Extended Responses – Unit 1

Higher Biology

Extended Response Questions

Recent Extended Response Questions

Use the marking schemes on the SQA website to CAREFULLY mark your ER.

NOTE: the SQA website has Marking Instructions for exams as far back as 2004.


1. Answer either A or B.

A. Write notes on:

(i) the control of lactose metabolism in E. coli; (6)

(ii) phenylketonuria in humans. (4)


B. Write notes on population change under the following headings:

(i) the influence of density dependent factors;(5)

(ii) succession in plant communities. (5)

In question 2, ONE mark is available for coherence and ONE mark is available

for relevance.

2. Answer either A or B.

A. Give an account of gene mutations and mutagenic agents.


B. Give an account of somatic fusion in plants and genetic engineering in



1. Answer either A or B.

A. Write notes on:

(i) structure of the plasma membrane; (4)

(ii) function of the plasma membrane in active transport;(3)

(iii) structure and function of the cell wall.(3)


B. Write notes on :

(i) the structure of DNA; (6)

(ii) DNA replication and its importance.(4)

In question 2, ONE mark is available for coherence and ONE mark is available

for relevance.

2. Answer either A or B.

A. Give an account of the importance of nitrogen, phosphorus and magnesium in plant growth and describe the symptoms of their deficiency.


B. Give an account of how animal populations are regulated by

density-dependent and by density-independent factors.


1. Answer either A or B.

A. Write notes on plant growth and development under the following headings:

(i) the effects of indole acetic acid (IAA); (6)

(ii) the role of gibberellic acid (GA) in the germination of barley grains. (4)


B. Write notes on the following :

(i) endotherms and ectotherms; (2)

(ii) temperature regulation in mammals. (8)

In question 2, ONE mark is available for coherence and ONE mark is available

for relevance.

2. Answer either A or B.

A. Give an account of the importance of isolating mechanisms, mutations and

natural selection in the evolution of new species.


B. Give an account of the transpiration stream and its importance to plants.


1. Answer either A or B.

A. Write notes on maintaining a water balance under the following headings:

(i) osmoregulation in salt water bony fish; (6)

(ii) water conservation in the desert rat. (4)


B. Write notes on meiosis under the following headings :

(i) first and second meiotic divisions; (7)

(ii) its role in the production of new phenotypes.(3)

In question 2, ONE mark is available for coherence and ONE mark is available

for relevance.

2. Answer either A or B.

A. Give an account of carbon fixation in photosynthesis and its importance to



B. Give an account of the production of new viruses after the invasion of cells

and the role of lymphocytes in cellular defence.

Higher Biology – Extended Response Questions

Unit 1 – Cell Biology

1. Describe how the differences between the structures of cells in different tissues are related to the different functions of these tissues.

Use the following examples:

a) Blood Tissue (5 marks)

b) Xylem Tissue (5 marks)

2. Give an account of how materials enter and leave cells under the following headings:

a) Process of diffusion and osmosis (5)

b) Role of the cell wall and cell membrane in this process(5)

3. Give an account of the stages of aerobic respiration (8 + 2)

4. Write an account of the structure of DNA molecule and how this structure allows replication to take place. (8 + 2)

5. Write an account of the differences between nucleic acids under the following headings:

a) DNA and RNA (4)

b) Messenger RNA and transfer RNA (6)

6. Write an account the variety and functions of proteins (8 + 2)

7. Write an essay on the defence mechanisms employed by plants (8 + 2)

8. Write an essay on specific immune responses. (8 + 2)

9. Discuss the biochemistry of photosynthesis under the following headings:

a)The light dependent stage (5)

b)The Calvin cycle (5)

Unit 2 – Genetics and Adaptation

1. Describe genetic variation under the following headings:

(a) sexual reproduction (3)

(b) independent assortment (3)

(c) crossing over (4)

2. Outline the procedure that you would adopt to investigate if the gene for grey (G) or yellow (g) body colour is linked to the gene for straight (A) or curved(a) wing in Drosophila.

3. Describe the main types of gene mutations and their effect on amino acid sequences

4. With reference to copper tolerance in grasses explain how natural selection works. (10)

5. Describe how a new species might arise. (8)

6. Using a named example give an account of adaptive radiation and its role in speciation (8+2)

7. Give an account of individual and social mechanisms employed by animals to defend themselves against danger (8 + 2)

8. Give an account of water conservation in a kangaroo rat. (8+2)

9. Using humans as an example explain the mechanism of:

a) Sex determination (3)

b) Inheritance of a named sex-linked trait (7)

10. Discuss the evolution of antibiotic resistant bacteria. (8 + 2)

11. Using the 5 digit limb as an example discuss divergent evolution. (8 + 2)

12. Give an account of the methods for conserving a species (8 + 2)

13. Explain how selective breeding and hybridisation are used to improve characteristics of livestock and crop species. (8 + 2)

Unit 3 – Control and Regulation

1. Discuss the plant growth under the following headings:

a) The activity of apical meristems (5)

b) Secondary thickening of a woody stem (5)

2. Discuss the role of meristems in higher plants. (8 + 2)

3. Compare and contrast growth and regeneration in angiosperms and mammals.

4. Describe how the Jakob-Monod hypothesis of gene action explains the switching on and off of genes. (8 + 2)

5. Using a named example discuss the role of genes in the control of cell metabolism. (8 + 2)

6. Using a named example give an account of the Jacob-Monod hypothesis of gene action. (8 + 2)

7. Discuss the role of plant hormones in growth and development. (8 + 2)

8. Discuss the need for macro-elements in plants under the following headings:

a) Symptoms of deficiency (5)

b) Description of an investigation to show the effect of deficiencies (5)

9. Give an account of photoperiodism in plants and animals. (8 + 2)

10. Discuss physiological homeostasis in human under the following headings:

a)Role of the hypothalamus (2)

b)Control of body temperature (8)

11. Give an account of the factors that influence population change. (8 + 2)

12. Discuss homeostatic control of blood glucose levels. (8 +2)


If you are fully prepared for your exam you will be able to answer all of the extended responses in this booklet under exam conditions.

Give yourself 10 minutes per extended response and mark them using your homework jotter or against any extended responses you have done on paper.

Reminder – the unstructured questions have marks for relevance and coherence.

Relevance – you must only include information related to the question (even if what you put is correct). You must also not include any incorrect information.

Coherence – your answer must be laid out in a logical way and written in full sentences. You may include diagrams but you must back them up with explanations. The best way to make sure you get this mark is to make a PLAN first.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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