Chart in excel 2013 pdf


Chart in excel 2013 pdf

Natee Meebian/EyeEm/Getty Images In this guide you will learn how easy it is to create an 8 column chart in Excel. You'll learn how to start with an Excel worksheet filled with data and end up with a bar chart that displays the same information in an understandable format. The instructions in this article apply to Excel 2019, 2016, 2013, and 2010. The only data you need in an Excel worksheet to create an 8-column chart are two columns that contain 8 data points. An example of this can be a list of 8 sales employees and associated sales totals for the current year. To create a chart that contains sales totals with the name, first highlight the cells from both columns that contain data (including headers), and follow these steps. Select Insert.Select Insert Column or Bar Chart to open a drop-down list. Select a 2-D column chart. Select the chart and drag the sizing handles to resize the chart. Alternatively, drag the chart to move it to a different location on your worksheet. The Chart Wizard was removed from Excel starting with the 2007 version. It has been replaced with the chart options on the ribbon, as described above. While column icons look slightly different in Excel 2013 versus Excel 2016 (icons are grayscale in 2013), the above procedure works the same way. If you have multiple columns of data, such as the year of sales and the dollar value of the sales shown in the example above, you can change which row each data series represents. To do this: Right-click any column in the column chartSelect select data to open the Select Data Source dialog box. From the Select Data Source dialog box, you can change how this row represents the data on your worksheet in several ways. Select Add to add a new data series (which will add a new column to your chart). Select Edit to change the data that each column represents in the bar chart. Select Remove to remove any column in your chart. Select any order and select the blue up or down arrows to change the order these columns appear in your chart. Format the column chartYou can change the appearance of the column chart by setting number formatting for axis values, changing the chart title, or changing the colors of the row. Change chart title: Double-click the title and type the new text. Change axis number formatting: Right-hand on the axis, click Format Axis, expand Number, and select a number format from the Category drop-down list. Line color change: Right-click any line, select Fill to open a drop-down list, and select any color you want for that order. Almost any item in a column chart can be formatted. Right-click a chart item and click Format. If you want to delve deeper into creating more complex charts or charts in Excel 2013, be sure to read the Excel 2013 bar/column chart tutorial. The process for creating a bar chart in Excel 2010 is similar to later versions, but there are

some small differences. You will start with the two columns of data containing 8 datasets. Select both columns (including headers). Select Insert.Select Column.Select the 2-D column chart from the drop-down menu. This inserts an 8-column, 2-D chart into your worksheet. When you arrange your worksheet, list the names that describe the data in a column and to the right of it, the data itself. If there is more than one data series, list them one after the other in columns with the title for each data series at the top (the header). Format the column chart You can change the appearance of the column chart in Excel 2010 by using the same steps as for Excel 2019, 2016, or 2013, but changing the color of the rows in your chart is slightly different. Right-click the line you want to changeSelect data series format. Select a color from the Color drop-down list. Selecting the row data (rows) for each row in your chart works in the same way as Excel 2019, 2016, and 2013, as described above. If you want to learn more advanced techniques for importing and formatting charts and charts in Excel 2010, read the Excel 2010/2007 bar chart/chart tutorial. By Darrin Koltow Summary Charts are graphical representations of summary data tables. These tables have at least one row that combines the numeric data of multiple previous rows. An example summary chart is a pie chart that shows a company's total sales for the last quarter, created from a table of detailed sales data for that quarter. You can use the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet application to create a summary chart after you summarize the chart data table and prepare that table for the Excel chart wizard. Open Microsoft Excel and create a new workbook by pressing CNTL-N. Press CNTL-S to save the workbook and name SummaryChartOfBookSalesByPublisher.xls when prompted. Create several sample data series that represent the sales of books by different publishers, in different types of books. Type or paste the following data into any worksheet in the workbook. Wherever you see a comma in this data, press the Tab key, which will place each item in its own cell. Publisher, Genre, Distributor, Dolphin Pub Sales. pub, romance, Amazon, $456 Dolphin Pub. pub, romance, Dynamic Dist. dist, $65 Dolphin Pub. pub, how-to, Ma and Mo dist., $87 Dolphin Pub. pub, how-to, Keeler and Son dist.,$654 Sanford Pub. pub, romance, and Mo dist., $123 Sanford Pub. pub, Romance, Keeler and Son dist.,$789 Sanford Pub. pub. pub, how-to,Ma and Mo dist.,$432 San Pubford. pub, how-to,aunt May dist.,$767 Select the data table, then click the Data tab on the main Excel toolbar. Click the Sort icon to display the dialog box with sort options. Select the following parameters for the Sort dialog box to sort publishing data by publisher names. Select Publisher in the Sort By drop-down list. Select Values in the Sort To list. Select A through Z in the Order list. Click OK to close the dialog box and sort the data by publisher. Press the key on the Excel toolbar, and then click the Subtotal icon to display the dialog box for configuring summary totals for the publisher's data. Select the following options in the Subtotal dialog box: Select Publisher for the drop-down list next to the text Each change to: Select Sum for the Use Function drop-down list. Select the Sales check box for the Add a part total to list. Select the following check boxes at the bottom of the Subtotal dialog box: Replace current subtotals Summary below the data Press OK to create the summary rows for the publisher's data. Notice that Excel has inserted bold lines into the data to add the separate sales information for each publisher. Notice the small numbered buttons (1, 2, 3) in the left pane of the Main Excel window. Press button 2 to hide the detail sales lines of the publisher's data, and display only the summary sales data for the two publishers. Select the publisher's data, and then tap Insert on the Excel toolbar to display an icon table for graphic objects that can be inserted into a worksheet. Click the Pie icon in the Charts icon group, and then select the first 3D chart icon under the 3D Pie heading. Do not include rows with the General Total or Sales column header. Notice the slices of the completed pie chart, which now display summary sales data for both publishers. Charts and charts are visual representations of worksheet data. These graphics help you understand the data in a worksheet by displaying patterns and trends that are hard to see in the data. Charts are used to visualize trends over time, and charts reflect patterns or contain information about frequency. Choose the Excel chart or chart format that best suits your needs. Instructions in this article apply to Excel 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010; Excel for Microsoft 365 and Excel Online. Pie charts (or circle charts) compare values and show results in percentages. The entire circle of a pie chart represents 100 percent. The circle is subdivided into slices that represent data values. The size of each slice is part of the 100 percent it represents. Here are some examples: A company's earnings for each month can be shown in a pie with each piece of pie representing one month as a percentage of the total profits of the year. A baseball player's batting average can be displayed with a pie chart because it represents the batting percentage compared to the total number of at-bats for a season. The percentage of your total daily calorie count that a cheese and bacon hamburger represents. Column charts, also known as bar charts, show comparisons between data. These charts show the differences between data groups. Values are displayed using a vertical row or rectangle, and each column in the chart different data group. For example: In a classroom, a bar chart shows and compares the number of students with different grades. The more students with a certain grade, the taller the bar for that grade is on the chart. Use different colored columns to visualize the calories in a cheese and bacon burger compared to the calories in a bowl of beet greens and the calories in a bowl of mac and cheese. Bar charts are column charts that have fallen to one side. Rows or columns run horizontally along the page, not vertically. The axes are also changing. The Y axis is the horizontal axis along the bottom of the chart, and the X axis runs vertically along the left side. Line charts or line charts show trends over time. Each line in the chart shows the change in the value of a data item. Similar to most other charts, line charts have a vertical axis and a horizontal axis. When you plan changes to the data over time, time is drawn along the horizontal axis or X axis, and the other data is designed as individual points along the vertical axis or Y axis. For example, use a line chart to show changes in your weight over a period of months, as a result of eating only vegetables every day for lunch. Alternatively, use a line chart to plan daily changes to specific stock prices. Line diagrams are also used to process data recorded by scientific experiments, such as how a chemical reacts to temperature or atmospheric pressure change. Scatter drawing charts show trends in the data. These charts are useful when there are a large number of data points. Like line charts, scatter drawing charts can be used to process data recorded by scientific experiments, such as how a chemical reacts to temperature or atmospheric pressure change. Line charts connect the dots or points of the data to show the change in the data over time, while a scatter design represents a best-fit line. Data points are scattered on the line. The closer the data points in the row, the stronger the correlation or effect that one variable has on the other. If the data point cluster is closer to the Best Fit bar, the scatter design displays a positive correlation to the data. If the data points are further away from the there is a negative correlation in the data. Compound charts combine two different types of charts into one screen. Typically, the two charts are a line chart and a column chart. To do this, Excel uses a third axis called a secondary Y axis that runs along the right side of the chart. Combination charts together show average monthly temperature and rainfall data, manufacturing data, such as units produced and cost of production, or monthly sales volume and average monthly sales price. Illustrators or pictograms are column charts that use images to represent data instead of columns. For example, an illustrator with hundreds of hamburger images stacked on top of each other shows how many a cheese and bacon hamburger contains compared to a small stack of pictures on beet greens. The Stock Exchange charts show information about shares or shares, such as opening and closing prices and the volume of shares traded during a particular period. There are different types of stock charts available in Excel. Each shows different information. Newer versions of Excel also include surface charts, XY Bubble (or Scatter) charts, and radar charts. The best way to learn about the different charts in Excel is to try them. Open an Excel file that contains data. Select the area you want to write. To select a range, drag from the first cell to the last cell. On the ribbon, go to Insert and select the desired chart type to see a menu with available chart formats of this type. If you don't know which chart type will work best with your data, select Online Charts to see your data formatted in different charts and charts. Hover over a chart in the list to see a preview of the chart on the worksheet. Select the chart format you want to use. The chart is added to the worksheet. To make changes to the chart, use Chart Tools (located to the right of a selected chart), or right-click the chart to select the data, select a different chart format, or format the gridlines and axis. Axis.

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