Odyssey Essay Topics

Odyssey Essay Topics

1. In an essay, describe how females are portrayed in Homer’s The Odyssey. Analyze the descriptions and actions of the different females throughout the text to show how women function in Ancient Greek society according to the story. Use quotes and specific evidence to support your ideas.

2. The Odyssey is an epic tale that features Odysseus as an epic hero. Using the text, detail how Odysseus meets the requirements of the epic hero. Provide examples, quotes, and specific evidence to support the idea that Odysseus is an epic hero.

3. In an essay describe the differences between Odysseus as an Epic hero of Greek time compared to a modern day hero of our times. Choose a hero from current film, television, or literature and analyze how the two heroes are similar and different. Be sure to go beyond the superficial, and analyze the heroes based on the epic hero qualities and characteristics. Be sure to use examples, quotes, and specific evidence to support your ideas.

4. In The Odyssey, Homer describes Odysseus as having a heroic flaw. In an essay identify Odysseus’ flaw and how overcoming this flaw enables the hero to come home. Be sure to use examples, quotes, and specific evidence to support your ideas.

1st draft due: Friday May 21st

2nd draft due: Wednesday May 26th

Final draft due: Friday May 28th

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