Acct 2010(Berg)

Acct 2010(Berg)Quiz 12 bank reconcilliationThe May cash records of ETSU Insurance follow:Cash ReceiptsCash PaymentsDateCash Check No.Cash CreditMay 4 $ 4,1501416$ 85095401417160145601418670172,19014191,690311,87014201,45014211,2001422640ETSU’s Cash account shows a balance of $16,650 at May 31, 2017. On May 31, ETSU Insurance received the following bank statement:Bank Statement for MayBeginning Balance$14,000 Deposits and other Credits:May 1EFT$ 200 May 54,150May 10540May 15560May 182,190May 22BC1,7009,340Checks and other Debits:May 8NSF700May 11(check no. 1416)850May 19EFT400May 22(check no. 1417)160May 29(check no. 1418)670May 31(check no. 1419)1,960May 31SC10(4750)Ending Balance$18,590 Explanations: BC—bank collection; EFT—electronic funds transfer; NSF—nonsufficient funds checks; SC—service chargeNote:Adjusted balance per bank agreed with adjusted balance per books on April 30There were no deposit in transit or checks outstanding on the April Bank reconciliation.The bank did not make any errors.Instructions on the next pageInstructionsUsing the information on the previous page, prepare the May 31, 2017 bank reconciliation.Download the Excel bank reconciliation file. The file is available for download on my class website at . Failure to use this file and/or failure to follow directions will result in a grade of zero. Highlight the file link and right click on mouse button, Select Save target As option to download the file.Save the file to your hard drive or the storage source of your choice. Complete the template, entering amounts where indicated (Please note that for future use, I have allowed for more fields than may be needed for this assignment. Just use the ones you need and leave the others alone)Send me the completed quiz via the D2L dropbox.File submitted to the wrong D2L drop box folder will receive a grade of zeroDue on Tuesday, March 26th, 11:30 p.m. . . Remember, file must be virus free. Any assignment received containing a Virus receives a grade of 0. ................

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