Social Psychology

The Bobo Beatdown: Crash Course Psychology #12

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1. Summarize the Albert Bandura Bobo Doll Experiment:

2. Species can more easily learn associations that __________________________________

_____________________________, and that not all associations are learned equally.

3. Hank says that, “sometimes we can think our way out of intended associations.” What example does he give to demonstrate this? (he gives the example prior to the statement)

4. Cognitive Maps are mental representations of your external environment. Hank Green gives examples of rats that latently learn mazes by creating a map inside their minds and then running through them faster when given an incentive to do so. Below, draw a cognitive map of the path you take from your AP Psychology class to your next class.

5. Modeling is the process of _________________________________ a specific behavior.

a. What is one example Hank Green gives of animal modeling?

b. What’s an example where you’ve modeled someone else’s behavior?

c. What’s an example where someone else has modeled your behavior?

6. Mirror Neurons fire when performing certain actions or when ____________________


Psychology Crash Course Answer Keys

Psychology Crash Course 12 – The Bobo Beatdown

1. Kids either watched an adult be nice to or beat a Bobo Doll; when put into a room with the Bobo Doll themselves they tended to mimic what they saw

2. help them thrive or survive

3. lacing alcohol with poison won’t always be effective because humans will know it’s not the alcohol naturally causing the sickness

4. drawings will vary

5. observing and imitating

a. chimps learn to use sticks to fish ants, rhesus macaques make up after fights quicker if they’ve seen older macaques make up

b. answers will vary

c. answers will vary

6. observing another doing so


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