Examples of Administrative Accomplishments and ...

[Pages:2]Examples of Administrative Accomplishments and Responsibilities

Associate Dean for Student Affairs, XX College, 2012 - 2016 Accomplishments Contributed to a 7% increase in the 6 year graduation rate (from 38% in 2009 to 45% in 2015) by creating and implementing an app that makes degree maps readily available to students on all their devices Redesigned freshman and transfer student orientations and increase student participation by 10% (from 73% in 2011 to 83% in 2016) Led strategic planning efforts for the college's first LGBT center Created new student organization to encourage and support leadership activities at the college Responsibilities Responsible for establishing, communicating, and maintaining student support and advising for over 10,500 undergraduate and graduate students. Manage a $1.2 million budget Interpret, assess, and make recommendation on university policies and procedures as they relate to the matriculation, retention, and transition of students and disseminate these policies to students, faculty, and staff. Oversee Student Conduct, Title IX and Title IV procedures and policies. Oversee 18 student lead organizations.

Associate Provost for Student Success, YY College, 2010 - 2015 Accomplishments Conducted first college-wide analysis of course availability, increased course availability in critical areas of need and reduced the number of students who could not register for at least one required general education or major course by 22% (from 51% in 2008 to 29% in 2013) Established a comprehensive advising plan that increased student-advisor interactions by 35% Obtained $750,000 from private foundation to support student success initiatives Contributed to increased medical school acceptance rates, from 65% in 2011 to 75% in 2015, by re-organizing pre-health advising and supports Established inaugural Office of Undergraduate Research Responsibilities Coordinate collaborative efforts among administrative and academic departments aimed at strengthening a culture of student success Lead college-wide academic assessment efforts, including serving as chair of the college's self-study for the Middle States Commission on Higher Education Coordinate and support philanthropic fund raising activities aimed at supporting student success Supervise over $2 million in student scholarships Oversee and assess college-wide initiatives to support experiential learning experiences, including study abroad and undergraduate research

Manage and assess the use of CUNY-wide funds to support student success initiatives, including CUE, differential tuition, academic excellence

Provide academic oversight and guidance on library renovations

Department Chair, Psychology, ZZ College, 2005 ? 2014 Accomplishments Hired 11 new faculty, including 6 women and 8 faculty from historically underrepresented groups Successfully oversaw and managed substantial growth in the major from 1400 majors in 2004 to 2650 in 2014 Led the restructuring of the Psychology major and the development of a degree map for the major Developed the department's first formal mentoring program for junior and mid-career faculty Led efforts to develop two new Master's programs in health psychology and industrialorganizational psychology Established e-advising supports for undergraduate and Master's level Psychology students Responsibilities Leadership of the largest department at the college (over 2600 majors, 43 full-time and 85 part-time faculty) Manage the course schedule for approximately 400 course sections per semester Conduct annual evaluations for all full-time faculty and review annual evaluations of part-time faculty Manage a team of 4 HEOs, 6 CLTs and 7 part-time college assistants

Director of Housing and Residence Life, XXX College, 1999 ? 2006 Accomplishments Increased retention rates of students living in residence halls by 7% Implemented a new budgeting model that resulted in savings of 3.5% Established new programming model for residence life staff and paraprofessionals Established satellite residential tutoring, writing and math services Responsibilities Led the coordination, management and planning of the financial, personnel, student programming and physical plant aspects for residential for approximately 600 students housed in 2 residence halls and 150 apartment units per year Designed, developed and implemented comprehensive services, programs and policies effectively integrating the academic mission of the college with the residential component of student life. Supervised 2 full-time and 4 part-time staff and oversaw an annual budget of $750,000


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