AP Human Geography - Semester Exam Study Guide - Denton ISD

AP Human Geography - Semester Exam Study Guide

For each of these sections, I listed some of the resources you can use to study. All the Powerpoints are available on my

website ?? under ¡°Lesson Plans.¡± If you¡¯ve been holding onto your Reading Guides for

HW, those will be an awesome resource to study. These questions can help you focus on the most important things to know.

Intro To Geography (Maps, Globalization, Diffusion) (15 questions)

¡ñ Location and Mapping 101 Powerpoint

¡ñ Globalization and Diffusion Powerpoint

¡ñ Rubenstein ch. 1 (we haven¡¯t covered all of this chapter yet, but it might be handy)










What are the parts of a map, according to geographers? Know the definitions and elements of them (see Mapping

101 PPT)

What are common types of maps used by geographers? Be able to identify them.

Be familiar with latitude, longitude, the International Date Line, the Equator, and the Prime Meridian, and be able to

use them to identify absolute locations of places on the globe.

What are the different types of diffusion? ?Know each and be able to identify examples.

a. Contagious diffusion

b. Hierarchical diffusion

c. Stimulus diffusion

d. Relocation diffusion

What is globalization?

What are the positive effects of globalization?

What are the negative effects of globalization?

How has globalization changed the world economy?

Who are the primary agents of globalization?

Population (20 questions)

¡ñ Rubenstein ch. 2

¡ñ Graphing the Demographic Transition PPT

¡ñ Pro vs. Anti-Natalist Policies PPT















How do geographers define overpopulation? (2.1)

How do geographers collect data for population geography? (2.1)

How are the world¡¯s peoples distributed? (2.1)

What areas of the world have the highest concentrations of population, and what countries are the most heavily

populated in the world? (2.1)

What types of regions do people live in, and what types of regions do people avoid? (There are four types that are

sparsely populated.)(2.1)

What are the different types of population density? Be familiar with how the three types differ and how to apply them.


What is the Demographic Transition model? ?This is critical. Be familiar with the different stages of the model,

understand their characteristics, and be able to draw the model and apply it to different countries around

the world. ?(2.2)

What caused countries to shift from one stage of the Demographic Transition to another? (2.2)

Why is world population increasing? What are the important measurements of population characteristics that help us

understand this? (throughout chapter & on PPTs)

a. NIR, CBR, CDR, TFR, infant mortality rate, sex ratio, etc.

How do Total Fertility Rate and Natural Increase Rate (NIR) relate to each other? What¡¯s important about a TFR of

2.1? (2.3)

Why do sex ratios vary around the world? (2.3)

What are population pyramids, and how do they relate to the Demographic Transition? (2.3)

What is the Infant Mortality Rate, and how does it relate to the Demographic Transition? (2.3)

14. What areas of the world are facing problems with aging populations, and which ones are facing problems with infant

mortality? (2.3)

15. What does Thomas Malthus say about population? How have contemporary geographers and analysts agreed with

or critiqued his theories since then? (2.4)

16. What have people theorized about Stage 5 of the Demographic Transition? What does it look like? (2.4)

17. What are two types of policies countries can use to encourage or discourage population growth? How have China

and India used these policies? (2.4)

18. What methods are effective for lowering the CBR in developing countries? (2.4)

Migration (15 questions)

¡ñ Rubenstein ch. 3 (Key Issues 1 - 3)

¡ñ Basics of Migration PPT





Know the difference between immigration, emigration, net in-migration, and net out-migration. (3.1)

What¡¯s the difference between interregional migration and intraregional migration? (3.1)

What¡¯s the difference between voluntary and forced migration? (3.1)

Understand the general patterns and trends in immigration to the U.S. over time (p 84-85). For each time period

discussed, where were the biggest sources of immigrants? (3.1)

5. Understand the general patterns and trends in interregional migration in the U.S. over time, as well as the obstacles

that temporarily stopped this migration. (p. 86 - 87) (3.2)

6. Understand the most common types of intraregional migration. What new migration trend has begun in the late

twentieth century? (p. 90-91) (3.2)

7. Why do people migrate? Know examples of push factors and pull factors. (3.3)

8. What are the three type of people forced to migrate for political reasons, according to the UNHCR? Where have the

most refugees come from in the past year?

9. What is ¡°brain drain?¡±

10. What is step migration?.

11. What is chain migration?

12. What are ?quota laws? How has the United States used them over time?

Folk and Popular Culture (10 questions)

¡ñ Rubenstein Ch. 4 (Key Issues 1 and 3)

¡ñ Differences in Culture: Folk Culture PPT

¡ñ Issues in Popular Culture PPT







What is culture, and what different aspects make up culture? (4.1)

What¡¯s the difference between habits and customs? (4.1)

What makes folk culture and popular culture different from each other? (4.1)

a. Be familiar with the different characteristics of each of these types, origin, diffusion, etc. -- look at the

Preserving Folk Cultures & Popular Culture PPTs!

What are the characteristics of folk music vs. popular music & folk sports vs. popular sports? (4.1)

Where does most popular culture in the world originate from? How have TV & Internet access worked to spread

popular culture? (4.3)

How do countries work to limit access to popular culture, and why? (4.3)

Language, Religion, and Ethnicity (15 questions)

¡ñ Geography of Language PPT

¡ñ Distribution of World Languages PPT

For Language, Religion, and Ethnicity, study the reading guides you completed for homework. Language & Religion came

from Ethel Wood¡¯s study guide (posted on Google Classroom), and Ethnicity came from chapter 7, key issues 1 & 2 of your

Cultural Landscape textbook.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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