Popular Culture Presentation - Mr. Flynn at MAC

Popular Culture Project Presentation

Grade 10 Social Studies IB MYP/Honours

Applicable Learner Profiles

Inquirers – We nurture our curiosity, developing skills for inquiry and research. We know how to learn independently and with others. We learn with enthusiasm and sustain our love of learning throughout life.

Communicators – We express ourselves confidently and creatively in more than one language and in many ways. We collaborate effectively, listening carefully to the perspectives of other individuals and groups.

Popular Culture: (definition) ~ defined or determined by the mass media. Popular culture is deemed as what is popular within the social context — that of which is most strongly represented by what is perceived to be popularly accepted among society. Otherwise, popular culture is also suggested to be the widespread cultural elements in any given society that are perpetuated through that society.

Essentials of pop culture

1. It is associated with commercial products.

2. It moves from local to national to international


3. It allows widespread access for consumers.

4. It is constantly changing and evolving.

Popular culture has been defined as everything from "common culture," to "folk culture," to "mass culture." While it has been all of these things at various points in history, in the Post-War World, popular culture is undeniably associated with commercial culture and all its trappings: movies, television, radio, cyberspace, advertising, toys, nearly any commodity available for purchase, many forms of art, photography, games, and even group "experiences" like collective comet-watching or rave dancing. While humanities and social science departments before the 1950s would rarely have imagined including anything from the previous list in their curricula, it is now widely acknowledged that popular culture can and must be analyzed as an important part of US material, economic and political culture. "Pop culture" is also one of the US' most lucrative export commodities, making everything from Nike runners to Taylor Swift merchandise popular on the international market.

It would be impossible to do an exhaustive (or even a not-so-exhaustive) survey of all the work being done in and on popular culture, so we have included only representative examples of both. Our bibliographies and links focus on major figures in popular writing and basic categories of popular media after the war.


Create a media/visual (examples: PowerPoint, Prezi, Powtoon, MovieMaker) presentation for the class that includes the following items.

• Part I :

Present current pop culture. What is in? What is the trend?

Create a PowerPoint of 20 or more images that represent what is currently in, cool or popular culture. For 10 of the 20 images, briefly explain why you and your partners feel your images represent pop culture. (Use the pop culture criteria to explain)

You must include at least one image for each of the following categories:

TV Shows Video Games Fashion/Style

Music Food Movies

Sports Books Magazines

Celebrities Technology Social Media/Web

Slang/Popular sayings/buzzwords

• Part II:

Present past pop culture. What is out? What is no longer trending?

Create a PowerPoint of 10 or more images that represent what is currently out, dated, or no longer cool pop culture. For 5 of the 10 images briefly explain what contributed to the items demise.

• Part III: Written Analysis

1. Title - Part III – Analysis of Pop Culture

2. Group members name, date and block (right top)

3. Font – Times New Roman or Calibri – Size – 12 double spaced

4. References/Citation for the entire project.

Answer to the best of your ability the following questions to be handed in separately from your presentation.

To what extent is pop culture affected by forms of media and communication technologies?

To what extent is individual identity affected by pop culture?

Where in the world has the greatest influence on global pop culture? Provide three reasons and explain?

MYP Assessment Criteria

Knowledge & Understanding [8] Investigating [8] Thinking Critically [8] Communicating [8]

| | | | | |

|8-7 |The student: |The student: |The student: |The student: |

| |•uses a wide range of terminology accurately |•formulates a clear and focused research |•completes a detailed analysis of concepts, |•communicates information and ideas |

| |and appropriately |question |events, issues, models or arguments |effectively by using a style that is |

| |•demonstrates detailed knowledge and |•formulates and follows a detailed action plan |•effectively analyses and evaluates a range of |consistently appropriate to the audience and |

| |understanding of content and concepts through|to investigate a research question |sources in terms of origin and purpose, |purpose |

| |developed and accurate descriptions, |•uses methods accurately to collect and record |recognizing values and limitations |•structures information and ideas in a way |

| |explanations and examples |appropriate and varied information consistent |•thoroughly interprets a range of different |that is consistently appropriate to the |

| | |with the research question |perspectives and their implications |specified format |

| | |•effectively addresses the research question. |•synthesizes information to make valid, |•consistently documents sources of |

| | | |well-supported arguments. |information using a recognized convention. |

|6-5 |The student: |The student: |The student: |The student: |

| |•uses a range of terminology accurately and |•formulates a clear research question |•completes a satisfactory analysis of concepts,|•communicates information and ideas by using |

| |appropriately |•formulates and follows a satisfactory action |events, issues, models or arguments |a style that is often appropriate to the |

| |•demonstrates good knowledge and |plan to investigate a research question |•satisfactorily analyses and/or evaluates a |audience and purpose |

| |understanding of content and concepts through|•uses methods to collect and record appropriate|range of sources in terms of origin and |•structures information and ideas in a way |

| |accurate descriptions, explanations and |information consistent with the research |purpose, recognizing values and limitations |that is often appropriate to the specified |

| |examples. |question |•interprets different perspectives and their |format |

| | |•satisfactorily addresses the research |implications |•often documents sources of information using|

| | |question. |•synthesizes information to make valid |a recognized convention. |

| | | |arguments. | |

|4-3 |The student: |The student: |The student: |The student: |

| |•uses terminology that is accurate and/or |•formulates an adequate research question |•completes a simple analysis of concepts, |•communicates information and ideas by using |

| |appropriate |•formulates and follows a partial action plan |events, issues, models or arguments |a style that is sometimes appropriate to the |

| |•demonstrates knowledge and understanding of |to investigate a research question |•completes a simple analysis and/or evaluation |audience and purpose |

| |content and concepts through adequate |•uses a method or methods to collect and record|of some sources in terms of origin and purpose,|•structures information and ideas in a way |

| |descriptions, explanations or examples. |some information consistent with the research |recognizing values and limitations |that is sometimes appropriate to the |

| | |question |•identifies different perspectives and their |specified format |

| | |•partially addresses the research question. |implications |•sometimes documents sources of information |

| | | |•makes connections between information to make |using a recognized convention. |

| | | |simple arguments. | |

|2-1 |The student: |The student: |The student: |The student: |

| |•makes a limited attempt to use some relevant|•formulates a very general research question |•makes a limited attempt to analyze concepts, |•communicates information and ideas by |

| |terminology |•formulates and follows a limited action plan |events, issues, models or arguments |attempting in a limited way to use a style |

| |•demonstrates basic knowledge and |to investigate a research question |•describes some sources in terms of origin and |that is appropriate to the audience and |

| |understanding of content and concepts with |•collects and records limited information not |purpose and recognizes some values and |purpose |

| |simple descriptions and/or examples. |always consistent with the research question |limitations |•makes a limited attempt to structure |

| | |•makes a limited attempt to address the |•identifies different perspectives |information and ideas in a way that is |

| | |research question. |•makes connections between information in a |appropriate to the specified format |

| | | |limited attempt to make arguments. |•makes a limited attempt to document sources |

| | | | |of information. |

|0 |The student did not reach any of the |The student did not reach any of the |The student did not reach any of the |The student did not reach any of the |

| |descriptors above. |descriptors above. |descriptors above. |descriptors above. |


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