Problem Solution—Organizational Pattern

Problem Solution—Organizational Pattern

Outlining Information


General Purpose: To persuade

Specific Purpose: After hearing my speech, my audience will be persuaded that ___________ is an existing problem that can be solved by____________.


I. Attention Getter: Reach out and grab your audience’s attention by any of the methods discussed before—startle the audience; ask a rhetorical question; tell a story; begin with a quotation, etc.

II. Specific Purpose: Include why they should listen/care; build your credibility; good place for audience predisposition.

III. Central Idea/Claim: What are you stating as a problem and proposing as a solution?

Preview of Main Points using the problem/solution organizational format listing main points in one of two ways:

Main Point # 1- The problem

Main Point # 2- The solution(s)


Main Point # 1- The problem

Main Point # 2- The causes of the problem

Main Point # 3- The solution(s)



I. Main Point # 1 = Problem (In this point, you prove there is a work problem that needs to be fixed.)

a. Subpoint

i. Support materials

b. Subpoint

i. Support materials


II. Main Point # 2 = Solution (In this point, you present your solution(s) and prove it is practical.)

a. Subpoint

i. Support materials

b. Subpoint

i. Support materials



I. Summary (your last chance to stress ideas; repeat your arguments; remember, no new information)

II. Rounding Off: Could be Passive Agreement or Call to Action (Tell them what to do, or what needs to be done. This can also relate back to the attention material.)

Bibliography must be done in APA Style format

NOTE: Remember you must cite a minimum of four sources verbally during your speech

and they must be listed in your bibliography.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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