Hierarchical diffusion examples geography

Hierarchical diffusion examples geography

What is hierarchical diffusion ap human geography. Examples of hierarchical diffusion ap human geography. Which is an example of hierarchical diffusion.

What kind of diffusion does it occur when people move from their original position to the other and bring their innovations with them? Possible answers: correct answer: dissemination of the transfer transfer: this is the definition of dissemination of the transfer. The stimulus, the contagious and hierarchical diffusion are all types of expansion of expansion. The spread of expansion is when innovations spread in new places, remaining strong in their original places. For example, Islam has spread all over the world, but remained strong in the Middle East, where it was founded. Which of the following city is not an example of modern cultural hearth? Possible answers: correct answer: city of

Mexico explanation: an ? ? ?velop "Hodern Cultural Hearth" is defined as a global center of culture and economy with a worldwide flu (that is Tokyo, Paris, London, New York City and Los Angeles). Despite its great population, the culture and economic exports of the city of Mexico do not correspond to those of the city described as modern cultural outbreaks. In general, a modern cultural hearth is a highly populated city in a country Extremely rich and culturally influential (i.e. the United States, Japan and China). A cultural hearth is best described as ___________. which encourages the widespread diffusion of a cultural trend a place of origin for a widespread cultural trend none of these responses is correct. A company whose cultural traditions They are largely drawn from external sources correct response: a place of origin for a widespread explanation of the cultural trend: an ? ? ?velop "cultural hearth" is a place of origin for a widespread cultural trend. For example, the modern ? ? ?velop "incultural" include new City, Los Angeles and London because these cities produce a great deal of cultural exports that are influential in most of the modern world. modern.Cultural outbreaks include Mesopotamia, the Nile River Valley and the Wei-Huang River valley. The farthest extent of the social and economic influence of a city is known as __________. Possible answers: Correct answer: Explanation of the breaking point: all the cities, particular large metropolises such as New York City and Paris, exercise a shot over the area surrounding them. This influence is social, economic and political. People are attracted by big cities because of the abundance of opportunities that arise from having so many people in such a small space. The farthest of the social and economic influence of a city is known as its "point of break". For example, London's breaking point is probably the northern coast of France, after which the influence of Paris Far exceeds London's influence. Which of these is not an example of an ancient cultural hearth? Possible answers: the Mississippi River Valley Proper answer: the Explanation of the Mississippi River Valley: ancient cultural outbreaks are places where civilization was first born during the agricultural revolution that took place about eight to ten thousand years ago. All these are remarkable places where the agricultural revolution was held except the Mississippi River valley, which was not resolved in large numbers until long after. New trends in clothing styles could come in major cities such as Paris, London or New York. So, they could spread to smaller cities like Boston, Chicago or Seattle. From there, they spread in smaller cities. This would be an example of what kind of diffusion? Possible answers: Correct answer: hierarchical spread Explanation: While dissemination is the most general movement of ideas, notions and innovations, it can be divided into its most specific functions. The dissemination e e enoizalopop alognis anu id apucco is enoisnapse'lled enoisuffid aL .adnamod atseuq ni etavresso eznednet elled azneulfni'l non ,anosrep a anosrep ad otterid ottatnoc nu edeihcir wesuffid noisnapxe sulumits:rewsna tcerroC noisuffid noisnapxe sulumits noisuffid noisnapxe lacihcrareih noisuffid noisnapxe suagatnoc :srewsnA elbissoP .____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ When an idea spreads from its origin, but is modified or modified as it is adopted in other places, it is characterized by spreading the expansion of the stimulus, instead of being spread in its original form (contagious diffusion of expansion), spreading from highest levels to higher levels (diffusion of hierarchical expansion) or spread by adherents that move to other regions (diffusion of the transfer). A famous celebrity visits a small city in Alabama. During her visit her, she wears only clothes with the X brand. After leaving the small city, many residents begin to wear branded clothes x mainly. Which of the following diffusion schemes is described? Possible answers: correct answer: contagious diffusion explanation: contagious diffusion involves a form of expansion in which people close to the point of origin become adopting of a cultural fashion. In the example above, the point of origin is the celebrities and the citizens become adopting of the FAD of the X brand. When an idea or a concept is widespread while people move from one place to another is called __________. Possible answers: correct answer: dissemination of the transfer explanation: the diffusion is the spread of an idea or characteristic over time. When people move or move, they spread ideas with them. Therefore this is called the transfer of transfer. "Decay of the distance" describes the process according to which the interaction between the premises decreases as the distance increases. View human geography tutors AP Adam Certificate Tutor University of Mary Washington, Bachelor in Arts, Cultural Anthropology. George Mason University, Masters in Education, Educat ... View Human Geography Tutors AP Jonathan Certificate Tutor University of Illinois in Chicago, Bachelor in Arts, Criminal Justice. Syracuse otseuq otseuq noc amelborp nu otavort iah eS .iraffa ,ilanoizanretni inoizaler ,oiratisrevinu elauttA ,ytisrevinU naciremA rotuT deifitreC aehR srotuT yhpargoeG namuH PA azzilausiV ... oitartsinimdA ssenisuB ni sretsaM ozziridni'l iuc id enoizircsed anu e otunetnoc li eneitnoc ehc )adnamod alled emon li olos non( acificeps adnamod alla knil nu id ongosib omaibba oipmese rep ;otunetnoc leuq etnemavitisop eracifitnedi e eravort id srotuT ytisraV a eritnesnoc rep etneiciffus oilgatted \ ni ,thgirypoc li eraloiv id edneterp is ehc otunetnoc led enoizisop attase'lled e arutan alled enoizircsed anU ;otaloiv otats eresse id otamreffa thgirypoc led enoizacifitnedi'nU ;otnoc orol rep eriga da atazzirotua anosrep anu id o thgirypoc led oirateirporp led acinorttele o acisif amrif anU :euges otnauq eredulcni oirassecen ? :osivva nu eraivihcra rep iggassap itseuq eriugeS .otacovva nu erattatnoc id amirp eraredisnoc ebbervod is ,thgirypoc li aloiv bew otis lad a-itagelloc o otis lus itautis itunetnoc i ehc irucis ?? is non es ,otnatreP .erotua'd ittirid irtsov i odnaloiv ats ?tivitta o ottodorp nu ehc etatneserppar etnemaenorre etnemlairetam es )ilagel eseps el e itsoc i iserpmoc( innad i rep ilibasnopser eteras ehc itamrofni eresse id agerp iS .gro.stceffEgnillihC emoc izret a o itunetnoc i ilibinopsid oser ah ehc etrap alla atartloni eresse ??up enoizaloiv allus avitamrofni artsov aL .srotuT ytisraV a etrap elat ad otinrof ,osac led es ,etnecer ??ip liame ozziridni'lled ozzem rep itunetnoc ilat ilibinopsid oser ah ehc etrap al erattatnoc id edef id ovitatnet noub nu ?raf ,enoizarfni id osivvA anu da atsopsir ni arepoda is srotuT ytisraV eS .otiuges id otangised etnega'lla otiuges id ettircsed inoizamrofni el etnenetnoc )?etoN tnemegnirfnI?( attircs enoizacinumoc anu odnenrof icracinumoc id omaihgerp iv ,erotua'd ittirid irtsov ied ??ip o onu oniloiv )oizivreS id inoizidnoC ertson ellen otinifed emoc( otiS led ozzem rep ilibinopsid itunetnoc i ehc etenetir eS .evitacude esrosir ertson el eraroilgim a eraunitnoc omaissop ?tinumoc alled otuia'l noC .erepas iccaf erovaf rep That claiming to violate copyright is not authorized by the law, or by the copyright owner or by the agent of this owner; (b) that all the information contained in your violation notice is accurate and (c) under the penalty of perjury, that you are the owner of the copyright or a person authorized to act on their behalf. 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