Why Are Some Countries More Developed Than Others

Why Are Some Countries More Developed Than Others?

I. Introduction:

A. Observation: Compelling information that introduces the topic

B. Research Question

C. Conclusion: Thesis Statement

II. Population Growth

A. Explanation of how populations grow

1. birthrate vs deathrate

a. high birthrate vs low birthrate

b. Demographic Transition Model- stages one and two: agricultural revolution and medical revolutions

c. examples

2. immigration vs. emigration

a. examples: developed countries with low growth but high immigration.

B. Why do some parts of the world have high population growth rates while other parts of the world have low rates of growth?

1. farming

a. children as assets: explain how farming influences higher population growth


2. manufacturing and services

a. Demographic Transition Model- stages 3 & 4

b. Increasing urban populations- examples of countries with high percentage of population in rural and urban populations.

c. Children as liabilities

3. Culture and customs

a. Beliefs about women’s roles

b. Examples of religions that promote large families

C. Effects of rapid population growth: overpopulation= more people than resources (Demographic Comparisons Chart)

1. population pyramids- ratio between kids and workers

a. Utah

b. other states and countries

2. health care- infant mortality and life expectancy

a. relationship between high growth and high infant mortality

b. examples of countries with high population growth and high infant mortality

c. relationship between infant mortality and life expectancy

d. examples of countries with high infant mortality and low life expectancy

3. education

a. relationship between high population growth and literacy

a. examples of countries with high population growth and low literacy

b. relationship between countries with high literacy rates and high per capita GDP (income)

c. education about methods of contraception

D. Your views, ideas and solutions


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