Erickson and Psychosocial Development Lesson PlanUnit/Title: Erickson and Psychosocial DevelopmentDate (s): 4/13/2015-4/19/2015Course:EPSY 6304 Foundations of Learning, Cognition, and DevelopmentTeacher: Laura EsquivelSummary of Unit:This unit is to provide the students with knowledge of human development. This unit will discuss about the main developmental stages. Each stage will demonstrate common characteristics in psychological development. With the understanding of Erikson’s 8 stages of Psychosocial Development, the learners will be supplied with the theoretic foundation for trouble-shooting for different aged human beings in the real world.Objectives“Learner Expectation (s):The learner will be able to:?Write the 8 stages of Erikson’s theory in the order of the human development, including the psychosocial crisis and significant sources of psychosocial conflict. Identify the stage to which the problem belongs and what elements might contribute to the problem when given the specific personal behavioral or psychological problem.Brainstorm some of the applications of Erikson’s theory in real life and recommend appropriate solution in each stage. Materials & ResourcesInternetComputerYouTube videosAnticipatory Set“Hook” Ask the students the following questions: What are your goals? What advice would you give to someone our age?What have been some of the most significant events of your life? Why? What age were you at each event?Input(What students already know.)Ask students to give examples of which stages of their life was the most enjoyable and the most important. As a class discuss what stages these moments were in. Model(How will you demonstrate skill?)Provide the material needed for students to understand the objective of the lesson. The materials are as follow:Show PowerPoint PresentationHave the students answer questions.Have students watch videos provided in the lesson.Check for UnderstandingAsk students questions about the different psychosocial stages.Allow students to ask questions and discuss.Guided Practice/MonitoringIn groups the students will write all 8 of Ericson’s stages in order of the human development, including the psychosocial crisis and significant sources of psychosocial conflict.Teacher will monitor the groups. Teacher will provide feedback when needed.Closure“Closing Task”Have groups share the ideas they came up with and discuss them as a class. Students will participate in discussion brainstorming different applications of Erikson’s theory in real life and recommend appropriate solution in each stage. They will include why the application is appropriate and how it should be used.Independent PracticeStudents can use the tools provided by the teacher. Students can refer back to the PowerPoint and go over the questions of the chapter. Differentiation/Enrichment ActivitiesUsing the information above each student will choose one of the applications and write a 1-2 page summary of the application, why it is appropriate, and how it should be used.Discussion Question:What are the significant relationships in each of the first five stages of a person’s life? How do changes in these relationships reflect social and psychological changes in a person’s life?Describe an identity crisis you have struggled with in your own life. As you define your own identity, what are the different roles you must integrate? (Examples: daughter, teammate, worker, student, or boyfriend.) Where do you find inspiration? (Examples: specific role models, events, or beliefs.) Describe pressures that can make it difficult to define your own personality and beliefs. Look closely at Erikson’s fourth stage. Do you think he correctly identifies the primary struggle for school-aged children? From your own experience, do you think there might be another way to explain the fundamental changes that occur during this stage of life? ................

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