CJFS 4870 SPRING 2019 - Home

NAME _________________________________________DATE _____________________CJFS 4870 — STUDY GUIDE — SPRING 2014INSTRUCTIONS: Circle your answer then put your answer on the line before each number. _____1.Police actions taken in the wake of failed contract negotiations have included:a.blue flub.work slowdownsc.work speed-upsd.all of these choices_____2.The most dramatic police strike in terms of loss of life, destruction, and public attention occurred in:a.New Yorkb.Chicagoc.Bostond.Philadelphia_____3.What is the umbrella organization for the estimated 4,000 police unions and fraternal organizations throughout the United States?a.The Fraternal Order of Policeb.The Police Benevolent Associationc.The International Brotherhood of Police Officersd.The National Association of Police Organizations_____4.Roughly what percentage of police chiefs surveyed have reported that they do NOT operate under a union contract or collective bargaining agreement? a.25 percentb.40 percentc.60 percentd.80 percent_____5.Public sector collective bargaining effectively came into being in the:a.early twenty-first centuryb.1920s c.1960sd.1980s_____6.In collective bargaining an impasse is usually reached when:a.management makes unrealistic demandsb.labor makes unrealistic demandsc.one side is demanding more than the other will offerd.none of these choices_____7.Impasse resolution procedures include:a.mediationb.fact findingc.arbitrationd.all of these choices_____8.The most controversial impasse resolution procedure short of a strike is:a.a blue flub.fact findingc.arbitrationd.mediation_____9.A successful negotiation results in:a.higher payb.better overtime policiesc.elements that are acceptable to all sidesd.budget cuts_____10.Unions find salary surveys helpful in order to determine:a.how much money the chief makesb.how much money officers in neighboring jurisdictions makec.inequity in the ranksd.none of these choices Chap. 11_____11.What term describes reserving top executive attention for those few instances involving significant deviations from anticipated performance?a.management by exceptionb.delegationc.indirect leadershipd.chain of command_____12.Thompson identified what sources of uncertainty for organizations?a.technicalb.managerialc.institutionald.all of these choices_____13.What type of uncertainty arises during the course of attempting to coordinate the activities of various units and ensure that they have adequate resources to get the job done?a.technical uncertaintyb.managerial uncertaintyc.institutional uncertaintyd.none of these choices_____14.Levels of control in organizations include:a.strategic controlb.tactical controlc.operational controld.all of these choices_____15.What type of control involves monitoring critical environmental factors to ensure that strategic plans are implemented as intended?a.strategicb.tacticalc.anizational_____16.The lowest level of control is:a.strategicb.tacticalc.anizational_____17.Mechanisms of behavioral control include:a.direct supervisionb.management by objectivesc.rules and standard operating proceduresd.all of these choices_____18.Clearly articulated standards and expectations are especially important in the areas of:a.shootingsb.pursuitsc.high-risk activitiesd.all of these choices_____19.What term refers to the targeted level of activity?a.objectivesb.successc.controld.productivity_____20.Which of the following is NOT a method for improving productivity?a.management auditb.capital investmentc.awareness of innovationd.strategic insulation Chap. 12_____21.What term describes the act of acquiring and managing resources?a.planningb.programmingc.budgetingd.Directing_____22.Planning revolves around two concerns: concern for the system and risk. Concern for the system includes which key ingredients?a.purposeb.stabilityc.entiretyd.all of these choices_____23.Planning occurs at what levels of a police agency?a.administrative levelb.management levelc.staff leveld.all levels_____24.What do administrators do to reduce uncertainty about the future by predicting environmental conditions?a.planningb.programmingc.forecastingd.budgeting_____25.The acronym SARA refers to:a.scanning, analysis, review, alternativesb.scanning, analysis, response, assessmentc.securing, alternative, response, arrangementsd.securing, analysis, response, assessment_____26.What term describes a choice among possible courses of action?a.planningb.decisionc.programmingd.forecasting_____27.What term describes resources previously committed to a program that make it impossible for the department to enact changes in current procedures or operational policy?a.sunk costsb.outside pressuresc.personality characteristicsd.past conditioning_____28.Crime mapping is:a.independent of crime analysisb.part of crime analysisc.not necessary if crime analysis is undertakend.none of these choices_____29.What is the first step in planning a budget?a.presenting a “wish list” to the city councilb.weighing strategic plans and goalsc.determining the most cost-effective way to achieve goalsd.ranking the department’s goals_____30.The final phase of the budgeting process is:a.auditb.budget executionc.budget approvald.budget preparation Chap. 13_____31.Which of the following help police departments promote accountability from the INSIDE?a.code of ethicsb.civilian reviewc.civil liability d.accreditation_____32.The development of codes of ethics for police officers coincided with:a.the political erab.the community erac.the professional erad.the homeland security era_____33.Which of the following is not an area covered by the IACP Code of Ethics?plaint review proceduresb.police officer responsibilitiesc.cooperation with other agenciesd.use of force_____34.Which of the following is NOT an example of promoting accountability from the OUTSIDE?a.civilian reviewb.code of ethicsc.civil liabilityd.Accreditation_____35.Which of the following statements is true?a.The vast majority of police departments rely on civilian review.b.The vast majority of police departments use an internal process to handle complaints.c.Internal review is preferable to external review.d.none of these choices_____36.Which form of citizen review vests the receipt and investigation of complaints in the hands of civilians?a.civilian review modelb.civilian input modelc.civilian monitor modeld.internal review model_____37.Which of the following elements must be in place if a Section 1983 lawsuit is to succeed?a.color of lawb.federal rights violationc.color of law and federal rights violationd.none of these choices_____38.For a supervisor to be held liable under Section 1983 for the actions of a subordinate, there must be what between him/her and the unconstitutional conduct of a subordinate?a.a connectionb.an affirmative linkc.a clear and convincing linkd.a probable link_____39.Which of the following defenses is available to defendants in Section 1983 lawsuits?a.contributory negligenceb.law enforcementc.qualified immunityd.absolute immunity_____40.Besides civilian review, citizen complaints, civil liability, and accreditation, what other external accountability mechanisms are there?a.criminal prosecutionb.codes of ethicsc.internal affairsd.all of these choices Chap. 14_____41.All organizations change in order to:a.stay competitiveb.keep up with the timesc.protect their longevityd.all of these choices_____42.Which of the following is NOT a goal of change?a.insulate and protectb.promote participatory managementc.resolve and prevent problemsd.adapt and plan_____43.A performance gap exists when:a.the crime rate goes up unexpectedlyb.the police are not performing at the level the community or the organization wantsc.a scandal eruptsd.none of these choices_____44.The larger the performance gap and the more important the area of performance, the:a.lesser the need for changeb.greater the need for changec.greater the need for participatory managementd.the greater the need for keeping up with the times_____45.The one indispensable ingredient to planned change is:a.the nature of the social system of the organizationb.the type of change decisionc.assertive commitment by the organization’s leadershipd.the desire to change_____46.The last step of the change cycle is:a.evaluating and modifying the strategyb.implementing the strategyc.selecting the strategyd.diagnosing the problem_____47.When organizational participants appear to be contributing to a program but are only making small contributions, this is known as:a.resistanceb.massive resistancec.tokenismd.evading_____48.Approaches administrators can take to deal with resistance include:a.municationc.participationd.all of these choices_____49.Examples of interdepartmental cooperation include:a.multi-agency drug task forcesb.police-probation partnershipsc.federal-state partnershipsd.all of these choices_____50.The future of policing:a.can be predicted with futures researchb.will take an uncertain coursec.will resemble the pastd.will fundamentally alter organizational structures Chap. 15 ................

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