The Diary of Anne Frank Unit Pre-Test / Study Guide

The Diary of Anne Frank Unit Pre-Test / Study Guide

Part I: Quotation Identification: Who said these quotations? Write the character’s name from the play.

________ 1. “I’m sort of a lone wolf.”

________ 2. “One summer we had a big house in Hilversum. The boys came buzzing round like bees around a jam pot.”

________ 3. “Everything she does it right, and everything I do is wrong! I’m the goat around here! You’re all against me!”

________ 4. “I can’t stay in Amsterdam, Miep. It has too many memories for me. Everywhere there’s something…the house we lived in…the school…that street organ playing out there…I’m not the person you used to know, Miep. I’m a bitter old man.”

________ 5. “I’m jealous…jealous that you’ve got something to get up in the morning for…but jealous of you and Peter? No.”

________ 6. “I’m a man who has always lived alone. I haven’t had to adjust myself to others. I hope you’ll bear with me until I learn.”

________7. “Don’t you ever get tired of talking? Suppose you try keeping still for five minutes.”

________8. “It’s the silence in the house that frightens me the most. Every time I hear a creak in the house, or a step on the street outside, I’m sure they are coming for us.”

________9. “I never thought I’d live to see the day when a man like Mr. Frank would have to go into hiding.”

________10. “Things have changed. People aren’t like that anymore. “Yes, mother.” “No, Mother.” “Anything you say, Mother.” I’ve got to fight things out for myself ! Make something of myself!”

________11. “I’m not afraid that anyone is going to walk all over you. I’m afraid of other people, that you’ll walk on them. I don’t know what happens to you. You are wild, self-willed. If I had ever talked to my mother as you talk to me…”

Part II: SEQUENCE OF EVENTS: Label each event as exposition, initial conflict, rising action, climax, falling action, or resolution. Some elements of plot will be used more than once.

___________________ 12. Mr. Frank surprises Anne with movie star posters and a diary.

___________________ 13. Mr. Van Daan ruins the mood of celebration at Hanukah.

___________________ 14. Anne teases Peter by hiding his shoes, and Peter gets embarrassed.

___________________ 15. Anne and her family must go into hiding because of the Nazis’ hatred of Jews.

___________________ 16. Mr. Dussel, the dentist, moves into The Secret Annex.

___________________ 17. Anne has a nightmare and wakes everyone up.

___________________ 18. The soldiers arrive at the secret annex to take the hidden Jews to the concentration camp.

___________________ 19. Mr. Frank’s bitterness is gone after reading Anne’s diary. He realizes she forgives the world.

___________________ 20. Anne finds out her best friend, Jopie De Wal, and her family have been taken away.

___________________ 21. Mr. Frank finds out Anne died from typhus in a concentration camp.

___________________ 22. Miep gives Anne’s diary to Mr. Frank to read.

Part III: SHORT ANSWER: You should write in complete sentences. Each response should be well developed. Very specific. Use text evidence when needed.

23. Why are Mr. Kraler and Miep considered “lifelines” to those in hiding?

22. Explain Peter’s Inferiority Complex.

23. Contrast Mr. Van Daan and Mr. Frank.

24. How does Anne change throughout the story? Give specific examples.

PART IV: QUOTATION EXPLANATION: In one fully developed paragraph, explain the meaning of these quotations and how it is significant to the theme of the story.


25. “In spite of everything, I still believe people are good at heart.” -Anne Frank

26. “There are no walls. There are no bolts, no locks that anyone can put on your mind.” –Mr. Frank

27. “We don’t need the Nazis to destroy us. We’re destroying ourselves.” –Mr. Frank

|Who is the |How do you know she is the protagonist? |Who is the antagonist|How do you know they are the antagonists? |

|protagonist of the | |of the story? | |

|story? | | | |

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|Define Symbolism. | |

| | |

|What is the symbolism of The Star | |

|of David? Explain. | |

| | |

|What is the symbolism of The Secret| |

|Annex? Explain. | |

| | |

|What is the symbolism of Anne’s | |

|Diary? Explain. | |

PART VI: Other Important Literary Terms

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|Define plot. | |

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|Define flashback. | |

| | |

|How does the writer use this device| |

|(flashback) to move the plot along | |

|in the story? | |

| | |

|Define setting. | |

| | |

|Define mood. | |

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| | |

| | |

|How does the setting of The Diary | |

|of Anne Frank affect the mood of | |

|the story? Explain specifically. | |

|(in at least 1 paragraph) | |

| | |

PART VIII: Two Themes of The Diary of Anne Frank

|Theme |Explanation of This Theme |Text Evidence to Use for This Theme |

| | | |

| | | |

|Good vs. Evil | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|How does the reader see both good and evil | | |

|on these three levels throughout the story? | | |

| | | |

|The society as a whole during WWII | | |

|The eight people in hiding | | |

|The character of Anne | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|To answer this question, you must find | | |

|evidence(details, examples, quotations) from| | |

|the play to explain how BOTH good and evil | | |

|exist on all three levels | | |

| | | |

| | | |

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| | | |

|A second theme in the play is the importance| | |

|of courage and hope. | | |

| | | |

|How do you see examples of both courage and | | |

|hope in the thoughts, words, or actions of | | |

|these characters? | | |

| | | |

|Mr. Frank | | |

|Miep and Mr. Kraler | | |

|Anne Frank | | |

| | | |

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Use the following hand outs to study for the test:

1. Act I Scenes 1-3 graphic organizers

2. Act I & II Scene Summary Chart

3. Types of Characters Notes


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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