Examples of Social Change Movements

Examples of Social Change Movements

• Feminist Movement

• Suffrage Movement (suffragettes)

o Voting rights/requirements

• Environmental Movement

o Rachel Carson’s The Silent Spring

o Mainstream ecology—Sierra Club

o Populist ecology—Earth Day

o Radical ecology—Greenpeace

o “Green” movement

o Recycling

• Civil Rights: Stages—

o anti-slavery movement led to Civil War;

o post-Civil War anti-lynching movement; NAACP formed in 1910.

o Education movement. Post WWII: took on racial segregation and voting rights.

o Black Panthers/Malcolm X

• Animal rights Movement


• Anti War Movement

o Vietnam

• Disability Rights Movement


• Ku Klux Klan

• LGBT Movements

o Gay Marriage

• Prohibition/Temperance Movements

o Drinking age

• Right to Life Movements

o Abortion

o A woman’s rights over her body

• Women in War

o Front Lines

o Selective Service

• Welfare Programs

o Education requirements/truancy

• Driving

o License age

o Legal drinking limit

• Food


o Chemicals


• Terrorism

o Guantanamo Bay

o Rights of “terrorists”

• Education

o Funding

o Arts in schools

o Bullying

• Healthcare

o Availability/access

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