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Name: ____________________________________________________Date: __________New Imperialism (Africa, India, China, & Japan)Mrs. ValdesDirections: For each statement or question, mark on the scantron sheet the number of the word or expression that best completes the statement or answers the question.An essential feature of imperialism is that it…promotes democracy in foreign countries.uses economic or political methods to control other countries.develops new forms of artistic expression.leads to a belief in monotheism.How did the Industrial Revolution encourage imperialism?It made Europeans feel sorry for their “little brothers”It created a need for landIt created a need for raw materials and marketsIt made westerners feel obligated to improve the human speciesDuring the 18th and 19th centuries, Europeans improved roads and bridges and built railroads in their colonies primarily to…provide jobs for the colonistsobtain raw materials needed for industrializationimpress the colonists with their technological knowledgehelp missionaries spread ChristianityIn an outline, one of these statements is a main topic, the other three are sub-topics. Which is the main topic?Convert People to ChristianityCompetition for New TerritoriesSearch for Raw MaterialsReasons for ImperialismFrom 1880-1910, which nations were most involved in colonizing Africa?oil-rich Middle Eastern nationsEast Asian nations, trying to create new marketsindustrialized Western European nationsEastern European nations under Russian controlBritish control over South Africa, French control over Indochina, and Spanish control over Mexico are examples of:IsolationismImperialismNationalismAppeasementBase your answer to the following questions on the passage below and your knowledge of global history.“In the past, European nations have conquered other lands, made them into colonies, and controlled their economies.”Which term refers to the situation described in this statement?socialismisolationismimperialismmonotheismThis statement describes a situation that resulted from the: industrialization of Europe and the need for raw materialdesire of European to spread communism throughout the worldEuropean belief in human rights for all peoplerequests of developing nations for modern machines and technology__________________________________________________________________________________________Base your answer to the following question on the passage below and your knowledge of global history.“The Ashanti and Ijebu... strongly resisted missionary incursion [interference]-for a time at least . . . Both groups grudgingly [reluctantly] accepted missionaries and their schools only after military defeat by imperial forces.” ---Edward H. BermanA valid conclusion based on this quotation would be that some Africans…opposed giving up their religious and cultural heritagereturned to the worship of their traditional gods after the defeat of the missionariescooperated with the missionaries for economic gainfeared that missionaries would refuse to teach their children__________________________________________________________________________________________The Berlin Conference of 1884-1885 showed that European nations:wanted to end the African slave tradewere ready to carve up Africa among themselveswanted to convert Africans to Christianitywere ready to begin exploring the interior of Africa11. The borders that were established for many African nations during the late 1800’s were based primarily on…natural geographic barrierseasy access to natural resourcesterritorial claims of colonial rulerscultural differences between ethnic groups12. During the 18th and 19th centuries, increased contact between Europe and the continents of Africa, Asia, and South America resulted in…closer cultural cooperation between Europe and these continentsthe exploitation of the labor and resources of these continentsa return to the political and economic systems of feudal Europepreservation of the rights of the indigenous peoplesBase your answer to the following question on the poem below and your knowledge of global history.Take up the White Man’s burden—Send forth the best ye breedGo bind your sons to exileTo serve your captives’ need;To wait, in heavy harness,On fluttered folk and wild—Your new-caught, sullen peoples,Half-devil and half-child.--Rudyard Kipling, “The White Man’s Burden”13. The phrase “White Man’s burden” in this excerpt refers to the…negative attitude of Europeans toward peoples of the non-Western worldadvantages Europeans would gain by colonizing Africa, Asia, and Latin Americapositive role of the Roman Catholic Church in Africa and Asiachallenges non-Europeans faced when trading with the Europeans_________________________________________________________________________________________Base your answer to question #14 on the passage below and your knowledge of global history.…, you, Africa, suffered like a beastYour ashes strewn to the wind that roams the desert,Your tyrants built the lustrous, magic templesTo preserve your soul, preserve your suffering.Barbaric right of fist and the white right to whip,You had the right to die, you could also weep.--Patrice Lumumba, “Dawn in the Heart of Africa”14. This African poem is discussing the evils of…imperialismcommunismnationalismregionalism_________________________________________________________________________15. The Sepoy Mutiny in India, the Boxer Rebellion in China, and the Islamic Revolution in Iran were similar in that they…restored power to the hereditary monarchiesattempted to reject the traditional cultures in these countriesresisted foreign influence in these countriesreestablished the power of religious leadersBase your answer to the following question on the picture below and your knowledge of global history.16. The primary cause of the Sepoy Rebellion was…the implementation of the draftan increase in taxesa shortage of foodBritish violation of traditional Hindu culture__________________________________________________________________________________________17. All of the following are true of the Sepoy Mutiny EXCEPT that it: 1. was successfulwas led by Indian soldiersmarked a turning point in Indian historyLed to the total control of India by Britain18. During the 19th century, Europeans were able to divide China in Spheres of influence mainly because the:Chinese were eager to adopt western cultureEuropeans had technologically superior military forcesEuropeans were willing to adopt Chinese customsChinese lacked raw materials and resources19. The Boxer Rebellion of the early 20th century was an attempt to: eliminate poverty among the Chinese peasantsbring western-style democracy to Chinarestore trade between China and European nationsremove foreign influences from ChinaBase your answer to the following question on the passage below and your knowledge of global history.“Yesterday, your ambassador petitioned my ministers regarding your trade with China…our Celestial Empire possesses all things in great abundance and lacks no product within its own borders. There is, therefore, no need to import any product manufactured by outside barbarians in exchange for our own goods.”-Emperor Ch’ien Lung of China to King George III of Britain, 179320. In the view of the Emperor, which foreign policy action was in the best interest of China in 1793?maintaining economic isolationexpanding foreign tradeincreasing international interdependencedeveloping into a colonial power21. During the 1840’s, China signed “unequal treaties” with Western nations mainly because…China had won the Opium WarWestern nations had superior military technologyleaders in China favored expansionChina had requested economic assistance from the West22. An immediate result of Commodore Matthew Perry’s visit to Japan in 1854 was:an alliance between Japan and Russiathe development of trade between Japan and the Westa war between Japan and the United Statesthe continued isolation of Japan23. The results of the Opium War (1839-1842) indicate that China was…still a major military powernot strong enough to resist Western demandsrapidly building a modern industrial economyaccepting Western nations as equal trading partnersBase your answer to the following question on the picture below and your knowledge of global history.“Compared to other peoples of the world we have the greatest (largest) population and our civilization is four thousand years old…Today we are the poorest and weakest nation in the world and occupy the lowest position in international affairs. Other men are the carving knife and serving dish, we are the fish and the meat. As a consequence…we are being transformed everywhere into a colony of the foreign powers.”24. Which events formed the basis for the ideas expressed in this early 1900’s passage?Opium War and Boxer RebellionMau Mau uprising and adoption of apartheidSepoy Mutiny and the Salt MarchHaitian Revolution and Cortes’ march on Mexico City__________________________________________________________________________________________25. The arrival of Commodore Matthew Perry in Japan in 1854 signaled the end of Japanese:cultural contacts with the Westpolicies of isolationismmilitarism in Southeast Asiatrade relations with the United StatesChina – the cake of Kings and … of EmperorsSource: The Little Journal, published in France, January 16, 1898In this cartoon, the Chinese are reacting to the process of:nationalism(3) communismindustrialization(4) imperialismWhich statement best represents a reason why Japan is seated at the table in this cartoon? By 1898, Japan was also an industrial nation. The Tokogawa Shogunate centralized Japan’s government Japan was invited as an ally of China Japan had the largest and strongest military in the world at this timeWhich of the following responses to the cartoon above most accurately represents a Chinese perspective?The Chinese Emperor welcomed the European and Japanese and was eager to establish trading rights. China resisted foreign interference and started the Boxer Rebellion. China began an era of modernization and industrialization. China organized the Sepoy Mutiny to demonstrate their anger at the violations of their religious beliefs.__________________________________________________________________________________________Base your answer to the following questions on the wood block print below and on your knowledge of social studies.Source: Reunion des Musees Nationaux/Art Resources, NY.A historian studying the Meiji Restoration could conclude that:Power had been granted to the shoguns and daimyos.A democratic constitution prevented the emperor from centralizing authority.The presence of the United States caused apparent cultural changes in Japan.Japan maintained an isolationist foreign policy.The Meiji Restoration is considered a turning point in Japanese history because it led to the :Expansion of feudal political and social valuesModernization of the economy and governmentAdoption of isolationist policiesAbandoning plans for an overseas empire Which “point of view” is most likely that of Matthew Perry? “Japan has nothing of value to trade with the United States”“The United Stated wants to establish trade with Japan.”“I desire to spread Christianity throughout Japan during my visit.”“the Berlin Conference provides the United States with Colonial rights to Japan.” ................

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