Key to tab_z30 - ODIN Search

OCLC Loader for Aleph

Planning Instructions

Excerpt from How to load OCLC Records into Aleph

Key to tab_z30

Key to tab_mapping

OCLC Connexion

Example of Excel Spreadsheet

OCLC Export




Planning Instructions

1. Review OCLC codes and how they convert to Aleph. If it the 049 OCLC code is a one-for-one match to your Aleph collection, Aleph will save the bibliographic record to the server, create an item record, and create a HOLding record. If there are local practices, you may need to add to the items. If you have several collections for a single OCLC code, you will have to chose the most common to put into the tables, and edit the others once they load. Remember to take item records into consideration if you use Acquisitions to create them.

2. Plan using the Input spreadsheet. The Excel spreadsheet is designed to help you plan. Help in for the columns is given below in Excerpt from How to load OCLC records into Aleph. An example is below.

3. Enter data into tab_z30 and tab_mapping. Your systems librarian will enter the values you decided on in these tables in the Aleph Tables Navigator.

4. Set OCLC CONNEXION Export. You will need to change your export options for either the CONNEXION Client and/or Browser. You will need to put the IP address ODIN determines for your records to go to.


Key to tab_z30

This table is used for setting the default values of item records that are system-created through the OCLC server. The tab_z30 table, which is located in the XXX50 tab directory, defines the sublibrary, collection, item status, material type, and the OWN field, item creation, holding creation, and location that will be assigned to the new item record, based on the 049 field in the incoming bibliographic record.

The header information in tab_z30 specifies the character length of each column as well as the purpose of each column. For example, column 6 can accommodate up to 5 characters. The table can hold up to 1000 lines.

NOTE: The library’s Holding code stored in field 049 must be present in tab_z30 Column 1, otherwise records will not be loaded.

NOTE: The oclc_server program looks for CSCR-OCLC-Z30-BARCODE in tab_checksum. Make sure that such a routine is present before starting to import.

Column 1 Shelf List Code – 049. Column 1 indicates the holding code that appears in the 049 OCLC tag of bibliographic records. In a multi-ADM environment, the content of the field can only appear once within all the tab_z30 tables in the various ADM libraries.

Column 2 OWN Field. Column 2 contains data to be added to the OWN field of records received from the OCLC server. Data from this column will be used if Column 10 of tab_oclc is empty and the number 1 appears in Column 5 of tab_oclc. If both tab_z30 Column 2 and tab_oclc column 10 are empty, no OWN field will be created.

Column 3 Sublibrary Code. Column 3 lists the sublibrary of the item. (Should be the same information in tab_mapping)

Column 4 Collection Code. Column 4 shows the collection to which the item belongs. (Should be same information in tab_mapping)

Column 5 Item Status. Column 5 is the item status. (Should be a value already defined in tab15). Can be blank if column 10 is zero.

Column 6 Material Type. Column 6 is the material type code of the item. (Should be a type already defined in tab25). Can be blank if col. 10 is zero.

Column 7 not used. Not in use (leave as “N”)

Column 8 Call number of the item. Not in use (leave blank). (generic Call Number).

Column 8 specifies the item call number. Normally this column is left blank. If an institution imports numerous bibliographic records using a specific call number for a set of materials, that call number can be put in this column for the duration of the project. If this column is left empty, the call number mapped in tab_mapping is taken.

In tab_oclc (above), when there is a ‘Y’ in column 7, the system automatically creates a holdings record during the OCLC transfer process when a new bibliographic record is added. The tab_mapping file defines where information from the OCLC record is placed in the ALEPH holdings record. The table responsible, resides in the $data_tab directory of each administrative library.

Column 9 OWN GROUP Code. (Leave blank) This signals if to maintain a shared bibliographic record for two or more of the various OWN codes (in col. 2).

o If all lines share the same OWN code, leave blank. The system will maintain one bibliographic record for all identical bibliographical records.

o If some OWN codes share the same bibliographic record, and some do not, put one (arbitrary) alphanumeric code for all of the 049 codes that will share the same bibliographic record, and leave blank for the others. The system will create a separate bibliographic record for each unique OWN code who has no value in this column.

Column 10 Item Creation Method. Items creation flag: choose one of the following options:

NOTE: System generated barcodes will be generated according to last-barcode-number counter in z52 – util g/2 of each ADM.

NOTE: “additional” means any additional item in your ADM. If you want to create items for multiple collections or for multiple copies or volumes, use 2 or 4.

NOTE: Aleph documentation says: “Item records are never created automatically when a bibliographic record is being overlaid.” This translates to: During overlay of bib record that already has an item - if you chose any option in tab_z30 other than 2 or 4 and don't enter a 949 tag, no new item will be created.

0 - Do not create item/s.

1 – Create item for new records only. The system will generate a barcode.

2 - Create first and additional item/s using definitions in OCLC tags 949/852 or MARCIVE tag 949. If tag is missing (or if barcode information is missing) the system will generate a barcode. Create items even though BIB already has items.

3 - Create first item/s using definitions in OCLC tags 949/852 or MARCIVE tag 949. If tag is missing (or if barcode information is missing) the system will generate a barcode.

4 - Create first and additional item/s using definitions in OCLC tags 949/852 or MARCIVE tag 949. If tag is missing (or if barcode information is missing) do not create item/s.

5 - Create first item/s using definitions in OCLC tags 949/852 or MARCIVE tag 949. If tag is missing (or if barcode information is missing) do not create item/s.

NOTE: Item creation in OCLC load is based on two fields in the bib record:

• Field 949: (USED IN ODIN)

o Subfield $a – Barcode

o Subfield $c – Shelflist (049) code

• Field 852: (NOT used in ODIN)

o Subfield $p – Barcode

o Subfield $a – Shelflist

• Item creation in MARCIVE is based on the 949 in the BIB record:

o Subfield $b – Barcode

o Subfield $a – Shelflist (049) code

• Item is created for every 949 field+Shelflist occurrence. Check on uniqueness is performed.

Graphically, this means:

|Value: |Create first items: |Create Additional items: |Generate barcode: |

|0 |N |N |N |

|1 |Y |N |Y |

|2 |Y |Y |Y |

|3 |Y |N |Y |

|4 |Y |Y |N |

|5 |Y |N |N |

Col. 11 – HOL record creation flag: choose one of these options:

0 – Do not create HOL record

1 – Not in use (initially used to create the first HOL for new records only).

2 - Create HOL records (checking uniqueness with tag 852). Add Bracketed Info to 852 subfields $k and $m.

3 - Create HOL records (checking uniqueness with tag 852). Do not add Bracketed Info to 852 subfields $k and $m.

The report for the OCLC loader is in the server log.

The report can be seen from the Task manager. It shows, for

example, this information:

000000003 5017 New HOL created (docx SYS60.006039965)

000000004 5020 New item was created (MIT50.005042284000010)

000000001 5016 Input docx was inserted into DB (docx SYS01.005042285)

000000002 5024 New ADM created (docx MIT50.005042285)

000000003 5017 New HOL created (docx SYS60.006039966)

000000004 5020 New item was created (MIT50.005042285000010)


! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


BNGG 049## a 8520 b s/BNGG/XBIMA/ Y Y

BNGG 049## a 852 c s/BNGG/MAIN/ Y N

BNGG 050## a 852 h Y N

BNGG 050## b 852 i Y N

BNGG 090## a 852 h Y N

BNGG 090## b 852 i Y N

BNGG 086## a 8523 h Y N

BNGG 099## a 8524 j Y N

BNGD 049## a 8523 b s/BNGD/XBIMA/ Y Y

BNGD 049## a 852 c s/BNGD/MGDOC/ Y N

!BNGD 050## a 852 h Y N

!BNGD 050## b 852 i Y N

!BNGD 090## a 852 h Y N

!BNGD 090## b 852 i Y N

BNGD 086## a 8523 h Y N

BNGD 099## a 8524 j Y N

Key to tab_mapping

Each of the columns in the table above indicates how many characters the length of the column can contain. For example, column 6 can accommodate up to 30 characters.

❑ Column 1 Holding code. Column 1 specifies the OCLC 049 code of the library.

❑ Column 2 Source Code. Column 2 is the Source code from the OCLC record. These are the tags where the information is originally located. The call number tags in the example above are listed (from the top down) in the order of least preferred.

❑ Column 3 Source Subfields. Column 3 indicates the Source subfields (from within the source code fields).

❑ Column 4 Target Code. Column 4 lists the Target Code in the ALEPH Holdings record where incoming data are placed. It can also accommodate the first indicator of the 852 field (which specifies call number type) as shown in the example above.

❑ Column 5 Target Subfields. Column 5 specifies the Target subfields for the exact location of the incoming data in the ALEPH Holdings record.

❑ Column 6 Text Command. Column 6 is where textual information may be entered. For example on line 1 in the table above the formula s/BNGG/BXIMA/ instructs the system to substitute the text XBIMA for the text BNGG in subfield b of the 852 field when the data is coming from the subfield a in the 049 field of the OCLC record. On line 2 in the example above, the formula s/BNGG/MAIN/ tells the system to substitute the text MAIN for the text BNGG in subfield c of the 852 field when the data is coming from the subfield a of the 049 field in OCLC. You can also append information using an a for append which adds a prefix/suffix to the input code. For example, this line in tab_mapping:

BNGD 050 a 852 b a//


foo_BNGD_bar as 852 subfield b.

❑ Column 7 Overlay Flag. Column 7 is the overlay flag. If it is set to “Y” all incoming data will overlay any previous data. If it is set to “N” there will be no overlay of data

❑ Column 8 New Line Flag. Column 8 is the New Line Flag which can be set to “N” or “Y”. When it is set to “N” a new line is not created and, based on the value in column 7, data can be overlaid in the ALEPH Holdings record.

The tab_mapping file is essential for the automatic creation of holdings records during the import of OCLC records. The table above illustrates an institution with two OCLC holding code symbols (BNGG, the main library holding code and BNGD, the government documents holding code).

The tab_merge_overlay file defines which fields are retained when overlaying cataloging records in ALEPH. It is located in the tab directory in the XXX01 library.

1 2 3 4


01 1 N #####

01 1 Y LDR

01 1 Y 001

01 1 Y 09###

01 1 Y 5####

01 1 Y 79###



099 should be entered as 997

098 should be entered as 998

# should be entered as =

$ should be entered as _

856 has 3 choices

1) leave it out of the table, no new line is added

2) Y means overlay old with new

3) N means don’t overly with new

OCLC Connexion

Connexion is a robust package of integrated cataloging tools and services. It has two interfaces; one in the browser and the other is a client system.

To set up the client system:

1. In Connexion, from General/Preferences/Export Options, select the TCP/IP Connection option.

2. Enter an external IP for the ALEPH server and a designated port (per tab_oclc).

3. Start the oclc_server from aleph. Do not forget to export records in MARC format.

More detailed information on setting up OCLC’s Connexion is available from OCLC.

(end Excerpt)

Example of Excel spreadsheet




In Particular:

Create an export destination

Requirement: You must create at least one export destination in order to export records.

You can export records from Connexion client to:

• A file on your workstation (use the same file for all exports or specify a file name when exporting)

• A communications or print (LPT) port

• A communications connection (asynchronous or TCP/IP)

• An OCLC Gateway connection to a local system

To create a destination:

|  |Action |

|1 |On the Tools menu, click Options or press , and then click the Exporttab. |

|2 |In the Select an Export Destination list, click Create. |

|3 |In the New Export Destination window, select one of the following export destination types, and click OK. |

| |File |

| |LPT Port |

| |Connection |

| |OCLC Gateway Export |

|4 |In the window appropriate for the destination type, select settings and options, and click OK. |

| | |

| |See the list below of destination types and their settings and options for more details. |

|5 |In the Export Destination Name window, the client provides a suggested name for the destination that reflects|

| |its type and settings or location. |

| | |

| |Click OK to accept the default name, or enter a new name, and then click OK. |

| | |

| |Result: The name appears in the Select an export destination list. |

|6 |When finished, click Close to apply the settings and close the Options window. |

| |Or |

| |Click Apply to apply the settings without closing the window. |

Types of export destinations and settings

When you click Create in the Options Export tab, you select the destination type and then enter settings appropriate to the type you selected, as shown in the following table:

|If you select this export destination |In this window, enter these settings... |

|type... | |

|File |In the Export Filename window: |

| | |

| |Select a file or type a file name (for example, export.dat)in the File Name box. |

| | |

| |Note: By default the destination name contains the path name X:\Program |

| |Files\OCLC\Connexion\Program\,where X is the letter of your hard drive. You are not |

| |required to have the path name as part of the file name. |

|LPT Port |In the Export LPT Settings window: |

| | |

| |Select the LPT (parallel) port and type of translation you want to use. |

|Connection |In the Export Connection Settings window: |

|(Serial, network, or TCP/IP | |

|communications connection) |Select the type of translation your local system requires, and click Create. |

| |In the New Communication Connection window: |

| | |

| |Select Asynchronous or TCP/IP. |

| |In the Ashnchronous Settings window, accept default or change settings for port, baud|

| |rate, parity, data bits, stop bits, and flow control. |

| |In the TCP/IP Settings window, enter the name of the host system to which you export.|

| |Change other options if needed. |

| |Trouble spot. When you create a TCP/IP Connection for the first time, you may not be |

| |able to complete the process. After you enter your TCP/IP settings and click OK, the |

| |client adds the destination name to the list in the Export Connection Settings |

| |window. If the OK button is unavailable (grayed out), to complete adding your |

| |destination: |

| |Double-click the name of your destination in the Export Connection Settings window. |

| | |

| |The Export Destination Name window opens showing your destination name prefixed by |

| |Connection: |

| |Click OK. |

| | |

| |The client adds the destination to the list in the Options Export tab |

|OCLC Gateway Export |In the OCLC Gateway Export - Local System Settings window: |

| | |

| |Enter or select the settings required for your local system: |

| |Enter host name and port |

| |Select local options for exporting |

| |Enter timeout (minutes), number of retries, and delay (minutes) |

| |Select the type of local system authorization: |

| | |

| |Local system logon (logon ID and password) |

| |And/or User ID |





In particular:

Select an export method

|  |Action |

|1 |Go to the Export Options screen |

| |On the General tab, click Admin. |

| |At the Preferences screen, click Export Options. |

|2 |Specify export method |

| |On the Export Options screen, under Default Export Destination, |

| |Select Export to a File |

| |Or |

| |Select Export to a TCP/IP Connection |

|3 |Complete TCP/IP export settings |

| |If you select Export to a TCP/IP Connection, you must supply additional information. |

| |Complete optional setup for export to a file: |

| |For export to a file, no other settings are required. However, you can choose whether to create files that contain |

| |records exported by any user at your institution or by individual users. You can also specify a file name to be used|

| |when you download export files. |

|4 |Save as default or change for current session |

| |To use your modified export options for the current session only, at the top or bottom of the Export Options screen,|

| |click Save For Session. |

| |Or |

| |To use the modified options as the default for future sessions, click Save My Default. |




When you export in CatExpress you don’t receive messages like you do in the Connexion Client.



The messages from Aleph pop up in the OCLC box.

Error 5003 and 5004 need looking into

Input docx was inserted into DB (docx ODN01.006037479) – your new BIB SYS number

New ADM created (docx UND50.006037479) – your new ADM number

New HOL created (docx ODN60.007027587) – your new HOL number

New item was created (UND50.006037479) – your new default item record you need to wand your barcode into and otherwise edit as needed

You need to watch for messages. For example:

Input docx merged into ODN01.006035841 – already had a bib record

Matching HOL found – already have a HOL and it didn’t need a different one for a different Collection

Missing Holding Code SSSA in tab_mapping – either your table is wrong or you put the wrong thing in OCLC

In CatExpress your messages are rather brief.

(Example different than image)

"Lighting up the landscape : French impressionism and its origins : National Gallery of Scotland, 1 August-19 October 1986."

OCLC 5178160 successfully cataloged.

You have successfully exported record (OCLC No. 15178160).

Please select 'Download Export Files' to retrieve exported records.




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