Crash Course Globalization: Episode I

Crash Course Globalization: Episode I

1. Interpret the following statement "This t-shirt contains the global economy

2. Identify an early example of economic interdependence

3. What are the three causes of increased globalization

4. Why are tshirts made from American cotton produced in developing countries?

5. How does governmental regulation diminish economic prosperity?

6. What is the International Monetary Fund?

7. How is the Cookie Monster a symbol for contemporary consumption

8. Due to globalization, how many have emerged from poverty in the last 30 years?

9. What is a huge driver of growth in the developing world?

10. Compared to globe circling explorer Ferdinand Magellen, how far did your t-shirt travel? Why is this?

Crash Course Globalization: Episode II

1. What are three positive effects of globalization?

2. How does individualism have a destablizing effect on families?

3. How does technology drive us apart?

4. How do flowers represent globalization? Give specific examples.

5. Why is the lack of global flu pandemics surprising?

6. Some historians argue that an economically interdependent world is unlikely to go to war, why/why not valid?

7. Which formerly segregated nation adopted a very progressive constitution? Which American jeans company would not do business while apartheid (segregation) existed?

8. How have democracy and economic liberalism been good for Brazil?

9. How are globalization and climate change related?

10. How are you a historical force? Or how are you as the ACHS FFA t-shirt says "History in the making"

Crash Course Globalization: Episode I

1. Interpret the following statement "This t-shirt contains the global economy

2. Identify an early example of economic interdependence

3. What are the three causes of increased globalization

4. Why are tshirts made from American cotton produced in developing countries?

5. How does governmental regulation diminish economic prosperity?

6. What is the International Monetary Fund?

7. How is the Cookie Monster a symbol for contemporary consumption

8. Due to globalization, how many have emerged from poverty in the last 30 years?

9. What is a huge driver of growth in the developing world?

10. Compared to globe circling explorer Ferdinand Magellen, how far did your t-shirt travel? Why is this?

Crash Course Globalization: Episode II

1. What are three positive effects of globalization?

2. How does individualism have a destablizing effect on families?

3. How does technology drive us apart?

4. How do flowers represent globalization? Give specific examples.

5. Why is the lack of global flu pandemics surprising?

6. Some historians argue that an economically interdependent world is unlikely to go to war, why/why not valid?

7. Which formerly segregated nation adopted a very progressive constitution? Which American jeans company would not do business while apartheid (segregation) existed?

8. How have democracy and economic liberalism been good for Brazil?

9. How are globalization and climate change related?

10. How are you a historical force? Or how are you as the ACHS FFA t-shirt says "History in the making"


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