Frederick County Public Schools

-24765021971100My Novel is a “Theme” Park!Using extended metaphor, symbolism, and theme to make writing FUN044196000-47625-28575Theme Park Packet- KEEPER!Name_____________________________________________Novel______________________________________________Author_____________________________________________Partner(s)?__________________________________________00Theme Park Packet- KEEPER!Name_____________________________________________Novel______________________________________________Author_____________________________________________Partner(s)?__________________________________________Checklist: (make sure you have all of these pages!) *200 points total*___ Title page (this page!) with names and title *5 points___Extension Menu with attached completed responses *50 points per response (choose two!)___List of universal themes *5 points___Universal themes of your novel (top three) *10 points___Universal theme of your novel-naming your park and naming 5 sections per land) *20 points___Completed theme park taped together and ready to show off! *60 pointsExtension MenuDirections:Complete 1 ESSAY response and 1 response of your choice. Attach both onto this packet with a paper clip-NOT a staple! Anything extra is up to you. This packet is going in your portfolio Do your BEST work.1. ESSAY: SW compose a 100-200 word descriptive piece to describe a fast ride or kiddie ride within your amusement park using at least three of the following: imagery (sensory details), simile (comparison between two unlike things using “like” or “as”), metaphor (same as a simile but without “like” or “as”- a direct comparison), personification (giving a non-human traits that are human).2. ESSAY: SW write a 100-200 word account of a guest who has ridden one of your rides. Make sure the piece is from the guest’s point of view. Be sure to pay attention to voice, word choice, and style- these things match the guest, not you! Also, include the name, gender, and age of your guest(s) at the top of your paper. 3. ESSAY: SW write a 100-200 words to describe the process of playing one of the games in your theme park. Think about the rules of the game, how the game is played, how to win, kinds of prizes, etc. 4. SW design a persuasive poster (large size) advertising your amusement park. You may want to consider a logo, a slogan, guest comments, etc. This poster should persuade the public to visit your park! 5. SW design a brochure guide for your visitors that would be beneficial for them as they visit your park. You may want to include the descriptions, height requirements, warnings, etc.6. SW create an additional land for your theme park based on this classroom or the school itself. You should include one thrill ride, one kiddie ride, one game, one show/entertainment, and one concession stand. You can do more if you would like.7. SW compose a full menu for one of your concession stands in your theme park. You should have a minimum of seven items. Each item should include a creative name, a 2-3 sentence description, and prices.8. SW design a large poster to advertise one of your theme park attractions (a ride or show). If it is an attraction inside a building, what does the building look like? If it is outside, how does it look? Make sure the design matches the theme of the attraction and/or land.9. SW create a script, dialogue, narrative, description, etc. for one of the shows or entertainment pieces within your theme park. Create a logo for the show as well.10. SW create their own extension idea! You must ask for approval first. 11. SW create a Caldecott version (picture book) of your novel that our second grade book buddies might like and could easily read. List of Universal ThemesAbandonmentAbuseAcceptanceAcceptance of a handicapAccepting changeAdjusting to a new lifeAdoptionAngerAppearancesAppreciation of natureBeing giftedBrotherhoodBulliesBelongingBetrayalBraveryCaring for the environmentChallengesChangeCommitmentCommunicationCommunityCooperationTeamworkCoping with lossCourageCourage and honorCultural diversityCustoms and traditionsDeath and dyingDeterminationDiscriminationFaithDiversityDoubtDreamsEffects of warEmotionsFamily and relationshipsFearFear and anxietyFear and courageFeelingsForgivenessFreedomFriendshipGetting alongGood vs. evilGratitudeGriefGrowing upGuiltHeroesHistoryHonestyHopeHumorImmigrantsInjusticeJusticeRelationshipsInvincibilityJealousyLeadershipLearning about ourselves and othersLiving in today’s societyLonelinessLossLoveLoyaltyMaking choicesMediaMemoriesMorals and valuesPatriotismPeacePeer pressurePovertySelf-esteemSense of communitySense of selfSeparation and lossSocial changeSurvivalTaking a standTeamworkTrustValuesViolence (These are a good start…they are broad and are more like topics. You can find your theme from these big ideas/universal themes! Remember, “U” for Umbrella!)Top 3 Universal themes of your novelChoose three U. Themes from your chart that fit your ENTIRE novel… not just a section of it. Put these three titles in the three boxes below. Then give 3-5 examples that show that universal theme. If you can’t find 3 or more examples, it probably isn’t the best universal theme to use.center0U Theme #1: 00U Theme #1: 1. 2. 3. 4. 800100367030U Theme #2:00U Theme #2:5. 1. Theme #3:00U Theme #3:5.1. Universal Theme of Your Novel:_________________________________________________2. Turn this universal theme into a theme statement:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. Name Your WHOLE Theme Park:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4. Turn your theme statement into a land names for your theme park. Each Park needs 4 or more Lands UNLESS you are working by yourself. If you are working alone, you only need 2 Lands in your Park. If you are working in a group, you may divide and conquer or you may all work together on all the lands in your park. Think Disney- Disney is the PARK. Then you have Magic Kingdom (a land), Animal Kingdom (another land), Hollywood Studios (a land), Epcot (a land), and Typhoon Lagoon/Blizzard Beach (water lands). 4. Brainstorm (if you need to) below. The theme charts start on the next page.5. SEE ME when you are ready for your land pages! There will be plenty available for you on the round table!1304925-266700Land Name:00Land Name:4786630-26670000-252095-26670000 Now create names for the minimum amount of attractions for one land based on your land name:Name of one “Thrill Ride”_________________________________________________________0-317500Name of one “Kiddie Ride”________________________________________________________Name of one “Game”_____________________________________________________________Name of one “Show or Entertainment”______________________________________________021907500Name of one “Concessions Stand”_________________________________________________1304925-266700Land Name:00Land Name:4786630-26670000-252095-26670000 Now create names for the minimum amount of attractions for one land based on your land name:Name of one “Thrill Ride”_________________________________________________________0-317500Name of one “Kiddie Ride”________________________________________________________Name of one “Game”_____________________________________________________________Name of one “Show or Entertainment”______________________________________________021907500Name of one “Concessions Stand”_________________________________________________ 1304925-266700Land Name:00Land Name:4786630-26670000-252095-26670000 Now create names for the minimum amount of attractions for one land based on your land name:Name of one “Thrill Ride”_________________________________________________________0-317500Name of one “Kiddie Ride”________________________________________________________Name of one “Game”_____________________________________________________________Name of one “Show or Entertainment”______________________________________________021907500Name of one “Concessions Stand”_________________________________________________1304925-266700Land Name:00Land Name:4786630-26670000-252095-26670000 Now create names for the minimum amount of attractions for one land based on your land name:Name of one “Thrill Ride”_________________________________________________________0-317500Name of one “Kiddie Ride”________________________________________________________Name of one “Game”_____________________________________________________________Name of one “Show or Entertainment”______________________________________________021907500Name of one “Concessions Stand”_________________________________________________Pictures to cut out in case you do not want to draw 385762514859000164782515113000-1143001524000041433756010910001686525621093500-18097563252350038957264477385001828800447357500-11430044773850039243002905760001831355290512500-20066029540200035433001600835001647825137541000-200025137223500 ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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