Drug Schedules Table

|Drug Schedules Table |

|Schedule |Potential for Abuse |Medical Uses? |Examples |Physical/Psychological Dependence |Other |

|I |High |None under any circumstances |Heroin |Both | |

| | | |Marijuana |Not really | |

| | | |Methaqualone |Both | |

| | | |LSD |Not really | |

|II |High |Potentially with severe |Opium |All are both |Pronabind (synthetic THC) is |

| | |restrictions |Cocaine | |here because it can be used to |

| | | |Methadone | |treat glaucoma or chemo |

| | | |PCP | |patients |

| | | |Most amphetamines | | |

| | | |Most Barbiturates | | |

|III |Lower than I and II |Yes |Barbiturates not in II, |Low/moderate physical or high | |

| | | |Some codeine based drugs, |psychological | |

| | | |Anabolic steroids | | |

|IV |Lower than III |Yes |Darvon |Yes but limited depending on the drug| |

| | | |Phenobarbitol | | |

| | | |Tranquilizers (miltown, valium, Librium) | | |

| | | | | | |

|V |Low |Yes |Certain Opiates that may have narcotic |Very little | |

| | | |ingredients. | | |

| | | | | | |

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