My Family is my Passion - Gavilan College

My Family is my Passion

by Julie Regalado

school and says she's really enjoyed her first two weeks of school. This has really put my mind at ease and I'm glad she's so confident.

My youngest daughter is 12 years old and is in seventh grade. She is really quiet and reserved. It may take her some time to warm up to people she doesn't know, but when she gets to know them she's really caring, giving and compassionate. She is in her second year of junior high and is in the same school as last year. She's the type of girl who really puts thought into her daily decisions and I hope she also remembers everything I've taught her and

"My family means a

lot to me and they really

do complete me.."

I enjoy many things in life, but what I really enjoy the most is spending time with my family. I have two wonderful girls and a wonderful boyfriend. I don't know that I show it as much as I should, but they are an important part of my life who I treasure the most. Every decision I make, I put them first and they inspire me to do my best in everything I do. They are my inspiration and my life.

My oldest daughter is 14 years old and reminds me of my self, more then she will ever know. This year she is starting her first year of high school and I feel like this is one of the hardest things I've had to face in a long time. This is something I've been dreading since she entered kindergarten. I just never thought this day would be around the corner, literally. I didn't believe people when they told me when she was a baby to enjoy this time with her because before you know it time will have passed and she'd become a teenager. Boy were they right. This has been really hard on me and I'm a little worried because I remember when I was in high school and how scared I was, but I feel things have really changed because the kids now are growing up faster than they should be. I hope everything I've taught her and all the morals and experiences I've instilled in her helps her throughout this journey in high school. What has made me feel better about this is that she has the confidence I didn't have going into high

also applies it to her life. My two girls are totally opposite of each other, but my mom once told me that all her kids are like the fingers on her hands ,they are all different and not one of them are the same. I see the girls just like that.

My oldest has a sassy and at times stubborn, but bold attitude. She is always keeping up with the newest fashions in the teen magazines and loves shopping. She is into music, loves talking on the phone with her friends and is always texting them. She also enjoys softball and is quite the athlete, but I know it's because she started playing t-ball at a young age. My youngest however is quite the opposite. She's not into sports, shopping or constantly on the phone. She's into music and not just listening to it, but is into playing it. She's been in the school band since the fifth grade and plays the clarinet. She really puts her soul into the music and this makes her really good. She enjoys it so much that she is really looking forward to playing in the high school band. This year she will be trying out for marching band and I'm sure she will make it because she's really good. She's conservative and I'm not as worried with her because of this. They are definitely one of a kind and I am thankful to God that he has blessed me with these two wonderful girls.

The other very important person in my life is my boyfriend. Not only is he my boyfriend,

but he is also my best friend. He's really caring to not only me, but to the girls and supports us in everything we do. The girls and I really look up to him because he is a hard worker and family is really important to him. We've been together for four years and I've learned so much from him. We have great respect for one another and for our morals, which are quite alike. We've overcome many things in these short four years, but they have just made our relationship stronger. We both have faith in God and feel like he has put us together for a reason. I know there is no such thing as a perfect man, but he's my perfect. I've always felt like there was one right person out there for everyone and I know I've found mine. He's the missing piece in my heart and fulfills it to the fullest. He really completes my family.

I thank God everyday that he has blessed me with a wonderful family and it may not be perfect, but we've managed to work though all the challenges we've faced as a family. My family means a lot to me and they really do complete me. People at times may not appreciate their family or the people who've become part of it, but my family is the most important thing in my life and I really do appreciate them.



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