IT 121 - DePaul University

LSP 121-405

In-Class Activity 4

20 points

Due by Thursday, Oct. 1st at 11:50 AM

Answers to the following questions can be written by hand and submitted on this paper or typed into a Word document and submitted on the COL site. In either case, answers must be submitted by the start of class on Thursday, since we will go over the answers in class on Thursday.

1. Your friend sends you a secret message over a digital network using binary ASCII character codes. The message is: 01001000 01101001 00100001 00100001. What are the characters in this message?

2. What is the minimum transmission time for a 1 Mbyte database file being sent over a 1 Mbps network?

3. Download the StateTemperatures.xls file from the web site. Open a blank Access database named StateTemperatures and import the data from this Excel file into a data table named Temperatures (specify no indexes and no primary key). Go into the Design View for the Temperatures table and change the Field Size of the “State or Region” field to be 20 characters (click OK when it warns you that this may affect your data).

a. Now calculate the Minimum Database Size for this database.

i. How many fields are in each row? What is the size of each, in bytes?

ii. What is the Row Size?

iii. How many rows are in the table?

iv. What is the Table Size?

4. You just bought an 8 Gbyte iPod Nano.

a. The 8 Gbytes is equal to how many bytes of storage?

b. Given that all your songs are 128 Kbps MP3 files (requires 128,000 bits for each second of music), how many hours of music can fit on your iPod? Show your calculations.


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