Performance-Based Assessment Design




TOA Title: “Elena la ballena”

Theme: How I Spend My Free Time

Level: Novice-Mid

TOA Overview:

You are on vacation in Mexico where you meet some children singing on the playground. You are happy to see that they have the lyrics printed in a song book. You read the lyrics and take notes.

When you return home, you and your friend compare your trips to different places in Mexico. You will describe the photos that you have to your friend and he/she will describe his/her set.

Then, you find out that some of your new friends from Mexico will be coming for a visit. You write to them describing a beach in New Jersey and describing the activities that you can do there.

Task Title: “Elena la ballena” (popular song)

Theme: How I Spend My Free Time

Level: Novice-Mid Focus Age Group: 10 – 11 years

 National Standards Goals: Communication

Communicative Mode: Interpretive


Time Frame: 25 minutes


Description of Task:

You are on vacation in Mexico. In the morning you go out to the playground and find Mexican children singing this song. As they invite you to join in you try to understand what they are saying. One child has a song book and you are happy to see it has the lyrics. Read them and answer the following questions. You may need to read the song more than once. You may also find pictures that will help you identify the vocabulary.


Materials: Copy of the lyrics of the song “Elena la ballena”, paper and pencils

Teacher Notes: Students should be familiar with the vocabulary related to the beach.


Adaptation: Teachers can modify the questions to fit the students’ level of comprehension.





 Nombre ________________________ Fecha ____________________



Please read the song lyrics and answer the following questions:


1. Which title do you think would best fit the song?


a. La estrellita de mar b. Elena la ballena


c. La lancha velera d. Adiós



2. Is Elena a girl, a whale, or a mother? _______________________


1. Is Elena sailing, running, or reading? ________________________


2. Where is Elena: At her house, at school, or at a beach? __________


3. What kind of gift is Elena bringing? A sea horse, a scallop, a starfish? __________________________




• Is this a real situations or an imaginary one?




•  Support the above answer with three statements. You can write in English.


1. _____________________________________________________


2. _____________________________________________________


3. _____________________________________________________



 Vocabulary: Identify the following pictures by writing in the line the correct letter:


1. la ballena ____ a. [pic]



b. [pic]

2. la estrella de mar_____

c. [pic]

3. el regalo______


d .[pic]


4. el parasol_______


5. el mar ______ e. [pic]


6. la lancha velera_______ f. [pic]

Novice-Mid Interpretive Rubric

“Elena la ballena”


TOA Title: “Elena la ballena”

Task Title: ¿Te gustó la playa en Mexico?

Theme: How I Spend My Free Time


Level: Novice-Mid Focus Age Group: 10 – 11


National Standards Goals: Communication Cultures Connections Comparisons


Communicative Mode: Interpersonal

Time Frame: 25 minutes


Description of Task:

You and your friend came back from a fabulous vacation in Mexico. You went to Cancún and your friend went to Acapulco. Bring your pictures and talk to each other about the activities you liked the most, the activities you did not like, the activities your family enjoyed.


Materials Needed: Students will receive a copy of pictures and sample sentences that they could use to practice before their task. Find a sample at the end of this packet. Students will also be able to use the provided pictures in place of photographs.

Teacher Notes: As teachers would have practiced similar exercises with the class, the students will find themselves in familiar territory, yet they will be challenged to take risks. *Teacher should pair the students with similar ability levels.

Sample conversation

A. ¡Hola! ________________ ¿Cómo estás?

B. ¡Muy bien ________________Gracias! ¿y tú?

A. ¡Muy bien! ¿Te gusto la playa en México?

B. ¡Me encantó la playa en México! y ¿A tí?

A. ¡A mí también! ¿Adónde fuiste?

B. Mi familia y yo fuimos a Cancún. Mira estas son unas fotografías que tomamos con mi familia.

1. A mi familia y a mí nos gusta ___________.

2. Me gusta ___________________________.

3. A mi papá le gusta _________________________.

4. A mi papá y a mí mamá les gusta __________________________.

5. A mí no me gusta para nada _____________________________.

6. A mí me gusta muchísimo _________________________.

A. ¡Que interesante! nosotros fuimos a Acapulco y fue también muy divertido. Mira mis fotografías,

7. A mi papá le gusta mucho ________________.

8. A mi hermano le gusta _____________________.

9. A mí me gusta ______________________.

10. A mis hermanos les gusta ________________.

11. A mí me gusta muchísimo ________________.

12. A mis padres no les gusta ______________________.

¡Que bien! El próximo año me gustaría ir a allá.

[pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic]

correr caminar tocar música leer descansar tomar el sol

[pic] [pic] [pic] [pic]

jugar hacer castillos leer bailar

Novice-Mid Interpersonal Rubric

“Elena la ballena”


TOA Title: “Elena la ballena”

Task Title: ¡Vamos a la playa!

Theme: How I Spend My Free Time


Level: Novice-Mid Focus Age Group: 10 – 11 years

National Standards Goals: Communication Cultures

Communicative Mode: Presentational

Time Frame: 50 minutes


Description of Task:

Some of the friends you meet in Mexico are coming to see you this summer. Write letters to your friends telling them about a beach in New Jersey were you would like to take them. List at least five to six activities that you could do there. You can use pictures to illustrate your ideas.

Materials Needed: Pictures of beach activities and or sea animals, paper, pencils, crayons and a letter black line.

Teacher Notes: Teacher should have introduced simple letter writing information. Students are expected to use memorized chunks of language while listing activities they have learned in class.





Novice-Mid Presentational Rubric

“Elena la ballena”



 [pic] [pic] [pic]

coleccionar conchas pescar comer helado


[pic] [pic] [pic]

 correr caminar tocar música

[pic] [pic] [pic]

 tomar el sol descansar leer

 [pic] [pic] [pic]

navegar remar bailar

[pic] [pic] [pic]

  Jugar hacer castillos de arena saltar



| |Exceeds Expectations |Meets Expectations |Does Not Meet Expectations |

|Do I identify the main idea? |I identify the main idea of the song. |I identify the main idea of the song. |I do not identify main idea of the song. |

| | | | |

|(Main Idea) | | | |

|Do I understand supporting details? |I can answer questions 1 to 5 accurately.|I can answer at least 3 questions |My answers are inaccurate. |

| | |accurately. | |

|(Comprehension) | | | |

|Do I infer meaning? |I use context clues and cognates to |I use some context clues and cognates to |I do not use context clues or cognates. |

| |understand the meaning of the song. |understand the meaning of the song. | |

|(Interpretation) | | | |

| | |I can support my ideas with some examples| |

| |I can support my ideas with examples from|from the song. | |

| |the song. | | |

|Do I recognize the vocabulary? |I recognize all vocabulary words. |I recognize most vocabulary words. |I do not recognize enough vocabulary |

| | | |words. |

|(Word Recognition) | | | |

| |Exceeds Expectations |Meets Expectations |Does not Meet Expectations |

|Do we understand you? |My partner and my teacher understand me|My partner and my teacher understand me|My partner and my teacher do not |

| |without difficulty. |with occasional difficulty. |understand me. |

|(Comprehensibility) | | | |

|Do you understand me? |I understand my partner with ease. |I understand my partner with some |I do not understand my partner. |

| | |difficulty. | |

|(Comprehension) | | | |

|How well do I use the Spanish |I know enough vocabulary to be able to |I know some vocabulary and can use some|I can only describe the pictures |

|language? |talk about the activities I liked best,|memorized sentences to complete the |with one or two words. |

| |the activities I did not like and the |activity | |

| |activities my family enjoyed. | | |

|(Vocabulary Use & Language Control) | |I attempt to be creative with some | |

| |I am successful when I attempt to be |success. | |

| |creative. | | |

| | | | |

|How well do I keep the conversation |I begin to recombine some memorized |I used memorized sentences. |I can only show some pictures but|

|going? |language to keep the conversation | |I can not explain them. |

| |going. | | |

|(Communication Strategies) | | | |

| |I ask for repetition and/or |I ask for repetition and/or | |

| |clarification. |clarification. | |

| |Exceeds expectations |Meets expectations |Does not meet expectations |

|Do we understand you? |My message is easily understood by my |I am able to communicate my message by |I rely heavily on visuals to convey my |

| |audience. |reproducing memorized material. |message. |

|(Comprehensibility) | | | |

|How well do I use the Spanish |I can write simple sentences correctly.|I demonstrate some accuracy in written |My presentation is correct only at word |

|language? | |presentation when I reproduce memorized|level. |

| |My letter is rich in appropriate |words and phrases. | |

| |vocabulary. | |My vocabulary is limited and/or |

|(Language Control & Vocabulary Use) | |My vocabulary reveals basic |repetitive. |

| | |information. | |

| | | |I use English. |

|How well do I organize the |My letter has a beginning, middle and |My presentation has a beginning, middle|My presentation lacks organization. |

|presentation? |an end. |and an end. | |

| | | | |

|(Communication Strategies) | | | |

|How well do I impact the audience? |I use pictures, color, and good |I use some pictures. |My letter does not have pictures, colors |

| |penmanship to maintain the reader’s | |and my penmanship is poor. |

|(Impact) |attention. |My penmanship is somewhat legible. | |

|How well do I act like a native |I use more than one expression a native|I use an expression a native speaker |I do not use expressions a native speaker |

|speaker? |speaker would use in a letter. |would use in a letter. |would use. |

| | | | |

|(Cultural Awareness) | | | |


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