National Democratic Institute

Personal Leadership Example:




Where ever you go you’ll find that big businesses and leaders alike have mission statements to give them two things.

The first is clarity. It makes the reason behind all their actions clear and it keeps them focused. Secondly mission statements give people direction. It makes sure that people are heading towards a common goal or purpose.

Do you have a mission statement for your life? If so, what is it? If not why not create one right now that allows you to keep on track. If you don’t know where to begin here are some ideas; in fact here are 21 mission statements that you can use and edit to keep you focused.

1. To be an amazing friend who is always there.

Real friends are few and far between. Perhaps it could be one of your missions in life to be an outstanding friend to those who need you.

2. To be a thrilling writer that is a companion to many.

Could you be the next Dan Brown or J. K. Rowling? I think you can.

3. To be a master of the internet and allow the world to come together.

Perhaps you could find a way to revolutionize the internet with a new type of social network of search engine? Or perhaps you’ll become a famous blogger.

4. To be a great healer of mankind.

Perhaps you already have the gift of healing and are looking to put it to good use. This mission statement may be the very thing to get you there.

5. To be an explorer and find something wonderful to share with the world where ever I go.

Have you ever received recommendations for a wonderful place to go when you travel? Maybe you could collect the most amazing places and share them with everyone.

6. To capture breathtaking snaps of what I see.

Even with something as simple as an iPhone you could take snaps of some truly magnificent sites.

7. To be a wise and inspiring teacher to the young future leaders of the world.

Young people need icons who can expand their minds and awaken their creativity in becoming the future leaders. Maybe you have something to pass on?

8. To be a super entrepreneur and bring wealth and value to those I serve.

Maybe your goal is way beyond just being a middle manager. You do truly serve people from top down and maybe you could be the next Warren Buffett?

9. To be a hero and a defender to those who do not have the means to defend themselves.

I remember when I first read The Street Lawyer; a great book by John Grisham that almost made me want to be a lawyer. A man working for those who needed support the most.

10. To give myself to those with very little and show them how to create abundance for themselves.

We do have so much even when we have so little and sharing that with those who have even less is an act of a saint.

11. To bring my music to the masses that give people the amazing gift of dance and booty shaking. 

Perhaps you have a voice of an angel or you can create beats that uplift…go on…share it!

12. To bring quality programming to Television that educates people and expands their horizons.

Just look at what Rhonda Byrne did with The Secret. Perhaps it’s time to bring something like that to the mainstream.

13. To become an honest politician who actually puts the interest of voters before him/herself.

I know I’m really pushing the boat out with this one but perhaps you think you can show others how it’s supposed to be done.

14. To be a great competitive athlete who makes the competition have to evolve.

You may not be the best, but can you give the best a run for their money?

15. To bring love and laughter to all those who come into my presence.

Is there anything greater than to spread a bit of joy? Maybe this could be part of your core mission.

16. To give unconditional compassion and warmth to people who are in need.

Next time you walk past a beggar or a homeless person give them something as simple as an ear to bend.

17. To honour my own values no matter how great the adversity and achieve my dreams.

How often do you stick to your guns despite intense pressure?

18. To create the best and most healthy mouthwatering dishes that tantalize the taste-buds of millions.

Gourmet cooking is an art unto itself and if you like to scintillate taste buds then maybe this mission might get you hungry.

19. To leave a legacy that will be looked unto for generations to come.

How many great leaders of the past have you quoted. Do you think you’ll ever be quoted in the future?

20. To create artworks and masterpieces that captivate and intrigue audiences.

Very few people aspire to be artists these days but maybe you could still bring something different to the table?

21. To create a mission for myself that drives me from within because it emanates from my very soul.

Until you find your main mission maybe you could make it a short term mission to find your main mission.

Which mission statements do you use for you life? Have you always had one? Now that you’ve read this are you going to create one for yourself?


[1] Unlimited Choice (blog):

[2] With slight grammatical edits.


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