2705100-10477500Organization & Transitions3228975278765BRIDGE THE GAP00BRIDGE THE GAPEstablish clear organization between ideas within paragraphs and between bigger ideas between paragraphs by using transitional words and phrases. To give examples: for example, for instance, such as, specificallyTo show cause and effect: therefore, hence, thus, as a result, resulting in, so, consequentlyTo show similarity: likewise, similarly, just as, equallyTo concede: although, even though, of course, granted, whileTo elaborate: in addition, additionally, moreover, also, furthermoreTo emphasize: more importantly, most importantly, chiefly, indeed, in fact, primarily, no doubtTo restate: again, in other words, in effect, that is, in shortTo indicate time: last, at last, eventually, before, after, afterwards, finally, during, then, when, asTo indicate place: to the right, to the left, in the background, in the foreground, in the distanceTo conclude: thus, finally, in the endTo contrast (to refute the other side): “others will say…” or “some will say…” –nevertheless, however, but, on the other hand, in contrast, on the contrary, conversely, at the same time, still, although, even though, despite, in spite of ................

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