Global Geography 12

Global Geography 12 Human Rights Assignment

Purpose (learning outcomes):

3. demonstrate an understanding of various measures of Quality of Life

4. illustrate an argument as to how the world arrived at its current state at the beginning of the 21st century, using the discipline of geography

1. examine all issues from multiple perspectives and with regard to the experiences of youth

You have been assigned two rights from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Your team has the mission of promoting awareness of your rights and helping others to understand why they are important.

You will need to create a poster/visual that makes others take notice and pay attention to rights that all people of the world should enjoy. You want people to not only appreciate their rights but respect and protect the rights of others.

Questions you need to answer as a team:

Don’t forget about the quality of life measures and MDGs (Millennium Development Goals) we’ve learned about … you should be tying in what you’ve already learned in your responses to these questions in order to show understanding of the outcomes above.

1. Are there any recent examples of the rights you’ve been assigned being violated in the world? Describe specific examples by researching stories from major news networks like BBC, CBC, CNN, etc. You can also look at examples from humanitarian organizations or NGOs like the International Red Cross, Doctors Without Borders, Amnesty International, Free the Children, etc.

2. Why are these rights so important to protect?

3. The Universal Declaration of Rights is not a legally binding document. This means that countries are not always held legally accountable by the global community if they violate any of these rights. Considering this fact, why is it still important for such a document to exist?

4. Why should youth care about these human rights?

Note: You can incorporate some or all of your responses in your visual piece/poster. Be prepared to discuss later …

Individual Reflection Piece (To be done at the end of the process when group activities and presentations are complete …)

1. In your own words, create a definition for human rights – what do they mean to you? Outcome 1.4 /4

2. Why is it important for both individuals and the global community to protect each person’s human rights? Outcome 1.3 /4

3. What have you learned about human rights violations that you didn’t know before AND what do you think the global community should do to make sure human rights are protected more often for more people? Outcomes 1.3 & 1.4 /4

4. The Universal Declaration of Rights is not a legally binding document. This means that countries are not always held legally accountable by the global community if they violate any of these rights. Considering this fact, why is it still important for such a document to exist? Why do you think it is difficult to globally enforce human rights? Outcome 3.1 /4

5. What is the connection between the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Millennium Development Goals? Outcome 3.1 /4

6. Why do you think your poster would be effective in creating awareness of humans rights? Outcome 1.4 /4

7. How do you think location influences perspectives on human rights?

Outcome 1.4 /4

Total for Outcomes from Unit 1 (The Global Geographer): /20

Total for Outcomes from Unit 3 (Population): /8

*Questions are evaluated using the 1-4 scale:

1 – not met outcome / 2 – progress in meeting outcome / 3 – met outcome

4 – mastered outcome


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