Pages from n1ng-0100-5.pdf

Name: Date: Period:

|Explain, Define, Provide Pro’s /Con’s (when appropriate), and/or Give examples (when appropriate). |

Methods of Data Collection

1. Census:

2. SRS:

3. Stratified:

4. Cluster:

5. Convenience:

6. Voluntary:

7. Experiment versus Observational Study

Population versus Sampling Frame versus Sample

1. :

2. :

3. :

Sources of Bias and Confounding (Does it overestimate or underestimate?)in Sampling and Surveys

• Section 4.1

1. Bias:

2. Sampling / Respondent / Researcher ; Voluntary Response vs. Nonresponse vs. Response; Wording;


• Section 4.2

3. Confounding:

4. Placebo Effect:

5. Blinding – Single versus Double:

|Planning and Conducting Experiments |

Experimental Units/Subjects

• …

Explanatory Varable(s), Factors, Factor Levels

• …


• …

Response Varable, Confounding

• …

Describe the experimental design in words and diagrams

• Experiment versus Observational Study

• Completely Randomized Design

• Blocking, Completely Block Design

• Blocking, Matched Pairs

Explain how the experimental design principals apply in an experiment or observational study

1) Randomized, Random Assignment

2) Control

3) Replication

What is the scope of inference? What conclusion can be drawn from the study?

• What is the difference between descriptive statements and inference?

• Observational Study - When can you make inferences about cause and effect?

• Observational Study - When can you make inferences about the population?

• Experiment - When can you make inferences about cause and effect?

• Experiment - When can you make inferences about the population?


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