Biological Level of Analysis

Biological Level of Analysis

|LO |S or E |Question |Year |Time Zone |

|Outline/Explain how principles that define the biological level |SAQ |Explain how one BLOA principle/one |Nov 2016 | |

|of analysis may be demonstrated in research (that is, theories | |example of research | | |

|and/or studies) | | | | |

| |SAQ |One BLOA Principle one piece of |May 2014 |TZ2 |

| | |research | | |

| |SAQ |One BLOA principle |May 2012 |TZ1 |

| |SAQ |One BLOA principle |Nov 2012 | |

|Discuss how and why particular research methods are used at the |ERQ |Discuss why two particular research|May 2015 |TZ1 |

|biological level of analysis (for example, experiments, | |methods are used at the biological | | |

|observations, correlational studies) | |level of analysis. | | |

| |ERQ |Discuss ONE method |Nov 2014 | |

| |ERQ |Discuss TWO methods |May 2013 |TZ2 |

| |ERQ |Discuss how and why |Nov 2011 | |

|Discuss ethical considerations related to research studies at |ERQ |Discuss two or more |May 2016 |TZ2 |

|the biological level of analysis | | | | |

| |SAQ |Ethical considerations one study |Nov 2013 | |

|Explain one study related to localization of function in the |SAQ |Describe one study related to |Nov 2015 | |

|brain (for example Wernicke, Broca, Gazzaniga and Sperry) | |localization of function in the | | |

| | |brain. | | |

| |SAQ |Explain how one study demonstrates |SAMs | |

| | |localization of function in the | | |

| | |brain. | | |

| |SAQ |Describe one study related to |May 2013 |TZ1 |

| | |localisation of brain function (8) | | |

| |SAQ |Describe one study related to |May 2012 |TZ2 |

| | |localisation of brain function (8) | | |

|Using one or more examples, explain effects of neurotransmission|SAQ |Outline two effects of |May 2013 |TZ2 |

|on human behaviour (for example, the effect of noradrenaline on | |neurotransmission on behaviour | | |

|depression) | | | | |

| |SAQ |Explain how one or more affect |Nov 2011 | |

| | |behaviour | | |

| |SAQ |Describe one effect of |May 2017 |TZ2 |

| | |neurotransmission on human | | |

| | |behaviour | | |

|Using one or more examples, explain functions of two hormones in|SAQ |Describe the Function of one |May 2016 |TZ2/TZ1 |

|human behaviour | |hormone in human behaviour | | |

| |SAQ |Explain how one hormone influences |May 2011 |TZ1 and 2 |

| | |human behaviour. [8 marks] | | |

|Discuss two effects of the environment on physiological |ERQ |Discuss one or more effects of the |Nov 2015 | |

|processes (for example, the effects of jet lag on bodily | |environment on one or more | | |

|rhythms, effects of deprivation on neuroplasticity, effects of | |physiological processes. | | |

|environmental stressors on reproductive mechanisms) | | | | |

| |SAQ | |May 2014 |TZ1 |

| |ERQ |Two effects |May 2013 |TZ1 |

| |ERQ |Discuss two effects of the |May 2017 |TZ2 |

| | |environment on one or more | | |

| | |physiological processes. | | |

|Examine one interaction between cognition and physiology in |ERQ |Interaction between cognition and |May 2016 |TZ1 |

|terms of behaviour (for example, agnosia, anosognosia, | |physiology in terms of behaviour | | |

|prosapagnosia, amnesia). Evaluate two relevant studies | | | | |

| |ERQ | |May 2012 |TZ2 |

| |ERQ | |May 2014 |TZ2 |

|Discuss the use of brain imaging technologies at the BLOA (for |ERQ |Discuss the use of brain imaging |May 2015 |TZ2 |

|example, CAT, PET, fMRI) in investigating the relationship | |technology in investigating the | | |

|between biological factors and behaviour | |relationship between biological | | |

| | |factors and behaviour. | | |

| |ERQ | |May 2011 |TZ2 |

| |ERQ |Evaluate two |Nov 2013 | |

|With reference to relevant research studies, to what extent does|ERQ |To what extent does genetic |Nov 2016 | |

|genetic inheritance influence behaviour? | |inheritance influence behaviour? | | |

| |ERQ | |SAMs |n/a |

| |ERQ | |Nov 2012 |n/a |

| |SAQ | |Nov 2014 |n/a |

|Examine one evolutionary explanation of behaviour |SAQ |Describe one evolutionary |May 2015 |TZ2/1 |

| | |explanation of one behaviour. | | |

| |ERQ | |May 2014 |TZ1 |

| |ERQ | |May 2012 |TZ1 |

|Discuss ethical considerations in research into genetic |ERQ |Discuss ethical considerations |May 2011 |TZ 1 |

|influences on behaviour | |related to research conducted into | | |

| | |genetic influences | | |

| | |on behaviour. | | |

Cognitive Level of Analysis

|LO |SAQ or ERQ |Question |Year |Time Zone |

|Outline/explain principles that define the cognitive |SAQ |One principle of CLOA |May 2016 |TZ1 |

|level of analysis (for example, mental representations | | | | |

|guide behaviour, mental processes can be scientifically| | | | |

|investigated) | | | | |

| |SAQ |TWO |Nov 2011 | |

| |SAQ |Outline two principles that define |Nov 2014 |n/a |

| | |CLOA [8 marks | | |

| |SAQ |Explain ONE in One study/theory |May 2013 |TZ1/TZ2 |

|Discuss how and why particular research methods are |SAQ |Explain why one particular research |May 2015 |TZ2 |

|used at the cognitive level of analysis (for example, | |method is used at the cognitive level| | |

|experiments, observations, interviews) | |of analysis. | | |

| |ERQ |Discuss how and why one particular |Nov 2015 | |

| | |research method is used at the | | |

| | |cognitive level of analysis. | | |

| |ERQ |How and why TWO |Nov 2012 | |

|Discuss ethical considerations related to research |ERQ |Discuss two ethical considerations |May 2015 |TZ2 |

|studies at the cognitive level of analysis | |related to research studies at the | | |

| | |cognitive level of analysis | | |

| |SAQ |Describe one ethical consideration |Nov 2015 | |

| | |related to one research study at the | | |

| | |cognitive level of analysis. | | |

| |SAQ |Describe one ethical consideration |May 2012 |TZ1/2 |

| | |related to one research study at the | | |

| | |cognitive level of analysis | | |

|Evaluate schema theory with reference to research |SAQ |Describe one research study which has|May 2016 |TZ2 |

|studies | |investigated schema theory | | |

| |SAQ |Describe one research study which has|May 2011 |TZ 1 |

| | |investigated schema theory | | |

| |ERQ |Outline and evaluate with studies |Nov 2011 | |

| |ERQ | |May 2014 |TZ1 |

|Evaluate two models or theories of one cognitive |ERQ |One theory or model |May 2016 |TZ1 |

|process (for example, memory, perception, language, | | | | |

|decision-making) with reference to research studies | | | | |

| |ERQ |One model |May 2014 |TZ2 |

| |ERQ |TWO |May 2012 |TZ2 |

|Explain how biological factors may affect one cognitive|SAQ |Describe how one biological factor |Nov 2016 | |

|process (for example, Alzheimer’s disease, brain | |may affect one cognitive process, | | |

|damage, sleep deprivation). | |with reference to one research study | | |

| |SAQ |One study one bio factor |May 2014 |TZ1 and TZ2 |

| |SAQ | |Nov 2012 | |

|Discuss how social or cultural factors affect one |SAQ |Describe how one social or cultural |May 2015 |TZ1 |

|cognitive process (for example, education, carpentered | |factor affects one cognitive process.| | |

|world hypothesis, effect of video games on attention). | | | | |

| |ERQ |To what extent do social or cultural |May 2011 |TZ 1 |

| | |factors affect one cognitive process?| | |

| | |[22 marks] | | |

| |ERQ |Discuss |Nov 2013 | |

|With reference to relevant research studies, to what |ERQ |To what extent is one cognitive |May 2011 |TZ2 |

|extent is one cognitive process reliable (for example, | |process reliable? [22 marks] | | |

|reconstructive memory, perception/visual illusions, | | | | |

|decision-making/heuristics)? | | | | |

| |SAQ |Explain |Nov 2013 | |

| |SAQ |Describe one study investigating the |May 2017 |TZ2 |

| | |reliability of one cognitive process | | |

|Discuss the use of technology in investigating |ERQ |Discuss the use of technology in |May 2015 |TZ1 |

|cognitive processes (for example, MRI (magnetic | |investigating one cognitive process. | | |

|resonance imaging) scans in memory research, fMRI scans| | | | |

|in decision-making research). | | | | |

| |ERQ |Discuss the use of technology in |May 2012 |TZ2 |

| | |investigating one cognitive process | | |

| | |(22) | | |

| |ERQ |Discuss the use of technology in |May 2017 |TZ2 |

| | |investigating one cognitive process | | |

| | |(22) | | |

|To what extent do cognitive and biological factors |ERQ |Discuss how cog and bio interact in |May 2016 |TZ2 |

|interact in emotion (for example, two factor theory, | |emotion | | |

|arousal theory, Lazarus’ theory of appraisal)? | | | | |

| |ERQ |Discuss how cognitive and biology |November 2014 | |

| | |factors interact in emotion | | |

|Evaluate one theory of how emotion may affect one |ERQ |Evaluate one theory of how emotion |Nov 2016 | |

|cognitive process (for example, state dependent memory,| |may affect one cognitive process. | | |

|flashbulb memory, affective filters) | | | | |

| |SAQ |Outline one theory of how emotion may|May 2011 |TZ2 |

| | |affect one cognitive process. [8 | | |

| | |marks] | | |

| |ERQ |Evaluate |May 2013 |TZ1/TZ2 |

Socio-Cultural Level of Analysis

|LO |SAQ or ERQ |Question |Year |Time Zone |

|Outline/Explain how principles that |SAQ |Outline how one principle that defines the |Nov 2015 | |

|define the sociocultural level of | |sociocultural level of analysis has been | | |

|analysis may be demonstrated in research| |demonstrated in one example of research | | |

|(that is, theories and/or studies) | |(theory or study). | | |

| |SAQ |Outline how one principle that define the |May 2012 |TZ2 |

| | |sociocultural level of analysis has been | | |

| | |demonstrated in one example of research (8) | | |

| |SAQ | |May 2014 |TZ1 |

|Discuss how and why particular research |ERQ |Discuss why two particular research methods |Nov 2016 | |

|methods are used at the sociocultural | |are used to investigate behaviour at the | | |

|level of analysis (for example, | |sociocultural level of analysis. | | |

|participant/naturalistic observation, | | | | |

|interviews, case studies) | | | | |

| |SAQ | |May 2012 |TZ1 |

| |ERQ | |Nov 2013 | |

|Discuss ethical considerations related |ERQ |Discuss two or more ethical considerations |May 2015 |TZ1 |

|to research studies at the sociocultural| |related to one or more research studies at the| | |

|level of analysis | |sociocultural level of analysis. | | |

| |ERQ | |November 2012 | |

|Describe the role of situational and |SAQ |Role of situational and dispositional factors |May 2016 |TZ1 |

|dispositional factors in explaining | | | | |

|behaviour. | | | | |

| |SAQ | |May 2013 |TZ 1 |

|Discuss two errors of attribution (for |ERQ |Discuss 2 errors of att |May 2016 |TZ2 |

|example, fundamental attribution error, | | | | |

|illusory correlation, self-serving | | | | |

|bias). | | | | |

| |SAQ |Outline two errors in attribution |May 2011 |TZ1 |

| |ERQ | |May 2014 |TZ1 |

|Evaluate social identity theory, making |SAQ |Outline social identity theory with reference |May 2015 |TZ2/1 |

|reference to relevant studies. | |to one relevant study. [8] | | |

| |ERQ | |Nov 2011 | |

| |ERQ | |May 2013 |TZ2 |

| |ERQ |Evaluate SIT |May 2017 |TZ2 |

|Explain the formation of stereotypes and|SAQ |Explain one theory or study on the formation |May 2016 |TZ2 |

|their effect on behaviour | |of stereotypes [8 marks] | | |

| |SAQ |Describe one theory or study on the formation |May 2011 |TZ2 |

| | |of stereotypes [8 marks] | | |

| |SAQ |Effect on behaviour |May 2014 |TZ2 |

|Explain social learning theory, making |SAQ |Describe social learning theory with reference|Nov 2016 | |

|reference to two relevant studies | |to one relevant study. | | |

| |SAQ | |Nov 2011 | |

| |SAQ |With ref to one study |Nov 2014 | |

|Discuss the use of compliance techniques|ERQ |Examine the use of two compliance techniques. |May 2015 |TZ2 |

|(for example, low-balling, | | | | |

|foot-in-the-door, reciprocity) | | | | |

| |SAQ | |Nov 2013 | |

| |ERQ | |May 2012 |TZ1 |

|Evaluate research on conformity to group|ERQ | |May 2012 |TZ2 |

|norms | | | | |

| |ERQ | |Nov 2014 | |

|Discuss factors influencing conformity |ERQ |Two or more factors that affect conformity |May 2016 |TZ1 |

|(for example, culture, groupthink, risky| | | | |

|shift, minority influence) | | | | |

| |ERQ | |May 2011 |TZ1 and TZ2 |

| |ERQ | |May 2014 |TZ2 |

|Define the terms “culture” and “cultural| | | | |

|norms” | | | | |

|Examine the role of two cultural |ERQ |Discuss the role of one cultural dimension on |Nov 2015 | |

|dimensions on behaviour (for example, | |human behaviour | | |

|individualism/collectivism, power | | | | |

|distance, uncertainty avoidance, | | | | |

|Confucian dynamism, | | | | |

|masculinity/femininity). | | | | |

| |SAQ | |May 2013 |TZ2 |

| |ERQ | |May 2013 |TZ1 |

|Using one or more examples, explain |SAQ | |November 2012 | |

|“emic” and “etic” concepts. | | | | |

| |SAQ |Describe the etic concept making reference to |May 2017 |TZ2 |

| | |one example | | |


|LO |Question |Year |

|To what extent do |[pic] |Nov 2014 |

|biological, cognitive and | | |

|sociocultural factors | | |

|influence abnormal | | |

|behaviour? | | |

| |2. Examine how one or more biological factor(s) influence either one specific anxiety disorder or |May 2012 |

| |one specific eating disorder. | |

| |3. Discuss how biological and sociocultural factors influence one anxiety, affective or eating |May 2011 |

| |disorder. | |

| |4. [pic] |Nov 2015 |

| |5. To what extent do sociocultural factors influence abnormal behaviour |Nov 2016 |

|Evaluate psychological |Describe psychological research (theories and/or studies) relevant to diagnosis. Evaluate the |Nov 2011 |

|research (that is, theories |psychological research (theories and/or studies) relevant to diagnosis that you have described. | |

|and/or studies) relevant to | | |

|the study of abnormal | | |

|behaviour | | |

| |Discuss one theory or study relevant to the study of abnormal behaviour. |May 2015 |

|Examine the concepts of |Discuss concepts of normality and abnormality. |May 2014 |

|normality and abnormality | | |

| |Discuss concepts of abnormality. |Nov 2013 |

| |Discuss concepts of normality and abnormality. |Nov 2016 |

|Discuss validity and |Discuss validity and reliability of diagnosis |May 2012 |

|reliability of diagnosis | | |

| |Describe psychological research (theories and/or studies) relevant to diagnosis. Evaluate the |Nov 2011 |

| |psychological research (theories and/or studies) relevant to diagnosis that you have described. | |

| |[pic] |Nov 2015 |

|Discuss cultural and ethical|Discuss ethical considerations in diagnosis. |May 2016 |

|considerations in diagnosis | | |

|(for example, cultural | | |

|variation, stigmatization) | | |

| |Discuss ethical considerations in diagnosis. |Nov 2013 |

| |Discuss cultural and ethical considerations in diagnosis. |May 2013 |

| |Discuss cultural and ethical considerations in diagnosis. |May 2011 |

| |Discuss one or more cultural considerations in diagnosis. |May 2015 |

|Describe symptoms and | | |

|prevalence of uni-polar | | |

|depression | | |

|Analyse the aetiology of |Outline symptoms of one anxiety, affective or eating disorder. |Nov 2012 |

|uni-polar depression |To what extent do cognitive factors influence the etiology of the disorder that you have outlined?| |

|Describe symptoms and | | |

|prevalence of anorexia | | |

|nervosa | | |

|Analyse the aetiology of |Examine how one or more biological factor(s) influence either one specific anxiety disorder or one|May 2012 |

|anorexia nervosa |specific eating disorder. | |

| |[pic] |Nov 2015 |

|Discuss cultural variations |Discuss gender variations in the prevalence of one or more disorders |May 2016 |

|and gender variations in | | |

|prevalence of disorders | | |

| |[pic] |Nov 2014 |

| |Discuss cultural variations in the prevalence of psychological disorders. |May 2014 |

| |Discuss gender variations in the prevalence of disorders. |May 2013 |

| |Discuss cultural variations in the prevalence of one affective or eating disorder. |Nov 2012 |

|Examine biomedical, |Evaluate one individual (psychological, not biomedical) approach to treatment for one disorder. |May 2014 |

|individual and group | | |

|approaches to treatment | | |

| |Evaluate the use of one or more biomedical approaches to the treatment of one disorder. |Nov 2012 |

| |Evaluate the use of group approaches to treatment of one anxiety, affective or eating disorder. |May 2012 |

| |Compare and contrast individual and group approaches to treatment. |Nov 2011 |

| |Compare and contrast one biomedical and one individual approach to treatment. |May 2011 |

|Evaluate the use of |Contrast two approaches to the treatment of one disorder. |Nov 2013 |

|treatments for one specific | | |

|disorder: uni-polar | | |

|depression | | |

| |Compare and contrast two approaches to the treatment of one disorder. |May 2016 |

| |Contrast the use of biomedical and individual approaches to the treatment of one disorder. |May 2015 |

|Discuss the use of eclectic |[pic] |Nov 2014 |

|approaches to treatment | | |

| |Evaluate the use of eclectic approaches to treatment. |May 2013 |

| |Evaluate the use of eclectic approaches to treatment. |Nov 2016 |

|Discuss the relationship |For one affective or eating disorder, discuss the relationship between etiology and therapeutic |Nov 2011 |

|between etiology and |approach. | |

|therapeutic approach | | |

Health Psychology

|LO |Question |Year |

|To what extent do biological, |To what extent do sociocultural factors influence health-related behaviour |May 2016 |

|cognitive and sociocultural factors |(stress, substance abuse, addictive behaviour, overeating and/or obesity)? | |

|influence health-related behaviour | | |

| |To what extent do biological factors influence health-related behaviour? |May 2014 |

| |To what extent do sociocultural factors influence health-related behaviour? |Nov 2013 |

| |“Lifestyle is an important factor in people’s health.” With reference to this |Nov 2011 |

| |statement, discuss sociocultural factors related to the development of obesity. | |

|Evaluate psychological research |Evaluate two examples of psychological research (theories and/or studies) related |Nov 2011 |

|(that is, theories and/or studies) |to physiological and/or psychological aspects of stress. | |

|relevant to health psychology | | |

| |2 [pic] |Nov 2015 |

|Describe stressors |Outline two stressors. |May 2012 |

|Discuss physiological, psychological|Discuss physiological and psychological aspects of stress. |May 2016 |

|and social aspects of stress | | |

| |Discuss physiological and social aspects of stress. |May 2014 |

| |[pic] |Nov 2014 |

| |Discuss physiological and psychological aspects of stress. |Nov 2012 |

| |Evaluate two examples of psychological research (theories and/or studies) related |Nov 2011 |

| |to physiological and/or psychological aspects of stress. | |

|Evaluate strategies for coping with |Evaluate two strategies for coping with stress. |Nov 2013 |

|stress (for example, stress | | |

|inoculation therapy, hardiness | | |

|training, yoga and meditation) | | |

| |Discuss one or more strategies used for coping with stress. |May 2013 |

| |Outline two stressors. |May 2012 |

| |Evaluate one strategy for coping with stress. | |

| |Evaluate two strategies for coping with stress. |May 2011 |

| |[pic] |Nov 2015 |

|Explain factors related to the |Explain two or more factors related to the development of substance abuse and/or |May 2015 |

|development of substance abuse or |addictive behaviour. | |

|addictive behaviour | | |

|Examine prevention strategies and |Evaluate two treatments for substance abuse and/or addictive behaviour. |May 2016 |

|treatments for substance abuse and | | |

|addictive behaviour (for example, | | |

|Alcoholics Anonymous, family | | |

|therapy, drugs and biopsychosocial | | |

|treatments) | | |

| |Discuss two prevention strategies for substance abuse or addictive behaviour. |May 2014 |

| |[pic] |Nov 2014 |

| |Evaluate two treatments for substance abuse or addictive behaviour. |May 2013 |

| |Evaluate one treatment for substance abuse or addictive behaviour. |May 2012 |

| |Discuss prevention strategies or treatments for addictive behaviour. |Nov 2011 |

|Discuss factors related to |[pic] |Nov 2014 |

|overeating and the development of | | |

|obesity | | |

| |“Lifestyle is an important factor in people’s health.” With reference to this |Nov 2011 |

| |statement, discuss sociocultural factors related to the development of obesity. | |

| |Discuss two or more factors related to overeating and the development of obesity. |May 2011 |

|Discuss prevention strategies and |Evaluate one treatment for obesity. |Nov 2012 |

|treatments for overeating and | | |

|obesity | | |

| |Discuss one prevention strategy for obesity. |May 2012 |

| |Evaluate two treatments for overeating and/or obesity. |May 2015 |

| |[pic] |Nov 2015 |

|Examine models and theories of |Discuss two models and/or theories related to health promotion. |Nov 2013 |

|health promotion (for example, | | |

|health belief model, stages of | | |

|change model, theory of reasoned | | |

|action) | | |

| |Evaluate one model or theory of health promotion. |May 2013 |

| |Evaluate one model or theory of health promotion. |May 2011 |

|Discuss the effectiveness of health |Discuss the effectiveness of one health promotion strategy. |Nov 2012 |

|promotion strategies (for example, | | |

|measurement of outcomes, cultural | | |

|blindness, cognitive dissonance) | | |

| |Discuss the effectiveness of one or more health promotion strategies. |May 2015 |


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