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|Daily Lesson Plan |

|(NOTE: download electronic version of this form from ANGEL) |

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|Your Name: Elissa Feemster Grade Level: 3rd Date: October 4, 2008 |

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|CT: Ms. Teresa Henderson School: Reo Elementary |

|Overall lesson topic/title: Personification and Good vs. Evil |

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|Grade Level Content Expectation(s): |

|R.NT.03.04: explain how authors use literary devices including prediction, personification, and point of view to develop a story level theme, |

|depict the setting, and reveal how thoughts and actions convey important character traits. |

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|Develop Goals/Objectives that are specific to your interpretive discussion: |

|Knowledge Objective (student understanding): Each student will be able to explain what personification is, give good and accurate examples of |

|personification from the story and use those examples to develop the theme of the story (good vs. evil). They will also be able to explain how|

|the thoughts and actions of characters display their traits and relate to the story level theme. |

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|Materials & supplies needed: The book “The Widow’s Broom,” by Chris Van Allsburg, paper and pencils |

|Procedures and approximate time allocated for each event |Academic, Social and Linguistic Support during|

| |each event for your target student |

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| |My target student is an ELL, so I will provide|

|• Introduction to the lesson (What will you say to help children understand the purpose of the|linguistic support by clearing up confusion of|

|lesson; How you will help children understand behavior expectations during the lesson; How will|definitions for words such as |

|you prepare them to participate according to your lesson objectives? How will you motivate them|“personification,” “personality” and “theme.” |

|to become engaged in the lesson?) ( 5 minutes) |I will also do this during the reading of my |

|-- Today, we are going to be reading “The Widow’s Broom,” by Chris Van Allsburg. We are going |story. |

|to be talking about personification and how an author can use personification to display the |Personality: the qualities and traits that |

|traits of characters and to create a theme for their story. |make you who you are. |

|-- Who can tell me what personification is? I will call on maybe 1-3 students, depending on the|Traits: |

|responses I receive. Personification is giving non-human objects or things personality and/or |A theme is the primary idea or topic of the |

|other human characteristics such as speech, thought and emotions. I will expand upon what their|book. |

|answer is or if they don’t know, I will explain and provide an example using an everyday object|I will do this before hand and as I am reading|

|in the classroom. I will also state that authors may do this to get a point across in a story. |the story (so when I find a page where I ask |

|--I will make sure that they understand what personification is by asking them to say how they |what personification is, I will give a |

|would know if they read about it (for example what key words would point out if it is |reminder of what personification is). |

|personification or not). | |

|-- We will be having the discussion while we read the book, so I this means that you can make | |

|comments and answer my questions only when I finish a page and have asked a question. I need | |

|you to be polite toward other students and take turns speaking. Comments should relate to the | |

|questions which I ask. | |

|--I am going to explain that I would like them to think about how the author uses this idea of | |

|personification to develop a theme in his story and reveal the traits of other characters in | |

|the story. | |

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|• During Reading: (How will you read the text? Will you point out things or ask question during| |

|the reading? If so, what specifically? Will you expect students to participate in some way | |

|other than listening during the reading?) ( 30 minutes) | |

|I will read the text page by page, stopping on various pages to ask questions which will allow | |

|my students to fulfill the objectives of the reading. Students will be expected to actively | |

|participate and reply to my questions with relative answers and responses which relate to their| |

|own personal experiences. My book does not have page numbers, so these pages are simply | |

|estimates | |

|Read page 2 --Who can see an example of personification on this page? How do you know | |

|personification is being used? | |

|Read page 5 --Would you have helped a witch who was hurt? Why or why not? If nobody says yes, | |

|I will make the statement that we don’t know if she has ever done anything bad or is a mean | |

|person, so why would you not want to help someone in need? | |

|Read page 9 -- How would you react if you saw a broom sweeping on its own? | |

|--Do you think the broom is good or bad? Why? Would you keep it? | |

|Read page 12 -- Are there more examples of personification on this page? | |

|Read page 13 -- What do you think about Mr. Spivey? Why? | |

|(I will ask: Does he seem to be a nice man? What does he do that makes you feel this way if | |

|students are having trouble with their thoughts) | |

|Read page 16 -- Has the broom ever done anything to hurt anyone? Wait for a response. Then why | |

|would someone say it is evil? Allow student responses. Why do you think Spivey feels this way? | |

|I will say: I think he may feel this way because it is a broom and he is confused by how it can| |

|do these things if nobody responds with a similar answer. Who can tell me another example of | |

|personification on this page? How do you know that is personification? | |

|Read page 18-- Do you think the broom deserved to be treated this way? Why? Why do you think | |

|the boys were so mean? Where do you think they learned this kind of behavior? | |

|Read page 20 -- Do you think the boys deserved to be treated this way? Why or why not? How do | |

|you react when people are mean to you? | |

|Read page 26 -- Why did the widow paint the broom to look like a ghost? Why would she want to |Words that demonstrate personification on page|

|scare the Spiveys? |2 include “strength,” and “youth.” |

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|• After Reading: (How you will begin and end the discussion and any extension activities? |Word that demonstrate personification on page |

|When/how will you distribute supplies and materials What are your plans for stepping in during |12: “good student” |

|the discussion? What do you anticipate saying? What interpretive questions might you use? ( | |

|5-10 minutes) |Vocab on page 12: guilty |

|Now that we are done reading, let’s have a discussion about who you believe was the “bad” | |

|character in the story? Was it truly the broom or was it someone else and why? |Vocab on page 16: amuse – to entertain |

|I will not distribute any materials until after the lesson has been brought to a close. During |Words that demonstrate personification on page|

|the discussion of this question, I will ask if everyone feels the same way and why. I will step|16 include “pleasure,” and “amuse.” |

|in only if children start to get off task or if I want to move on to the next question. My | |

|class does not seem to use response-centered talk. Children do not really take their own agenda|Vocab on page 22: slumbering |

|when it comes to their learning and only speak when they are called on. For this reason, I may | |

|have to act as a facilitator and keep the discussion flowing smoothly. | |

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|• Bringing closure (How will you bring closure to the lesson and involve children in | |

|reflecting on their experiences? How will you involve them in making connections to prior | |

|lessons or prepare for future experiences? What kind of feedback do you want from them at this| |

|time?) ( 10-15 minutes) | |

|To bring our discussion to a close, let’s talk again about what personification is. | |

|--Why did Chris Van Allsburg choose to use personification in the story (why did he choose to | |

|use a broom instead of a person) and how did he use the broom to show who was truly good and | |

|bad and to demonstrate tolerance? | |

|--Try and think of a time when you knew someone who was treated badly simply because they are | |

|different. | |

|--I will make a connection to the story “Crickwing” which they read the week of September 29. | |

|They should make a connection in the fact that when Crickwing was made fun of, he reacted | |

|meanly towards others and point out the part in the story when this happens with the broom. | |

|--The feedback that I am hoping to receive will have to do with an understanding that Van | |

|Allsburg chose to use a broom to demonstrate how people can be afraid of something simply | |

|because it is different. | |

|--Mr. Spivey was the person who was bad in this story, because he was mean to the broom only | |

|because he doesn’t understand it. I also hope the students will realize that Van Allsburg chose| |

|to use a broom, because it shows that people can be afraid of ANYTHING that is different (using|Tolerance: a fair, objective, and permissive |

|a broom rather than a certain gender or race of a person allows ones view to be broader of the |attitude toward opinions and practices that |

|good vs. evil). |differ from one's own. |

|--He used personification to reveal the fact that Mr. Spivey is probably afraid of anything | |

|that he does not understand, which makes him a close-minded individual. I will point out that | |

|Minna herself does not understand what makes the broom go, but that she accepts it and welcomes| |

|it into her life – she is tolerant. | |

|Post-Assessment: (How will you know the students are progressing toward your identified |Academic, Social, and Linguistic Support |

|objectives? What will you include in a rubric or other post-assessment to find out?) (10 |during assessment for your target student |

|minutes) | |

|As a post assessment, I will have the students write a short dialogue (the students are |A reminder of what dialogue is, and how it is |

|learning about dialogues in their class right now) between an object and a person. The dialogue|represented when writing. |

|should show the characteristics of the characters. |A reminder of words that demonstrate |

| |personification. |


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