Short Story Final Project

Short Story Final Project - Value: 40 Points

Choose two of the following 20 point assignments for a total of 40 points.

The use of technology in the class (videos, projector, etc.) is encouraged on all options.

➢ Write an alternate ending

• Choose a short story we have read in class and create an alternate ending. (4 to 5 paragraphs of 4 to 5 well-crafted sentences)

➢ Movie Poster/Trailer

• Create a movie poster or advertisement for a short story we have looked at in class. Using actual movie posters as inspiration your poster must be full colour, use the entire page, and contain information about the selected story.

➢ Collage

• Create a collage on a short story using a specific theme as inspiration. Select photos that connect with both the selected story and its theme.

➢ Group Presentation

• Choose a specific topic connected to short stories or a short story we have read in class and organize a group presentation. Peer evaluations will be completed. Groups will be maximum 4 people.

➢ Skit

• Choose a specific topic connected to short stories or a short story we have read in class and organize a group skit or performance. Peer evaluations will be completed. Groups will be maximum 4 people.

➢ Song

• Create a song using a specific short story or short stories in general as a topic.

➢ News Article/Letter to the Editor

• Write a news article using a specific short story as inspiration. Interview a character, report on an event etc. Remember the 5W’s and the use of quotes.

➢ Crossword or Word Search

• Use vocabulary or important words from a short story and you may use a website or create these by hand. You must pass in a blank copy and a completed copy (Minimum 20 words)

Choose one of the following 40 point assignments for a total of 40 points.

The use of technology in the class (videos, projector, etc.) is encouraged on all options.

➢ Create your own short story

• Use the characteristics and notes on short stories to help with this writing.

➢ Oral Presentation on Short Stories

• A presentation about the characteristics of short stories using various examples (to be done individually)

➢ Written comparison between two short stories

• Choose two short stories and write a comparison essay using specific examples. Hand in a draft and final copy with a title page.

➢ Essay

• Create an analysis of a specific short story or short stories in general.

➢ Teach a lesson

• Develop a classroom activity based on short stories and conduct it with the class.

➢ Do your own quiz

• Choose a short story or short stories in general and develop a quiz to be written in class.

For the following options use a specific short story or short stories in general as a topic.

➢ Video Presentation / Photo Album / Slide Show

➢ Puppet Show / Play / Performance

➢ PowerPoint Presentation

➢ News Broadcast / Game Show

➢ Comic / Model / Diorama


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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