner of the economy, from tax deferred income to corporate governance to immigration policy. The success of the people’s capitalist objective would be enhanced by the development of a brand new bible based on the new religious/spiritual paradigm. A brand new bible is applicable not only for the current social situation, but also for future generations.IntroductionGiven the specific interval of time in the volume of space for this writing in contemporary English meaning, with the universe we know empirically in current physics, people’s capitalism can be defined as an organic economic vision that seeks to prolong a political democracy within competitive market capitalism and limited government intervention. It emphasizes building personal capital (inclusive of the opportunity of socio-economic mobility) within all segments of the general voting public. Personal capital subsumes traditional forms such as financial, real assets, and human capital (which includes health). People’s capitalism is a flexible organic system that can take many forms of implementation across nation states both in degree and in kind—but the common economic goal is clear. It is organic because humanity, save for a few individuals, thinks and acts in sophistical ways as I will argue. And, as a result, a BRAND NEW BIBLE to SUPPLEMENT THE REAL BIBLE—THE UNIVERSE--is required.The logical argument for people’s capitalism and this new bible today will now build on a discussion of a basic philosophy of human behavior.The Human Behavioral Problem There are historically three basic levels of human behavior. (a) the most dominant level has been aptly expressed in its economic form by Adam Smith in the Wealth of Nations: “All for ourselves, and nothing for other people, seems, in every age of the world, to have been the vile maxim of the masters of mankind.” This statement is necessarily true for such collective entities as corporations and executives hiding behind them with their shareholders’ mandate. This version of ego driven behavior, because it is the most prevalent and dominant in the whole population, can be manipulated for an unforeseen end not only in the economic but also in the spiritual sense. In other words, on this premise, the whole population—professors and all—can, for example, be duped for inter alia the inadvertent long term cultural advancement of the human mentality and condition. (b) Adam Smith pointed out, however, that there is a less dominant level of self-interested benevolence in the psyche. This level is also ego driven and can be manipulated since there is an unthinking reflex or a conscious expectation of immediate or future benefit of some kind whether psychological and/or economic. Taken together, (a) and (b) define animal, in fact, deterministic behavior. (c) Finally, observationally, there is the rare but historically extant instances of non-ego behavior where “virtue is its own reward”, in other words, doing what is “right” first regardless of perceived self-interest. Conscious free will can now emerge. These instances are what separates certain people, these “lovers of God”, like a philosopher king from being merely an animal or even a number which is biblically unpardonable. All human beings potentially have this capacity, but the overwhelming majority prefers acting as free riders on the few who exercise it. In short, here there is a complete failure of the will and judgment.It follows from the behavioral point of view that social scientists (the word “scientists” connotes determinism) have ruled out that the most fundamental “facts” that they teach and practice as universally true are fatally flawed. People today do not have to act deterministically—and criminal law formulated as of now indirectly from the 10 commandments presupposes that they do not have to--, although most of them most, if not all, of the time may choose through the will to do so. Moreover, economists overlook that “scarcity relative to unlimited as opposed to limited human wants” condemns us to perennial suffering, conflict, and confusion. A corollary is that perceived self-interest, i.e. the pleasure/pain principle (known for thousands of years to be patent philosophical nonsense to any serious philosopher), necessarily leads to the same result. It also follows that those purporting openly to love God are, in fact, play acting, and refuse to learn for the usual selfish reasons when some of their most basic tenets of theology, particularly dogmatic theology, have been shown to be wrong, misleading and counterproductive.1To end this section satisfactorily, I would like to write a few words about the question: what does it mean by acting out in one’s life “virtue is its own reward”? Philosophical historians have all long stated that history, albeit in the large following certain “cyclical/spiral” patterns owing to the prevalence of deterministic behavior, nevertheless is a Story. And, everyone has a story of his or her own. A Story immediately suggests through a comprehensive survey of world philosophy that the Aristotelian virtue argument in the Nicomachean Ethics (to be distinguished from collective justice) is the most convincing. Depending on the choice of hero or combination of heroes, a person can manifest conscious free will. Eventually, behavior may be reflexively and joyfully at rest in its own refreshing originality. But to be truly one Self, truly authentic, the heart must be in the “right” place for the “right” conscious as well as subconscious reasons.2 Since error is a precondition to finding truth, the heart from birth is deceived and misled, and, in the course of time, conscious thought may be discouraged by the circumstances and entanglements of the external world. Hence, the need for voluntary spontaneous repentance, a very deep mentally painful psychological catharsis—an idea we see that has been played out vicariously in investitures certainly since Mesopotamian days, the dawn of recorded history.3 This personal unplanned repentance emerges from or is triggered by the intuitive realization not only of one’s own inadequacies but also of the dependence of the individual and the collective on the Writer of the Story. In particular, the individual realizes man’s egoism, his never ending hypocrisy, leaves no political solution to our troubled evolution—there must be another way. “Virtue is its own reward” meets the ultimate version of karma, “you get what you give”.So, what is “right”? Objectively, this question rests in the purview of religion not merely Aristotelian arguments. The “Western” tradition adheres up to now to the principles embedded in the 10 commandments—for example, the first commandment not worshiping anything or anyone including oneself, the second commandment not worshiping A GRAVEN IMAGE LIKE MONEY (the “666” of the Hebrew bible and the New Testament?) and so on. Presumably later the law of non-ego or unconditional love was introduced—a reformulation of the first commandment. Love was associated not only with the unconditional act, but also with the living word, in other words, with living language. This suggests that, given the arrow of time, there is a teleology running through the Story. We can surmise this teleology more clearly in the newly emerging revealed spiritual paradigm.4 Naturally, the Story would end with utopia where, no longer, “ignorant armies clash by night”, where permanent justice however defined were perfect for both the individual and the collective throughout the universe. The Story throughout grips the imagination since the Writer visibly leaves His fingerprints in the Story in historically empirical probabilistic, in other words, statistical ways. Why statistical? To preserve free will.The Social Scientific PredicamentAs of this writing, given the preceding discussion of human behavior, I have assumed that the Story has evolved through Newtonian time. The Story is more complicated with Einsteinian time, but similar inasmuch as the basic problem remains the same. I now make the following assumptions.. The economic assumption: The vast mass of individuals acts all of the time out of perceived self-interest, ego driven behavior normally expressed in the animalistic pleasure/pain principle for the individual. This assumption allows for aberrant behavior including psychopathic, sociopathic, and sado-masochistic.5 I also assume economists and, generally, social scientists will continue to teach and practice the principle, however flawed philosophically, that the human race operates on “scarcity relative to unlimited human wants”. In short, there are really no lovers of God, “being good for goodness’ sake”. Clearly, although they would never admit it, social scientists are making an approximation since certain individuals have been transformed by the Writer or have transformed themselves as well as influenced through their example (and the designs of the Writer) the world’s way of thinking in a very profound way. These certain individuals have exposed the blatant sophistry of the academics. The political assumption: political democracy is historically the political form that lends the maximal theoretical opportunity for general personal political freedom of expression, personal ego-mastery and personal character development. It is theoretical because a democratic form requires for its maintenance discernment of and action on truthful factual clear information by informed collective and individual decision-making. It also requires each one of us taking personal responsibility and being accountable for his or her actions. The existence of inter alia dishonesty and deception to oneself and to others means that a non-adulterous, preferably lifelong celibate philosopher king can rarely, if ever, be elected to lead a city or a nation state or a civilization. Why celibate? We simply leave the saying Radix malorum est mulier--in other words, the devil first attacked the human race through woman, not man--for the reader to work out and understand. Subsequent transmitted genetic, socio-psychological and sexual dynamics in human history would confirm this saying.The psychological assumption: “if one perceives one has got something personally and economically valuable to lose, one will seek to preserve, monitor or enhance it.” If one perceives that one has nothing, say, material to lose, either now or for the future and one acts deterministically, why politically support capitalism instead of attempt government redistribution? This assumption has not been extensively studied on the collective level, and therefore deserves intensive social scientific research.First, what is the fundamental predicament in social science? If every individual acts on perceived self-interest, then the person or entity which governs the community also acts on perceived self-interest. Who will be the governor(s) or government? How will the governor(s) assume political power? This is the basic conundrum, revealing the sophistry of the human way of thinking. But, without it there is no human story. The conundrum cannot be alleviated by “checks and balances”. Furthermore, depending upon their past, those seeking political power invariably do so for the wrong conscious and/or subconscious reasons, namely, for the purposes of ego inflation, enjoying power over others, and/or financial self-enrichment. The problem of the assumption of political power is further compounded by a concomitant tendency for economic and other kinds of corruption throughout the social hierarchy. If not nipped in the bud by an efficient and effective enforcement of the “rule of law”, inclusive of wise regulation, wide investigative reporting powers/opportunities and punishment to bribees, this corruption becomes terminal social cancer and certain social death. In short, it is simply by the remotest of chance that a succession of dynamic incorruptible and economically informed philosopher kings can be elected to hold the reins of political power. The political “leadership” problem explains why all forms of human government are unsatisfactory and transitory.What economic philosophy now can forestall a late U.S. democracy-autocratic impersonal bureaucracy from slipping away into the inexorable open stage of authoritarianism and eventual paranoia? I believe it could lie in people’s capitalism within the current collapsing social milieu, if it is not already too late. Perhaps, in recognizing the preeminence of social balance, the following principles for it will do: (1) since the creation of wealth ultimately depends on labor, policies should encourage citizens to maximize their contribution to the productive effort of society and forestall them from choosing to retire. Thus, economic incentives are key, particularly since economics assumes that “ignorance is the mother of industry”; (2) an economic policy must be evaluated on both its economic efficiency aspects and its cross-sectional accumulation of personal savings aspects. This does not mean abandoning the macroeconomic golden rule of saving; (3) given two policies where one is a direct path and the other an indirect path and they both can achieve the selected objective, choose the direct path cet. par. (4) government economic intervention should be used as a “last resort”. For one thing, governments and their attendant bureaucracies are notorious for mismanagement, amorality, myopia, stupidity, oppression, corruption, misconduct and economic inefficiency. This does not mean that regulatory action (particularly that of financial institutions with very tight IRS/Security and Exchange Commission policing and very stiff penalties), concern for future generations, stewardship of the Earth, or effective law enforcement and crime prevention should be eliminated; (5) competence is preferable to social and economic privilege or entitlement. Thus, for example, sentencing in criminal cases must never consider the social/political status and level of income and wealth of the convicted.The strategic philosophy of people’s capitalism could invade every corner of the economy from inescapably progressive income taxation to immigration policy. An obvious example would advocate transforming social security from being managed collectively to being managed on an individual basis. The inter-generational Ponzi scheme that is social security has now evolved in the U. S. into a forced saving plan whereby the trust funds have become a political football heavily dependent on the whims of politicians and demographics. With wisely regulated personal social security accounts the problems of these programs now would disappear. Furthermore, according to people’s capitalism, individuals’ voting behavior would change favorably towards capitalist enterprise. Any resulting wealth inequality (and/or its imperfect correlate, income inequality) can be mitigated in related government policy such as the progressivity of the income and inheritance tax, severe punishment for tax evasion or even the elimination of state/government lotteries. The transformation certainly in the U. S. is, however, politically unpopular, in fact, untenable now for obvious transitional economic reasons, not the least of which is our current way of thinking. A less obvious implication of people’s capitalism can be found in our current formal educational system. Aside from public goods and economic externalities, classical competitive free market economics would only advocate the role of government as a provider of law and order. (Recall that law and order would also encompass cleaning up insider trading and tax avoidance schemes and dealing with false or misleading advertising, anti-trust issues, and such anomalies as perverse incentives and the problems of some economic efficiency aspects of asymmetric information.) People’s capitalism differs in that it would also advocate the provision of first rate formal education for pragmatic reasons, not for its supposedly positive “moral” impact, in a more extensive way than Adam Smith would suggest. For one thing, the individual and collective decision to invest in formal education varies in part with the expected working life. Second, every child from birth requires a fair start in life so as ultimately to enjoy the “good life” in, say, the Bertrand Russell sense. This suggests that education broadly defined should include subsidy of maternity leave. Third, education is a preventive measure against poverty and the development of self-destructive (such as in health) and anti-social behavior. Fourth, asymmetric information cannot be entirely eliminated in the millions of transactions that take place daily. Some mutual trust checked by sound character judgment then plays an essential component in the well-functioning of capitalist transactions. If this ceases, any democratic system to survive at all, if it were possible, must be shored up with measures such as the legalizing of blackmail (to fight inter alia corruption), government arm-twisting, banning outright political entrepreneurship and invoking more regulation. No-one, except lawyers, judges and accountants, of course, wants a world tied up in the dead weight loss of never-ending litigation. Fifth, when a child is born, he or she becomes the member of a family, develops friends and becomes a citizen of a community. It is not only the responsibility of the parents—the initial hero and heroine, the role models, of the child—to raise the child but also secondarily the community, in the future, in part, the global community. And, that child, regardless of his eventual occupation, will or can participate politically in a democracy. This means, at a minimum, the individual must have a basic understanding of political economic philosophy and the wretched behavior and motivations of politicians so as to vote in any informed, perceptive and intelligent way. This could include the added incentive with government paying all those of voting age a nominal sum to participate in important elections. Sixth, human capital not only depreciates but can also be self-reproducing from life experience and early guidance. This means that the stock of capital broadly defined can increase automatically.Some points should be made here. The ultimate philosophical goal of formal and informal education is to motivate and govern oneself. Motivation requires finding the “why” of one’s life, the constructive meaning, the constructive purpose of one’s existence. Governing oneself on a day-to-day basis involves the “how” of fulfilling that role, channeling the animal within to serve nobler sentiments. One’s life becomes one’s argument. Nevertheless, remembering Ecclesiastes, Adam Smith argued that the secret behind formal education is to direct “vanity (i.e. the ego) toward the proper objects”, and, in the process I would add, to build the Story. He noted that those proper objects are primarily, but not exclusively, titles and honors for the well-to-do. For those less economically fortunate, those raised so or those fighting for economic survival the objects are usually measured in terms of money, recognized accomplishments or type of job. “Romance” and family life also play a role, particularly for women. Nowhere does he mention the pursuit of understanding for understanding’s sake. Smith’s argument is the truism that the vast mass of academics and parents have embraced.Given this truism, what then would people’s capitalism advocate as some of the essentials of a first rate formal education fully subsidized by the government? Needless to say, scarcity dictates that these essentials depend on three major factors: (1) accommodation of the functional demands of the type and state of the economy (2) the demands on the individual to participate perceptively, intelligently and responsibly in the political system, here a democratic system, and (3) development of social behavior without impingement on creativity. Clearly, parents must play their part very early on—insightfully and with care and encouragement.Notice that, at this stage in history, scarcity in the U.S. suggests that any public funding of the university, besides creating an oversupply of degrees, is superfluous and, in fact, counterproductive. Why? A college degree usually has a consumption good and certainly a risk component, and it is often accompanied by unrealistic expectations leading to more broken dreams. It aggravates the economic inequality problems associated with the Matthew principle. Public funding of university science-technology research grants also aggravates problems of institutional change and adjustment. The perceived and real income/wealth inequality could be mitigated instead by fully subsidized education up to the end of secondary school and partially subsidized community colleges and trade schools with very extensive career planning, career networks and, if necessary, retraining courses. Full subsidization beyond secondary school would only invite the moral hazard problem.Aside from discussing the development of specific and general human capital in detail here, we can briefly highlight some of the cognitive and non-cognitive core teachings required for this education during this period of life (beginning at age 3 or even earlier): (1) for those of sexual age in secondary school, parental training and planning including social dating discussions. These are obviously preventive measures with major social benefits—to the chagrin of divorce lawyers among others. (2) learning about money and finance such as how to assess financial risk, save, invest and recognize scams and con men—to the chagrin of Wall Street and the politician. This is essential in a world of caveat emptor and the prisoner’s dilemma. In particular, the ways or potential ways of white collar criminals engaging in tax avoidance and financial manipulation would be exposed. (3) learning to think critically and flexibly even if it means having the courage to point out convincingly that the teacher may be wrong. This is particularly true with the dawn of the robot revolution. (4) learning about the “work ethic” and what realistically to expect to earn a living. (5) learning how to recognize true information from propaganda and disinformation (including half lies and dubious statistics) (6) learning self-discipline, self-control and motivation as in finance, exercise and a healthy diet. (7) learning sociability such as integrity, “owning up” when wrong and keeping promises, courtesy, self-confidence, generosity, responsibility and accountability--in particular, that wealth entails responsibility. (8) learning to strike out prudently on one’s own as in constructive economic entrepreneurship. (9) given periodic psychological evaluations, learning to be honest with oneself and assess one’s own skills, interests, talents and personality realistically. (10) learning to identify what true leadership is and what it takes to be a philosopher king who can resist the temptations of sex, money and power. (11) learning to lend a helping hand intelligently to the incapacitated and those on a downward spiral.How, at this point in history, to finance fully a first rate formal education for all children inclusive of feeding and transporting them? Notice that unlimited funds are not required to educate a child from pre-K through the end of secondary school with partial subsidization of community college. There are diminishing returns. Outside of government subsidy, funds could be raised from three sources: (1) total elimination of all government subsidies of all public and private universities (2) a one shot inescapable nominal lump sum consumption tax imposed on the biological parents of each child at birth and (3) progressive property taxes. To discipline schools to deliver such an education, the obvious free market vehicles could use vouchers and educational savings accounts. Any resulting wealth and income inequality could again be mitigated by inter alia inescapable progressive corporate and income, gift transfer and inheritance taxation. The Philosophical Historical AssertionGenesis, as also the concept of the “common heritage of mankind”, teaches us that the Earth or any other part of the universe belongs to none of us; we are supposed to be stewards. Our selfish gene, however, has turned us into a blight on the planet, and it cannot be put back into Pandora’s Box. The strategic idea then behind people’s capitalism is to use and manipulate this selfish gene through the invisible hand seconded by limited conscious effort to co-opt all individuals into the competitive free market capitalist system, the most efficient system yet devised to create wealth to satisfy the animal wants and aspirations of humanity. The idea seeks to promote intelligently thought out and thoroughly researched honest democratic dialogue in both the political and economic arena and secure the well-being of all life on this planet and beyond. Perfect, maybe not, but, in concert with the newly emerging spiritual paradigm, it stands a chance in delaying or even resolving some of our (U. S.) looming dilemmas on not only the national but also international level. For example, global techno-economic and social media integration within and between “civilizations” has placed the Westphalian system, the political fragmentation of the planet, in a trial it cannot win. Culture, like international governance, must also change, while still respecting diversity. How can this be done when nation states refuse to relinquish virtually any political power even in a regional setting and when changing cultural norms is an inter-generational endeavor? Hopefully, any viable panacea is not too late as the specter of either collective suicide or universal totalitarianism hangs over us like Damocles’ sword. Assuming we don’t commit suicide, it seems, at least with the “Decline of the West” coupled to the current “universal state”, that once again the cycle of history must sooner or later repeat itself with all its expected short-run hellish implications. People’s capitalism in and of itself can only be part of that panacea. In a world of narrow self-interest, conflict inevitably still arises. The perceived and real disparity of income and wealth between and within nation states may have been addressed, and the “ships of state” that make up the fleet of the world, viewed from the grassroots level, may, indeed, hold a common political economic goal albeit pursued in different ways. But, what about our social values and our individual/collective purpose? The problem of economic scarcity is one side of the coin; indifference curves the other. How can individual and, secondarily, collective preferences be further guided in a creative and constructive way?The collective goal of writing a brand new bible to supplement the real bible that is the universe itself has many advantages for our global village, only some of which will be enumerated here. Needless to say, the emergence of a new religion, coinciding with a “universal state”, fits the patterns and observations of philosophical historians like Arnold J. Toynbee. What are some of the advantages? (1) The development of a new bible as a common global project would reconcile and transform the world’s cultures many of which are now obsolete. The very construction of this bible would be a human learning experience. (2) Established religions today suffer from rigor mortis, in other words, escapism, idolatry, rituals, inappropriate rhetoric and proselytizing in general, fanaticism, outright fraud and hypocrisy etc. etc. Furthermore, these religions look back to the past for the most part instead of to the future. The cultural/religious tradition is normally passed to children through the mother not the father, thus accenting the difficulty of significant religious and spiritual understanding and constructive change. And, tradition is not enough—a new way of thinking is required particularly with the ascent of science. A new bible educates and inspires our spirits, requiring the use of our brains as well as our hearts. (3) A new global spiritual movement would send a clear and unmistakable grassroots message to political elites to “grow up” and use their power wisely for the collective benefit of all life on the planet instead of to use it strictly for themselves. (4) Obviously, previous biblical anachronisms must be clarified or qualified. For example, the injunction “be fruitful and multiply” must be clarified given the specter of a Malthusian/environmental nightmare especially in the third world. And obviously, overpopulation vis a vis the real standard of living (the quality of life) at this point in history requires collective policy in population economics. Certainly, the global project for a new bible would not disqualify any person on the planet to play a part, however small or unlikely that might be. But, who could initiate and co-ordinate this project? If the real Jews so wish, they could start by taking up the challenge perhaps with the aid of the Maltese, the architect of the “common heritage of mankind”, intimately familiar with the details of this singular principle in international law. The Maltese could also work as an ombudsman between Palestinian and Israeli now that the United States is no longer seen as an honest broker. Why the Maltese? Aside from the prophetic passage in the Acts of the Apostles 27-28 for the messianic age and beyond, the Maltese are ideally suited ethnically, diplomatically and geographically to facilitate an opening for an eventual peaceful settlement. The scenario could go something like this. The Israelis through their delegation in New York could submit a proposal to place their Old City under the “common heritage of mankind” for this project, thus arguing a legitimate justification for their presence in Jerusalem. Obviously, after initial baselines and the Area had been established, acceptable contractual agreements and side payments would have to be made not only between the Israelis and the Palestinians but also under international supervision. A smooth “play it by ear” transition might require an initial annual lease agreement to an international body like the United Nations under the aegis of an agency such as UNESCO and/or UNICEF with an option to buy clause. Thus, the making of a brand new bible, navigating through the storms of theological conflict, vested interests and face saving, could get underway.Can anything be speculated now about the content of this brand new bible supplementing the study and exploration of the universe itself? It would seem logical that the opening lines would not be of an astronomical/biological nature like those in the old bible. At this stage, given the world political situation, I suspect the “common heritage of mankind” principle would suggest a political-economic declaration followed by storytelling. But, in an educational book as it has to be for current and future generations (just like in the old bible), there is the serious problem of choice of original written language. We could, of course, rely on a collection of languages if necessary. However, behind building a new culture for a scientific technical civilization lurks the language of mathematics. Could there be, in part, songs where the music, not formula music, is written in pure mathematics/statistics with the aid of computers? This would appeal to everyone. The lyrics to the music could be written by the poets in their native tongue and sung in any spoken language.6 And with these songs comes the dance! We will just have to see what the near future brings…….ConclusionThe problems facing the world today are primarily organizational in nature, and stem from the basic philosophical weaknesses (sophistry) in social scientific, particularly economic, teachings and practice. If we must accept these weaknesses, to have a vibrant democracy, Jeffersonian or not, I have suggested a philosophical rationale for people’s capitalism as an economic vision not only for the United States but also even for the world at large. In this connection, a first rate formal education in the broadest sense for all children from pre-K to the end of secondary school and partly subsidized community college with very extensive career contacts and planning should now be considered as an individual right and responsibility at this stage in history. Pragmatically, such a measure can inform decision-making in the household and in the collective operation of political, economic and social development, not merely financial life preparation. Early character development is an essential concurrent goal shaped by a combination of wise parent-teacher and even community involvement. Substantive specifics of this education along with other supporting and strategic theoretical/empirical people’s capitalist measures for the U. S. are discussed in a forthcoming paper.7Hopefully, the concept of people’s capitalism coupled with the development of a new bible can be explored in the near future in a national or international discussion and/or conference on economic philosophy. How can we act if we do not understand? What political, economic and social goals and priorities ultimately are we, the United States, and indeed the world, trying to achieve and what are the ways to get there in the short and long run, given the currently known behavioral defects in human nature? This initiative might dispel some of the conflict, confusion and contradictions that we now see in contemporary political, economic, social and religious ideas and ideologies. NOTESSee, for example, David A. Pardo, “Was the Virgo really a Virgo?”,, 2003. Note in John 19:35 the devil can not only quote the scriptures but can write them as well in a deliberate lie. ST. JOHN loved too much—we have found THE JUDAS GOAT. Such a trick seems necessary so that the unfolding of the Story can fulfill Hebrew Bible prophecy in an interesting way. The ensuing theological comedy of errors makes the religio-academic establishment look ingenuous at best. This lie is to be distinguished from the fanciful methodologically flawed guesswork in New Testament genealogies, fanciful because, at a minimum, for one statistical fix among many, one needs the DNA paternal haplogroup (such as E1b1b1a4), not presumable temple or other written records. It is also to be distinguished from the same fanciful guesswork of a physical virgin birth whereas Joseph of Arimathea is a much more likely paternal candidate. This last line of reasoning opens up the very real possibility of Christ’s patrilineal descent from Samuel and, ultimately, Joseph of the Hebrew bible. Nevertheless, despite these defects, the diversity in the Synoptic accounts is a good scientific sign indicating independent inquiry. The Self is synonymous with the temple of God. A temple as a physical structure, whether or not inclusive of practicing inter alia animal sacrifices to the chagrin of animal rights activists, is unnecessary and clearly anathema to the writings of the Hebrew prophets. And what about humanity’s tentative steps into the universe? Furthermore, in the Hebrew bible it was not the Lord’s idea for a physical temple in Jerusalem to be built in the first place. Should the individual be raised a Christian (Balaam’s prophecy), the person can naturally suffer through a paleo logic catharsis from a bout(s) of acute paranoid schizophrenia. The mental crisis(es) follows the observations in the messianic texts as well as the Zoroastrian precept of the “test”. For a detailed scientific discussion and explanation see David A. Pardo, “A Statistical Discussion of Biblical Genealogies”, publication/318394146_A_Statistical Discussion_of_Biblical_Genealogies 2005Note that the deepest lie that the devil has told man and woman is that it decides how, when and where they will die.Love God with everything you’ve got.The universe is our book. Figure it out.Be yourself. Be true to yourself.Note that these rules of the paradigm not only give creative and constructive purpose for the individual and the collective. The second rule also suggests that many biblical “miracles” can be explained by the superior use of intelligence (encompassing also emotions) and knowledge, for example, the fight against Goliath—the rubber match between brains and brawn.Sado-masochists and masochists violate Hillel’s rule and the “do unto others as you would they do unto you” rule.Popular musicians beginning in the 1960s with the “British invasion” believed that their genreof music could change the world in a positive direction. This genre, they argued, superseded most classical music and, more particularly, most modern “religious” songs which are didactic, insincere, maudlin, poorly sung, kinetic and theologically tainted—a clear violation of the “live and let live” of everything remotely art. Ironically, for starters, some of the songs of these popular musicians can express a private personal relationship to God by capitalizing the lyrics in a very simple way. Instead of addressing love to a man or a woman, address it to God. Obvious examples include “You’re my world” (sung by Cilla Black, 1964),“I’ll never find another You” (sung by The Seekers, 1965) and “follow You, follow me” (sung by Genesis, 1978). Contact David A. Breslauer and David A. Pardo, “People’s Capitalism for Today’s America”, work in progress, at dpardo52@. For an earlier paper, see the same authors’ “Revisiting People’s Capitalism from First Principles”, , 2016.REFERENCESArchibald J. Cronin, The Keys of the Kingdom, Little Brown and Co, Boston, 1941 ................

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