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Classwork Assignment: STUDY GUIDE Chapter 7: The Nervous System

Name: Period: Date:

Central Nervous System (CNS) includes which two structures:

The major subdivision of the Nervous System that includes the cranial and spinal nerves and all the nerves throughout the body:

Subdivision of the PNS that controls voluntary activities:

This subdivision activates which type of muscles?

Subdivision of the PNS that regulates involuntary activities:

This subdivision activates which effectors? (three answers)

Subdivision of the ANS that prepares the body during threatening situations so you can fight or run (fight-or-flight):

Subdivision of the ANS normally in control (rest-and-digest):

The neurotransmitter of the sympathetic nervous system that increases heart rate and breathing:

Determine which subdivision of the nervous system (sympathetic or parasympathetic) is in control during the following activities:

1. Increased peristalsis – Increased blood pressure –

2. Stored glycogen released from liver – Salivary glands secrete saliva –

3. Increased breathing rate (respiration) – Pupils are constricted –

4. Increased blood flow to digestive organs – Decreased heart rate –

1. Type nerve cells responsible for support and protection (“nerve glue”):

2. Type of nerve cell that conducts impulses:

Type of neuron that conveys impulses TO the CNS from sensory receptors: (two names)

Type of neuron that conveys impulses FROM the CNS to organs, muscles, glands: (two names)

3. Type of neuron called association neurons that connect motor and sensory neurons:

4. Part of neuron that contains the nucleus and organelles:

5. Branches of a neuron that receive stimuli and convey incoming messages toward the cell body:

6. The process of a neuron cell body that conduct impulses away from the cell body:

7. Bulbs at the ends of axons that contain vesicles (sacs) filled with chemicals:

The space between two communicating neurons into which chemicals are released:

Chemicals released from the ends of axons to stimulate other neurons, muscles, or glands:

The lipid (fatty) covering around axons that insulates to speed transmission of nerve impulse:

Gaps in the myelin sheath:

8. The term for sensory receptors in the skin that detect temperature, pressure, and pain:

9. Specific name for deep pressure receptors:

10. Specific name for light touch receptors:

11. Specific name for pain receptors:

12. Sensory receptors in muscles and tendons that detect degree of stretch to inform the brain of body position:

A rapid, predictable involuntary response to a stimulus:

13. Reflexes that regulate the activity of smooth muscles, heart muscle, and glands:

14. Give 4 examples of this type of reflex:

15. The reflex that protects the retina from too much light:

16. Reflexes that stimulate skeletal muscles:

17. Give 6 examples of this type of reflex:

18. The reflex that extends your knee when the patellar tendon is tapped:

19. List the 5 elements of a reflex arc in order beginning with the stimulus:

The fluid in the brain and spinal cord:

20. Superior and largest part of the brain, composed of four lobes:

21. The right and left halves of this major portion of the brain:

22. Elevated ridges of the cerebrum that look like twisted tubes:

23. Shallow grooves between the ridges:

24. The groove that separates the frontal and parietal lobes:

25. Deeper groove that separates the cerebral hemispheres:

26. Lobe of the cerebrum containing the primary motor area:

27. The gyrus containing the primary motor area located in front of the central sulcus:

28. Lobe of the cerebrum containing the primary sensory area:

29. The gyrus behind the central sulcus containing the primary sensory area:

30. Lobe of the cerebrum containing the auditory area:

31. Lobe of the cerebrum containing the visual area:

32. The right side of the body is controlled by the side of the brain.

33. Relay station for sensory impulses, sends incoming impulses to the appropriate brain area:

34. Regulates body temperature, water balance (thirst), metabolism, part of pleasure center, regulates pituitary gland (endocrine system):

35. The three major parts of the brain stem:

36. Specific part of brain stem that controls vital reflexes, such as heart rate, blood pressure, breathing:

37. Specific part of brain stem containing reflex centers for regulating the rhythm of involuntary breathing:

38. Major brain structure that controls coordination of skeletal muscle activity, balance and equilibrium:

Connective tissue membrane coverings of brain and spinal cord:

The outermost tough membrane layer:

The space below this layer:

The space above this layer:

The middle web-like membrane layer, resembles a spider web:

The space under this layer:

The delicate innermost layer, vascular, attached to brain and spinal cord:

39. The pairs of spinal nerves in order from superior to inferior:

40. Autoimmune disorder in which the myelin sheath hardens and “short circuits” the electrical impulse; the affected person loses the ability to control skeletal muscles:

41. Blood circulation to the brain is blocked and brain cells die, also called a stroke:

42. Paralysis of all four limbs due to damage to cervical spinal cord:

43. Paralysis of only lower limbs due to damage to lumbar spinal cord:

44. When muscles are no longer stimulated, they waste away. This is called:

45. Low blood pressure resulting from sudden change from lying to standing straight:

46. Diagnostic procedure for removing CSF from the inferior meningeal sac:

47. Recording the electrical activity in the brain:


48. Identify the following parts of the neuron shown above:

Letter A – Letter C – Letter E –

Letter B – Letter D – Letter F –


49. Identify the following parts of the brain shown above:

Letter A – Letter J –

Letter B (lobe and specific gyrus) – Letter M –

Letter C (lobe and specific gyrus) – Letter I –

Letter F – Letter H –












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