Name:_Kelly Gowdy Date:__10-16____ Hours Today:___8_ Cumulative Hours:_16___ | |

|Related Objective/ Management Issue |Description of Issue/ Observation|Related Leadership Concepts/ |Personal Reaction to Issue/ |

| | |Theories/ Research |Recommendation |

|Mission Statement |Rooted in the loving ministry of |“The mission statement defines |After discussing the mission |

| |Jesus as healer, we commit |the organization’s reason or |statement with the clinical manager I|

| |ourselves to serving all persons |purpose for being. The mission |understood why it is so important for|

| |with special attention to those |statement identifies the |me to agree with the mission |

| |who are poor and vulnerable. Our |organization’s customers and the |statement before accepting a job. |

| |Catholic health ministry is |type of services offered such as |Ethical dilemmas could easily arise |

| |dedicated to spiritually centered|education, supportive nursing |if one has different views than their|

| |holistic care which sustains and |care, rehabilitation, acute care |workplace. I observed much holistic |

| |improves the health of |and home care.” |care in the NICU. Mothers and fathers|

| |individuals and communities. We | |were able to come and go as they |

| |are advocates for a compassionate| |pleased and skin to skin therapy was |

| |and just society through our | |offered. The nurses encourage mothers|

| |actions and words. This is MTMC | |to talk to their babies and care is |

| |mission statement and I discussed| |provided to resemble the babies being|

| |with the manager of L&D how the | |inutero. On the L&D unit I learned |

| |MTMC ER would not turn away any | |that mothers can have a birthing |

| |individual because of the | |plan. This uses only measures the |

| |inability to pay. This hospital | |mother wants. So if they do not want |

| |does not stabilize and transfer | |an IV or if they want to walk the |

| |unless they do not have the | |halls until the baby is born they can|

| |skills/equipment to treat the | |do so. Care is based on the needs of |

| |individual with the best possible| |the patient. I did learn however that|

| |care. The healthcare team uses | |some of the nurses found this |

| |holistic care for every patient, | |dangerous and would explain the |

| |such as skin to skin therapy for | |possible complications of not having |

| |babies in the NICU and letting | |a IV, measuring contractions |

| |family visit as frequently as | | |

| |needed. | | |

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