Name the five different elements of the promotional mix ...

Promotional Mix Web Activity

Use your notes, the internet, or your Textbook beginning on page 362-368 and answer the following questions:

Define Promotion:

Define the Promotional Mix:

What are the five Types of Promotion in the Promotional Mix? List them in the space below. Find the definition using any of the resources listed above and define each. In the space provided next to Example, provide at least two examples used by companies under each category.

1. P –

o Example

2. A –

o Example

3. D –

o Example

4. S –

o Example

5. P –

o Example

What is the goal of a business to use promotional activities?

In the spaces below, describe one way within the last month you have personally been promoted to by a business. Be specific:

Product (good, service or idea):

What business promoted to you:

What product (good, service, or idea) was being promoted to you:

What media was used by the company:

What was the message:

What, if any, action did it require you to take?

What action, if any, did you take?

Which of the five types of promotion were used?

From the pictures below, identify which type of promotional mix is being engaged in.




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