Chapter 1, Review Questions

Chapter 4, Review Questions


1. Describe the relationship between the kinetic energy of the atoms or molecules composing a substance and temperature of that substance.

2. The Kelvin scale has no negative values. Explain why.

3. What is meant by the response time of a thermometer? What type of thermometer has the fastest response time?

4. Explain how heat transfer follows the second law of thermodynamics.

5. Distinguish between sensible heating and latent heating of the atmosphere. Which is more important on a global annual average basis?

6. During which phase changes of water is latent heat released to the environment?

7. On a global annual average basis, what is the most important process in cooling Earth’s surface?

8. Explain how thunderstorms transfer heat from Earth’s surface to the middle and upper troposphere.

9. Describe the mechanisms involved in poleward heat transport within the Earth-atmosphere system.

10. Provide some examples of how Earth’s surface properties influence air temperature in the lower troposphere.

Chapter 4, Critical Thinking Questions


1. A traffic sign along an Ohio highway warns motorists that a bridge freezes before the road surface. Why does the bridge surface freeze first?

2. In northern climates in winter, how does the depth of the snow cover influence the depth to which the ground freezes?

3. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of the Celsius versus Fahrenheit temperature scales for weather observation and forecasting.

4. At what air temperature is the reading on the Celsius scale the same as that on the Fahrenheit scale?

5. Convert the following Celsius temperatures to Fahrenheit temperatures: 0°C, 100°C, 5°C, 20°C, -10°C.

6. Calculate the temperature change in Celsius degrees when (a) 10 cal of heat is added to 5 g of water; (b) 100 cal of heat is added to dry sand having a mass of 100 g; (c) 15 cal of heat is added to 5 g of ice at -10°C.

7. Air, especially still air, is a poor conductor of heat. Provide some examples of how this property of air is used to conserve energy for space heating and cooling.

8. Compute the number of heating degree-days on a day when the minimum air temperature was 13°F and the maximum air temperature was 26°F.

9. How would you expect the Bowen ratio of agricultural land to change as a drought becomes worse? Explain your response.

10. How and why would the temperature of an Arctic air mass change as the air mass moves from snow-covered ground to bare ground?


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