Examples of Factors Affecting Treatment Adherence and ...

Examples of Factors Affecting Treatment Adherence and Integrity

Client (Student) Variable

Belief that a problem exists

Belief that the problem could have a negative impact on the student

Belief that participating in the intervention will help the student

Perceptions regarding not having a choice about being treated

Consultee Variables

Beliefs about potential efficacy of the intervention

Understanding of the consultative process

Satisfaction with the relationship with the consultant

Misconceptions held

Cultural beliefs and values

Opportunities available to exhibit skills

Beliefs about ability to carry out the interventions

Personal motivation to resolve the problem

Skills in describing problem situations and carrying out intervention

Perceptions of consultant’s expertise and competence

Consultant Variables

Theoretical orientation and values

Skills in problem solving

Technical competence in intervention development and evaluation

Understanding of organizational functioning and change

Motivation and enthusiasm

Self-awareness and understanding

Relationship Variables

Interpersonal and communication factors

Discrepancies between consultant and consultee attributions

Participant sensitivity to cultural, racial, ethnic, and gender issues

Extent of cooperation or mutual participation in process

Continuity of involvement

Extent of support and follow-up provided

Treatment Variable

Complexity of the intervention

Time and resources required to carry out the interventions

Intrusiveness of intervention relative to established regularities

Duration of intervention

Number of behavior changes that are made at once

How soon behavior change is observed

Organizational Variables

Openness of social/organizational climate

Opportunities and support provided for change

Length of time until assistance is provided

Perception of organizational support

Time and resource availability

Principal’s leadership behavior

From Best Practices in School Psy. IIICh 52- adapted from Gresham(1986)/Meichenbaum&Turk(1987)


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