Science Fiction – Comic Strip

Science Fiction – Comic Strip

Choose a good science fiction book, and read it well. Once you have completed the book, write about it as an independent reading book.

Once the book is read, create either a comic book or a comic strip to tell about the story that you read. As you work, keep in mind that you are demonstrating the depth of your comprehension about the book. Choose well.

Comic Strip Elements:

____ Title (either on cover of book, or top of strip) and your name

____ Show a clear beginning, middle and end.

____ Illustrations that include detail to show the setting of the story. Illustrations must

fill the space. Illustrations include a caption to summarize the key idea.

____ Have at least 15 illustrations

____ Include at least 8 significant events in the illustrations to show the progress of the story.

____ Include at least 5 elements of science fiction in the illustrations

Make sure that the work is your very best, and that you have done all the work. Do NOT include any computer generated art.

Science Fiction Comic Strip Rubric

Performance Task: Student will create a comic strip to demonstrate their understanding of the elements of science fiction and the specific science fiction book that was read.

Performance Standards:

• Title and name will be prominent and easy to read

• Comic strip will have a clear beginning, middle, and end

• Illustrations will include detail to show setting, and they will fill the space.

• Illustrations include a caption to summarize main idea

• Comic strip will include at least 8 significant events of the story

• Comic strip will include at least 5 examples of science fiction elements.

Scoring Rubric: Levels of Performance

|Score |Level |Definition |

|4 |Exceeded the Standard |Student performance surpassed the criteria and reflected advanced |

| | |knowledge and skill |

|3 |Achieved the Standard |Student performance met the criteria to attain the standard |

|2 |Needs to Improve to Meet |Student performance did not meet the standard |

| |The Standard | |

|1 |Little Evidence of Achievement |Student performance did not meet or was below the standard |

Name ___________________________________ Date__________ Teacher_______________

|Performance Criteria |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|Title and name are prominent and easy to read | | | | |

|Comic strip has clear beginning, middle and end | | | | |

|Illustrations fill space and clearly show setting | | | | |

|Illustrations include caption that explains main idea | | | | |

|Comic strip includes at least 8 significant events of the story and help tell the | | | | |

|story | | | | |

|Comic strip includes at least 5 examples of science fiction elements | | | | |

Scoring Guide

A = 20 -24 B = 15 – 19 C = 10 – 14 D = 6 – 9

Overall Performance Score _________



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