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1. Read the paragraph…what are a few examples they give for projectile motion?




2. Click on the “history of projectile motion.” Who first described projectile motion?

3. The motion that acts vertically is the force of ___________, and this pulls an object towards the earth at _____ meters per second.

4. But while gravity is pulling the object down, the projectile is also moving ____________, horizontally at the same time. And this horizontal motion is ______________ and ______________ according to Galileo's principle of inertia.

5. He actually found that the curve has an ______________________. A shape that the Greeks had already studied and called the ____________. The conclusion that Galileo reached was that the path of ______ projectile is a parabola.

6. Click “now on for some more.” At a given location on the earth and in the absence of air resistance, all objects _________________________________. Thus, two objects of different sizes and weights, dropped from the same height, will ________________________________.

7. An object is controlled by __________________ motions. So an object projected ________________ will reach the ground in the same time as an object dropped ___________________. No matter how __________ the horizontal velocity is, the downward pull of gravity is always the same, Mr. Ketchum.

8. Click “continue.” Check out the formulas, the two examples, read the captions, and click “water balloons” when you are done. Vary the different variables and try the game 4-5 times.

9. Go to and change the components to see how these different variables influence the motion. Tell me what you’ve found

10. Go to and read this page. Be sure to look at the different types of projectiles. What are they?

11. To further ponder this concept of the downward force and a downward acceleration for projectiles, consider a cannonball shot horizontally from a very high cliff at a high speed. If gravity is turned off…what happens to the ball shot from the cannon ball? What says it will do this?

12. Go to read the story. Then click on Throw at the Monkey in a Gravity Free Environment. Read this story. But what if there were gravity? Where should the zookeeper aim her banana cannon to successfully hit the monkey? Suppose that the zookeeper aims above the monkey's head. Would this lead to success?

13. Click on “Throw at the monkey with gravity on.” Read the story. Will this lead to success?

14. Click on “Throw at the monkey at a fast speed with gravity on.” Read the story. What would be the path of the banana? Would the banana hit the monkey?

15. Click on “Throw at the monkey at a slow speed with gravity on.” Read the story. What would be the path of the banana? Would the banana hit the monkey?


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